319 lines
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319 lines
11 KiB
// ESArrayWrapper.java
// FESI Copyright (c) Jean-Marc Lugrin, 1999
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package FESI.Data;
import FESI.Exceptions.*;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Date;
import FESI.Interpreter.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
// Class to wrap a Java array as an EcmaScript object
public class ESArrayWrapper extends ESObject {
// The java array
protected Object javaArray;
* Create a new array wrapper
* @param javaArray the java array to wrap
* @param evaluator the evaluator
public ESArrayWrapper(Object javaArray, Evaluator evaluator) {
super(null, evaluator);
this.javaArray = javaArray;
if (!javaArray.getClass().isArray()) {
throw new ProgrammingError("Array wrapper used on non array object");
// overrides
public ESObject getPrototype() {
throw new ProgrammingError("Cannot get prototype of Array Wrapper");
// overrides
public String getESClassName() {
return "Java Array";
// overrides
public int getTypeOf() {
return EStypeObject;
// overrides
public void putProperty(String propertyName, ESValue propertyValue, int hash)
throws EcmaScriptException {
if (propertyName.equals("length")) {
int length = (int) (((ESPrimitive) propertyValue).doubleValue());
if (length<0) {
throw new EcmaScriptException("Invalid length value: " + propertyValue);
throw new EcmaScriptException("length of Java Arrays is immutable");
} else {
int index = -1; // indicates not a valid index value
try {
index = Integer.parseInt(propertyName); // should be uint
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (index<0) {
throw new EcmaScriptException("Java Arrays accept only index properties");
} else {
putProperty(index, propertyValue);
// overrides
public void putProperty(int index, ESValue propertyValue)
throws EcmaScriptException {
int l = Array.getLength(javaArray);
if (index>=l || index<0) {
throw new EcmaScriptException("Index " + index + " outside of Java Arrays size of " + l);
Object obj = propertyValue.toJavaObject();
try {
Array.set(javaArray, index, obj);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
String type = "null";
if (obj!=null) type = ESLoader.typeName(obj.getClass());
throw new EcmaScriptException("Cannot store a " + type +
" in the java array " + ESLoader.typeName(javaArray.getClass()));
// overrides
public ESValue getPropertyInScope(String propertyName, ScopeChain previousScope, int hash)
throws EcmaScriptException {
if (propertyName.equals("length")) {
return new ESNumber(Array.getLength(javaArray));
// Do not examine the integer values...
if (previousScope == null) {
throw new EcmaScriptException("global variable '" + propertyName + "' does not have a value");
} else {
return previousScope.getValue(propertyName, hash);
// overrides
public ESValue getProperty(String propertyName, int hash)
throws EcmaScriptException {
if (propertyName.equals("length")) {
return new ESNumber(Array.getLength(javaArray));
} else {
int index = -1; // indicates not a valid index value
try {
index = Integer.parseInt(propertyName); // should be uint
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (index<0) {
throw new EcmaScriptException("Java Arrays accept only index properties");
} else {
return getProperty(index);
// overrides
public ESValue getProperty(int index)
throws EcmaScriptException {
Object theElement = null;
int l = Array.getLength(javaArray);
if (index>=l || index<0) {
throw new EcmaScriptException("Java Array index " + index + " is out of range " + l);
theElement = Array.get(javaArray,index);
return ESLoader.normalizeValue(theElement, evaluator);
// overrides
public boolean hasProperty(String propertyName, int hash)
throws EcmaScriptException {
if (propertyName.equals("length")) {
return true;
} else {
int index = -1; // indicates not a valid index value
try {
index = Integer.parseInt(propertyName); // should be uint
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (index<0) {
return false;
} else {
return (index>=0) && (index<Array.getLength(javaArray));
// overrides
// Skip elements which were never set (are null), as Netscape
public Enumeration getProperties() {
return new Enumeration() {
int nextIndex = 0;
int length = Array.getLength(javaArray);
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
while ( (nextIndex<length) &&
(Array.get(javaArray,nextIndex) == null))
return nextIndex<length;
public Object nextElement() {
if (hasMoreElements()) {
return new ESNumber(nextIndex++);
} else {
throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();
* Get all properties (including hidden ones), for the command
* @listall of the interpreter.
* <P>An ESArrayWrapper has no prototype, but it has the hidden property LENGTH.
* @return An enumeration of all properties (visible and hidden).
public Enumeration getAllProperties() {
return new Enumeration() {
String [] specialProperties = getSpecialPropertyNames();
int specialEnumerator = 0;
Enumeration props = properties.keys(); // all of object properties
String currentKey = null;
int currentHash = 0;
int nextIndex = 0;
int length = Array.getLength(javaArray);
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
// OK if we already checked for a property and one exists
if (currentKey != null) return true;
// loop on index properties
if (nextIndex<length) {
while ( (nextIndex<length) &&
(Array.get(javaArray,nextIndex) == null))
// ignore null entries
if (nextIndex<length) {
currentKey = Integer.toString(nextIndex);
currentHash = currentKey.hashCode();
return true;
// Loop on special properties first
if (specialEnumerator < specialProperties.length) {
currentKey = specialProperties[specialEnumerator];
currentHash = currentKey.hashCode();
return true;
// loop on standard or prototype properties
if (props.hasMoreElements()) {
currentKey = (String) props.nextElement();
currentHash = currentKey.hashCode();
return true;
return false;
public Object nextElement() {
if (hasMoreElements()) {
String key = currentKey;
currentKey = null;
return key;
} else {
throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();
// overrides
public String[] getSpecialPropertyNames() {
String [] ns = {"length"};
return ns;
// overrides
public boolean isHiddenProperty(String propertyName, int hash) {
return false;
// overrides
public void putHiddenProperty(String propertyName, ESValue propertyValue)
throws EcmaScriptException {
throw new ProgrammingError("Cannot put hidden property in " + this);
// overrides
public boolean deleteProperty(String propertyName, int hash)
throws EcmaScriptException {
return !hasProperty(propertyName, hash); // none can be deleted
// overrides
public ESValue getDefaultValue(int hint)
throws EcmaScriptException {
if (hint == EStypeString) {
return new ESString(javaArray.toString());
} else {
throw new EcmaScriptException ("No default value for " + this +
" and hint " + hint);
public ESValue getDefaultValue()
throws EcmaScriptException {
return this.getDefaultValue(EStypeString);
// overrides
public double doubleValue() {
double d = Double.NaN;
return d;
// overrides
public boolean booleanValue() {
return true;
// overrides
public String toString() {
return (javaArray == null) ? "<?Array Wrapper to null?>" : "[object JavaArray]";
// overrides
public Object toJavaObject() {
return javaArray;
//public String getTypeofString() {
// return "JavaArray";
// overrides
public String toDetailString() {
return "ES:[" + getESClassName() + ":" + javaArray.toString() + "]";
} |