Jala 1.3

Class jala.Form.Component.File

Direct Known Subclasses:

class jala.Form.Component.File
extends jala.Form.Component.Input

Subclass of jala.Form.Component.Input which renders and validates a file upload.
Defined in Form.js

Constructor Summary
jala.Form.Component.File (<String> name)
            Creates a new File component instance
Method Summary
 String checkRequirements(<Object> reqData)
           Validates a file upload by making sure it's there (if REQUIRE is set), checking the file size, the content type and by trying to construct an image.
 void renderControls(<Object> attr, <Object> value, <Object> reqData)
           Renders a file input tag to the response.
Methods inherited from class jala.Form.Component.Input
validate, save, getValue, setValue, render, renderError, renderLabel, renderHelp, render_macro, controls_macro, error_macro, label_macro, help_macro, id_macro, name_macro, type_macro, class_macro, getControlAttributes, checkLength, parseValue

Constructor Detail


jala.Form.Component.File(<String> name)

Method Detail


String checkRequirements(<Object> reqData)


void renderControls(<Object> attr, <Object> value, <Object> reqData)

Jala 1.3

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Tue Jan 8 15:45:31 2008