Jala 1.3



This class can be used to render forms and to validate and store user submits. Further types of form components can be added by subclassing jala.Form.Component.Input.

Class Summary
jala.Form A class that renders forms, validates submitted form data and stores the data in a specified object.
jala.Form.Component.Button Subclass of jala.Form.Component.Input which renders a button.
jala.Form.Component.Checkbox Subclass of jala.Form.Component.Input which renders and validates a checkbox.
jala.Form.Component.Date Subclass of jala.Form.Component.Input which renders and validates a date editor.
jala.Form.Component.Fieldset Instances of this class represent a form fieldset containing numerous form components
jala.Form.Component.File Subclass of jala.Form.Component.Input which renders and validates a file upload.
jala.Form.Component.Hidden Subclass of jala.Form.Component.Input which renders and validates a hidden input tag.
jala.Form.Component.Image Subclass of jala.Form.Component.File which renders a file upload and validates uploaded files as images.
jala.Form.Component.Input Instances of this class represent a single form input field.
jala.Form.Component.Password Subclass of jala.Form.Component.Input which renders and validates a password input tag.
jala.Form.Component.Radio Subclass of jala.Form.Component.Input which renders and validates a set of radio buttons.
jala.Form.Component.Select Subclass of jala.Form.Component.Input which renders and validates a dropdown element.
jala.Form.Component.Skin Subclass of jala.Form.Component that allows rendering a skin within a form.
jala.Form.Component.Submit Subclass of jala.Form.Component.Button which renders a submit button.
jala.Form.Component.Textarea Subclass of jala.Form.Component.Input which renders and validates a textarea input field.
jala.Form.Tracker Instances of this class can contain error-messages and values

Jala 1.3

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Tue Jan 8 15:45:31 2008