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// Jala Project [http://opensvn.csie.org/traccgi/jala]
// Copyright 2004 ORF Online und Teletext GmbH
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ``License'');
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an ``AS IS'' BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// $Revision$
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// $HeadURL$
* @fileoverview Fields and methods of the jala.IndexManager class.
// Define the global namespace for Jala modules
if (!global.jala) {
global.jala = {};
* HelmaLib dependencies
* Constructs a new IndexManager object.
* @class This class basically sits on top of a helma.Search.Index instance
* and provides methods for adding, removing and optimizing the underlying index.
* All methods generate jobs that are put into an internal queue which is
* processed asynchronously by a separate worker thread. This means all calls
* to add(), remove() and optimize() will return immediately, but the changes to
* the index will be done within a short delay. Please keep in mind to change the
* status of this IndexManager instance to REBUILDING before starting to rebuild
* the index, as this ensures that all add/remove/optimize jobs will stay in the
* queue and will only be processed after switching the status back to NORMAL.
* This ensures that objects that have been modified during a rebuilding process
* are re-indexed properly afterwards.
* @param {String} name The name of the index, which is the name of the directory
* the index already resides or will be created in.
* @param {helma.File} dir The base directory where this index's directory
* is already existing or will be created in. If not specified a RAM directory
* is used.
* @param {String} lang The language of the documents in this index. This leads
* to the proper Lucene analyzer being used for indexing documents.
* @constructor
* @see helma.Search.createIndex
jala.IndexManager = function IndexManager(name, dir, lang) {
* Private variable containing the worker thread
* @private
var thread = null;
* Private flag indicating that the worker thread should stop
* @type Boolean
* @private
var interrupted = false;
* Private variable containing the index managed by
* this IndexManager instance.
* @private
var index = null;
* Private variable containing a status indicator.
* @type Number
* @private
var status = jala.IndexManager.NORMAL;
* Synchronized linked list that functions as a queue for
* asynchronous processing of index manipulation jobs.
* @type java.util.LinkedList
* @private
* @see jala.IndexManager.Job
var queue = java.util.Collections.synchronizedList(new java.util.LinkedList());
* The name of the unique identifier field in the index. Defaults to "id".
* @type String
* @private
var idFieldname = "id";
* The index directory
* @type Packages.org.apache.lucene.store.Directory
* @private
var indexDirectory = null;
* The searcher utilized by {@link #search}
* @type jala.IndexManager.Searcher
* @private
var searcher = null;
* Returns the directory of the underlying index
* @returns The directory of the underlying index
* @type Packages.org.apache.lucene.store.Directory
this.getDirectory = function() {
return indexDirectory;
* Returns the underlying index.
* @returns The index this queue is working on.
* @type helma.Search.Index
this.getIndex = function() {
return index;
* Returns the status of this manager.
* @returns The status of this index manager.
* @type Number
* @see #NORMAL
this.getStatus = function() {
return status;
* Modifies the status of this manager, which has implications
* on how index modifying jobs are handled. If the status
* is {@link #REBUILDING}, all jobs are queued until the status
* is set back to {@link #NORMAL}.
* @param {Number} s The new status of this manager.
* @see #NORMAL
this.setStatus = function(s) {
status = s;
* Returns the queue this index manager is using.
* @returns The queue.
* @type java.util.LinkedList
this.getQueue = function() {
return queue;
* Returns the name of the index manger, which
* is equal to the name of the underlying index
* @returns The name of the index manager
* @type String
this.getName = function() {
return name;
* Returns the name of the field containing the unique identifier
* of document objects in the index wrapped by this IndexManager.
* Defaults to "id".
* @returns The name of the id field in the index
* @type String
* @see #setIdFieldname
this.getIdFieldname = function() {
return idFieldname;
* Sets the name of the field containing the unique identifier
* of document objects in the index wrapped by this IndexManager.
* @see #getIdFieldname
this.setIdFieldname = function(name) {
idFieldname = name;
* Returns true if the underlying index is currently optimized.
* @returns True in case the index is optimized, false otherwise.
* @type Boolean
this.hasOptimizingJob = function() {
for (var i=0; i<queue.size(); i++) {
if (queue.get(i).type == jala.IndexManager.Job.OPTIMIZE) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the underlying index is currently rebuilding.
* @returns True in case the index is rebuilding, false otherwise.
