• v20200614 db18a003fe

    Helma 20.6.14 Stable

    p3k released this 2020-05-17 20:17:39 +00:00 | 233 commits to main since this release

    • Added support for colored log output
    • Added xgettext and po2js tasks (only running with Antville right now)
    • Added support for gzip compressed response in helma.Http
    • Fixed helma.Http.getURL() not following redirects if protocol changes (e.g. http → https)
    • Fixed references to obsolete Base64 encoder in modules
    • Updated JavaMail library to implementation package


    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • dfe9c5d1a3 Fix: reference to up-to-date java mail library
    • 8edc9db372 Fix: java.net.URLConnection not following redirects from http to https
    • a5bc33db70 Fix: remaining references to obsolete sun.misc.Base64Encoder
    • 523d806b56 Fix: return an empty string if markup is null or undefined
    • c984d3c4a2 Fix: exception when trying to copy helma.xsl
    • 75f609d095 Fix: updated list of tags according to MDN
    • 5a958b2980 Fix: regression from foolishly replacing a nullstring with space


    • db18a003fe Chg: updated changelog
    • 2ba24ccea8 Chg: gitignore licenses dir
    • 244b92d750 Add: xgettext and po2js tasks
    • b91ee88304 Add: some colors to log output
    • df3af8fab1 Add: support for gzip encoded http response
    • 657f66c0ce Chg: merged parser code modified in antville app back into hopkit
    • 0bf39c8f4b Add: missing licenses for jars in helma modules
    • 2721db44ae Chg: replaced static licenses with automatically generated ones using gradle task
    • ae50bc562e Del: obsolete entity table and test method
    • 9950f4df46 Del: outdated list of and check for “all” tags

    Full Changelog: v20200321 → v20200614

    Generated by git-cliff.
