2008-10-15 09:36:24 +00:00
main * Add IPv6 localhost to default allowAdmin addresses, remove Enhance comment. 2006-05-26 12:48:24 +00:00
README.txt * Removed old and obsolete ant infrastructure. Developers are now required to 2007-02-08 09:26:42 +00:00

This is the README file for the Helma build files as part of the Helma Object Publisher.


The Helma build script is uses Apache Ant. 
For more information about Ant, see <http://ant.apache.org/>.

For checking out the source files from Helma's CVS you also need a CVS client. 
More information about CVS at <http://www.cvshome.org/>.


The build system is started by invoking the shell script appropriate to your 
platform, ie. build.sh for *nix (Linux, NetBSD etc.) and build.bat for Windows 
systems. You need to modify the script and set the JAVA_HOME to fit your system.

The generic syntax is

    ant target

The parameter "target" specifies one of the build targets listed below.


    Compiles the source files contained in the work/checkout/hop/ directory into the work/classes/ directory (which will be created if necessary).

    Creates a helma.jar file (snapshot) in the lib-directory. The file is named helma-yyyymmdd.jar.

    Creates the javadoc API documentation.

    Creates the full helma distribution packages and places them in the dist directory.

app [name]
    Gets an application from the cvs, zips/targzs it and places the files in the dist directory.

module [name]
    Gets a module from the cvs, zips it and places the file in the dist directory.