* @type Boolean
this.isRebuilding = function() {
return status == jala.IndexManager.REBUILDING;
* Starts the IndexManager worker thread that processes the job queue
this.start = function() {
if (!this.isRunning()) {
interrupted = false;
thread = app.invokeAsync(this, function() {
while (interrupted === false) {
if (this.getStatus() != jala.IndexManager.REBUILDING && !queue.isEmpty()) {
var job = queue.remove(0);
if (this.processJob(job) === false) {
// processing job failed, check if we should re-add
if (job.errors < jala.IndexManager.MAXTRIES) {
// increment error counter and put back into queue
job.errors += 1;
} else {
this.log("error", "error during queue flush: tried " +
jala.IndexManager.MAXTRIES + " times to handle " +
job.type + " job " + ", giving up.");
this.log("debug", "remaining jobs " + queue.size());
// if no more jobs are waiting, optimize the index and re-open
// the index searcher to make changes visible
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
var start = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
this.log("optimized index in " + jala.IndexManager.getRuntime(start) + " ms");
} catch (e) {
this.log("error", "Unable to optimize index or re-open searcher, reason: " + e.toString());
} else {
// wait for 100ms before checking again
return true;
}, [], -1);
this.log("started successfully");
} else {
this.log("already running");
* Stops this IndexManager instance. This function waits for 10 seconds
* maximum for the worker thread to stop.
* @returns True if the worker thread stopped successfully, false otherwise
* @type Boolean
this.stop = function() {
interrupted = true;
var result;
if ((result = this.isRunning()) === true) {
if ((result = thread.waitForResult(10000)) === true) {
thread = null;
this.log("stopped successfully");
} else {
result = false;
this.log("error", "unable to stop");
} else {
this.log("info", "already stopped");
return result;
* Returns true if this IndexManager instance is running
* @returns True if this IndexManager instance is running, false otherwise.
* @type Boolean
this.isRunning = function() {
if (thread != null) {
return thread.running;
return false;
* Read only reference containing the running status of this IndexManager
* @type Boolean
this.running; // for api documentation only, is overwritten by getter below
this.__defineGetter__("running", function() {
return this.isRunning()
* Read only reference containing the number of pending jobs
* @type Number
this.pending; // for api documentation only, is overwritten by getter below
this.__defineGetter__("pending", function() {
return queue.size()
* Initializes the searcher
* @private
this.initSearcher = function() {
searcher = new Packages.org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher(indexDirectory);
* Returns the searcher of this index manager
* @returns The searcher of this index manager
* @type org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher
* @private
this.getSearcher = function() {
if (searcher === null) {
return searcher;
* Main constructor body. Initializes the underlying index.
var search = new helma.Search();
var analyzer = helma.Search.getAnalyzer(lang);
if (dir != null) {
indexDirectory = search.getDirectory(new helma.File(dir, name));
this.log("created/mounted " + indexDirectory);
} else {
indexDirectory = search.getRAMDirectory();
this.log("created new RAM directory");
index = search.createIndex(indexDirectory, analyzer);
return this;
* Constant defining the maximum number of tries to add/remove
* an object to/from the underlying index.
* @type Number
* @final
jala.IndexManager.MAXTRIES = 10;
* Constant defining normal mode of this index manager.
* @type Number
* @final
jala.IndexManager.NORMAL = 1;
* Constant defining rebuilding mode of this index manager.
* @type Number
* @final
jala.IndexManager.REBUILDING = 2;
* Returns the milliseconds elapsed between the current timestamp
* and the one passed as argument.
* @returns The elapsed time in millis.
* @type Number
* @private
jala.IndexManager.getRuntime = function(millis) {
return java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() - millis;
/** @ignore */
jala.IndexManager.prototype.toString = function() {
return "[" + this.constructor.name + " '" + this.getName() + "' (" +
this.pending + " objects queued)]";
* Helper function that prefixes every log message with
* the name of the IndexManager.
* @param {String} level An optional logging level. Accepted values
* @param {String} msg The log message
* are "debug", "info", "warn" and "error".
jala.IndexManager.prototype.log = function(/* msg, level */) {
var level = "info", message;
if (arguments.length == 2) {
level = arguments[0];
message = arguments[1];
} else {
message = arguments[0];
app.logger[level]("[" + this.constructor.name + " '" +
this.getName() + "'] " + message);
* Static helper method that returns the value of the "id"
* field of a document object.
