2002-07-16 15:37:07 +00:00
antclick checkin of mckoi database configuration file. 2002-07-16 13:56:28 +00:00
main Removed rmi.zip from classpath. 2002-07-11 12:40:30 +00:00
ant.jar update to version 1.5b3 of ant 2002-06-27 13:12:21 +00:00
build.bat commented out the line setting JAVA_HOME 2002-06-18 13:49:53 +00:00
build.sh commented out JAVA_HOME assignment which overwrites preexisting environment variable. 2002-07-16 13:39:03 +00:00
build.xml create images dir (although this doesn't seem to be necessary) 2002-07-16 15:37:07 +00:00
crimson.jar initial check-in 2001-10-29 20:04:41 +00:00
jaxp.jar Updated to Ant 1.4.1 2001-10-22 16:41:07 +00:00
README test 2002-06-18 09:20:10 +00:00

This is the README file for the Helma build files as part of the Helma Object Publisher. It is included in the current distribution (version 1.2pre as of 8 November 2001) downloadable at <http://helma.org/download>.

The build directory consists of the following files:



The Helma build script is using a software called Ant. Ant is a build system that was developed for the Jakarta Tomcat project. For more information about Ant, see <http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/>.

To run Ant, you also need JDK 1.3 or higher <http://java.sun.com/j2se/>.

For checking out the source files from Helma's CVS you also need a local installation of a CVS command-line client. More information about CVS at <http://www.cvshome.org/>.


The build system is started by invoking the shell script appropriate to your platform, ie. build.sh for *nix (Linux, NetBSD etc.) and build.bat for Windows systems. You need to modify the script and set the JAVA_HOME to fit your system.

The generic syntax is

	./build target

The parameter "target" specifies one of the following build targets.


To build a helma.jar with the most up-to-date version of helma yourself you need to run

./build checkout


./build snapshot


    Fetches (or updates, resp.) the Helma source code in the src/-directory from the CVS. If you've still got the sourcecode that came with the distribution in there, you need to move that away first.

	Runs snapshotcompile and stuffs the class files as .jar archive in the lib directory. The file is named helma-yyyymmdd.jar.

	Compiles the source files contained in the src/hop directory into the classes directory (which will be created if necessary). You can use the source files from your distribution or you can get the most recent version by checking out the "hop"-module from the cvs.

	Fetches (or updates, resp.) everything that's needed to create a full Helma distribution (source files, build files, libs, demo-apps) from the CVS and copies them into the work/checkout/ directory (which will be created if necessary).

	Compiles the source files contained in the work/checkout/hop/ directory into the work/classes/ directory (which will be created if necessary).

	Stuffs the files in work/classes/ together and saves them as .jar archive in the work directory. The file is named helma-yyyymmdd.jar.
	Creates the Java API documentation for the Helma classes. The resulting files are saved into the work/docs/api/ directory (which will be created if necessary).

	Gets the documentation from helma.org via http in a printable version. (still some way to go..)

	Builds all previous targets (checkout, compile, jar, javadoc) and saves the created files in the directory work/helma-1.x/ (with 1.x being the version number). All directories will be created if necessary.

	Same as "package". Additionally, the files in the output directory will be compressed as .zip file.

	Same as "package". Additionall, the file in the output directory will be compressed as .tar.gz file.

	Builds all previous targets. The result is a complete and up-to-date (as in the CVS) installation of Helma, the API documentation, source and build files as well as compressed packages for *nix and Windows systems including all the files.


This README was last updated on 26 April 2002. Questions? tobi@helma.org