Jala 1.3

Class jala.Form.Component.Image


class jala.Form.Component.Image
extends jala.Form.Component.File

Subclass of jala.Form.Component.File which renders a file upload and validates uploaded files as images.
Defined in Form.js

Constructor Summary
jala.Form.Component.Image ()
            Creates a new Image component instance
Method Summary
 String checkRequirements(<Object> reqData)
           Validates an image upload by making sure it's there (if REQUIRE is set), checking the file size, the content type and by trying to construct an image.
Methods inherited from class jala.Form.Component.File
Methods inherited from class jala.Form.Component.Input
validate, save, getValue, setValue, render, renderError, renderLabel, renderHelp, render_macro, controls_macro, error_macro, label_macro, help_macro, id_macro, name_macro, type_macro, class_macro, getControlAttributes, checkLength, parseValue

Constructor Detail



Method Detail


String checkRequirements(<Object> reqData)

Jala 1.3

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Tue Jan 8 15:45:31 2008