* @param {helma.Search.Document} doc The document whose id
* should be returned.
* @private
jala.IndexManager.prototype.getDocumentId = function(doc) {
try {
return doc.getField(this.getIdFieldname()).value;
} catch (e) {
// ignore
return null;
* Queues the document object passed as argument for addition to the underlying
* index. This includes that all existing documents with the same identifier will
* be removed before the object passed as argument is added.
* @param {helma.Search.Document} doc The document object that should be
* added to the underlying index.
* @returns True if the job was added successfully to the internal queue,
* false otherwise.
* @type Boolean
* @see helma.Search.Document
jala.IndexManager.prototype.add = function(doc) {
var id;
if (!doc) {
this.log("error", "missing document object to add");
return false;
} else if ((id = this.getDocumentId(doc)) == null) {
this.log("error", "document doesn't contain an Id field '" +
this.getIdFieldname() + "'");
return false;
// the job's callback function which actually adds the document to the index
var callback = function() {
var start = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
this.getIndex().updateDocument(doc, this.getIdFieldname());
this.log("debug", "added document with Id " + id +
" to index in " + jala.IndexManager.getRuntime(start) + " ms");
var job = new jala.IndexManager.Job(jala.IndexManager.Job.ADD, callback);
this.log("debug", "queued adding document " + id + " to index");
return true;
* Queues the removal of all index documents whose identifier value ("id" by default)
* matches the number passed as argument.
* @param {Number} id The identifier value
* @returns True if the removal job was added successfully to the queue, false
* otherwise.
* @type Boolean
jala.IndexManager.prototype.remove = function(id) {
if (id === null || isNaN(id)) {
this.log("error", "missing or invalid document id to remove");
return false;
// the job's callback function which actually removes all documents
// with the given id from the index
var callback = function() {
var start = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
this.getIndex().removeDocument(this.getIdFieldname(), parseInt(id, 10));
this.log("debug", "removed document with Id " + id +
" from index in " + jala.IndexManager.getRuntime(start) + " ms");
var job = new jala.IndexManager.Job(jala.IndexManager.Job.REMOVE, callback);
this.log("debug", "queued removal of document with Id " + id);
return true;
* Queues the optimization of the underlying index. Normally there is no need
* to call this method explicitly, as the index will be optimized after all
* queued jobs have been processed.
* @returns True if the optimizing job was added, false otherwise, which means
* that there is already an optimizing job waiting in the queue.
* @type Boolean
jala.IndexManager.prototype.optimize = function() {
if (this.hasOptimizingJob()) {
return false;
var callback = function() {
var start = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
this.log("optimized index in " + jala.IndexManager.getRuntime(start) + " ms");
// re-open index searcher, so that changes are seen
var job = new jala.IndexManager.Job(jala.IndexManager.Job.OPTIMIZE, callback);
this.log("debug", "queued index optimization");
return true;
* Processes a single queued job
* @param {Object} job
* @private
jala.IndexManager.prototype.processJob = function(job) {
this.log("debug", job.type + " job has been in queue for " +
jala.IndexManager.getRuntime(job.createtime.getTime()) +
" ms, processing now...");
try {
} catch (e) {
this.log("error", "Exception while processing job " + job.type + ": " + e);
return false;
return true;
* Searches the underlying index using the searcher of this index manager
* @param {helma.Search.Query|org.apache.lucene.search.Query} query The query
* to execute. Can be either an instance of helma.Search.Query, or an instance
* of org.apache.lucene.search.Query
* @param {helma.Search.QueryFilter|org.apache.lucene.search.Filter} filter
* An optional query filter
* @param {Array} sortFields An optional array containing
* org.apache.lucene.search.SortField instances to use for sorting the result
* @returns A HitCollection containing the search results
* @type helma.Search.HitCollection
jala.IndexManager.prototype.search = function(query, filter, sortFields) {
var pkg = Packages.org.apache.lucene;
if (query == null || (!(query instanceof helma.Search.Query) &&
!(query instanceof pkg.search.Query))) {
throw "jala.IndexManager search(): missing or invalid query";
} else if (query instanceof helma.Search.Query) {
// unwrap query
query = query.getQuery();
if (filter != null && filter instanceof helma.Search.QueryFilter) {
// unwrap filter
filter = filter.getFilter();
var searcher = this.getSearcher();
var analyzer = this.getIndex().getAnalyzer();
var hits;
if (sortFields != null && sortFields.length > 0) {
// convert the array with sortfields to a java array
var arr = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(pkg.search.SortField, sortFields.length);
sortFields.forEach(function(sortField, idx) {
arr[idx] = sortField;
var sort = pkg.search.Sort(arr);
if (filter) {
hits = searcher.search(query, filter, sort);
} else {
hits = searcher.search(query, sort);
} else if (filter) {
hits = searcher.search(query, filter);
} else {
hits = searcher.search(query);
this.log("debug", "Query: " + query.toString());
return new helma.Search.HitCollection(hits);
* Parses the query string passed as argument into a lucene Query instance
* @param {String} queryStr The query string to parse
* @param {Array} fields An array containing the names of the files to search in
* @param {Object} boostMap An optional object containing properties whose name denotes
* the name of the field to boost in the query, and the value the boost value.
