Jala 1.3

Jala 1.3

This document is the API Specification for Jala 1.3.


Jala is a Helma-based library and utility project initially developed to ease the work at ORF.at's software development department.

File Summary
all.js Wrapper for automatic inclusion of all Jala modules.
AsyncRequest.js Fields and methods of the jala.AsyncRequest class.
BitTorrent.js Fields and methods of the jala.BitTorrent class.
Captcha.js Fields and methods of the jala.Captcha class.
Database.js Fields and methods of the jala.db package.
Date.js Fields and methods of the jala.Date class.
DnsClient.js Fields and methods of the jala.DnsClient class.
Form.js This class can be used to render forms and to validate and store user submits.
Global.js Fields and methods of the Global prototype.
History.js Fields and methods of the jala.History class.
HopObject.js Additional fields and methods of the HopObject class.
HtmlDocument.js Fields and methods of the jala.HtmlDocument class.
I18n.js Methods and macros for internationalization of Helma applications.
ImageFilter.js Fields and methods of the jala.ImageFilter class.
IndexManager.js Fields and methods of the jala.IndexManager class.
ListRenderer.js Fields and methods of the jala.ListRenderer class.
Mp3.js Fields and methods of the jala.audio package.
PodcastWriter.js Fields and methods of the jala.PodcastWriter class.
RemoteContent.js Fields and methods of the jala.RemoteContent class.
Rss20Writer.js Fields and methods of the jala.Rss20Writer class.
Utilities.js Fields and methods of the jala.Utilities class.
XmlRpcRequest.js Fields and methods of the jala.XmlRpcRequest class.
XmlWriter.js Fields and methods of the jala.XmlWriter class.

Jala 1.3

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Tue Jan 8 15:45:31 2008