* @returns The query
* @type org.apache.lucene.search.Query
jala.IndexManager.prototype.parseQuery = function(queryStr, fields, boostMap) {
if (queryStr == null || typeof(queryStr) !== "string") {
throw "IndexManager.parseQuery(): missing or invalid query string";
if (fields == null || fields.constructor !== Array || fields.length < 1) {
throw "IndexManager.parseQuery(): missing fields argument";
var query = null;
var analyzer = this.getIndex().getAnalyzer();
var pkg = Packages.org.apache.lucene;
var map = null;
if (boostMap != null) {
// convert the javascript object into a HashMap
map = new java.util.HashMap();
for (var name in boostMap) {
map.put(name, new java.lang.Float(boostMap[name]));
var parser;
try {
if (fields.length > 1) {
parser = new pkg.queryParser.MultiFieldQueryParser(fields, analyzer, map);
} else {
parser = new pkg.queryParser.QueryParser(fields, analyzer);
query = parser.parse(queryStr);
} catch (e) {
// ignore, but write a message to debug log
app.logger.debug("Unable to construct search query '" + queryStr +
"', reason: " + e);
return query;
* Parses the query passed as argument and returns a caching filter. If an array
* with more than one query strings is passed as argument, this method constructs
* a boolean query filter where all queries in the array must match.
* @param {String|Array} query Either a query string, or an array containing
* one or more query strings
* @param {org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer} analyzer Optional analyzer
* to use when parsing the filter query
* @returns A caching query filter
* @type org.apache.lucene.search.CachingWrapperFilter
jala.IndexManager.prototype.parseQueryFilter = function(query, analyzer) {
var filter = null;
if (query != null) {
var pkg = Packages.org.apache.lucene;
// use the index' analyzer if none has been specified
if (analyzer == null) {
analyzer = this.getIndex().getAnalyzer();
var parser = new pkg.queryParser.QueryParser("", analyzer);
var filterQuery;
try {
if (query.constructor === Array) {
if (query.length > 1) {
filterQuery = new pkg.search.BooleanQuery();
filterQuery.add(parser.parse(queryStr), pkg.search.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
}, this);
} else {
filterQuery = parser.parse(query[0]);
} else {
filterQuery = parser.parse(query);
filter = new pkg.search.CachingWrapperFilter(new pkg.search.QueryWrapperFilter(filterQuery));
} catch (e) {
app.logger.debug("Unable to parse query filter '" + query + "', reason: " + e);
return filter;
***** J O B *****
* Creates a new Job instance.
* @class Instances of this class represent a single index
* manipulation job to be processed by the index manager.
* @param {Number} id The Id of the job
* @param {Number} type The type of job, which can be either
* jala.IndexManager.Job.ADD, jala.IndexManager.Job.REMOVE
* or jala.IndexManager.Job.OPTIMIZE.
* @param {Object} data The data needed to process the job.
* @returns A newly created Job instance.
* @constructor
* @see jala.IndexManager.Job
jala.IndexManager.Job = function(type, callback) {
* The type of the job
* @type Number
this.type = type;
* The data needed to process this job. For adding jobs this property
* must contain the {@link helma.Search.Document} instance to add to
* the index. For removal job this property must contain the unique identifier
* of the document that should be removed from the index. For optimizing
* jobs this property is null.
this.callback = callback;
* An internal error counter which is increased whenever processing
* the job failed.
* @type Number
* @see jala.IndexManager.MAXTRIES
this.errors = 0;
* The date and time at which this job was created.
* @type Date
this.createtime = new Date();
return this;
/** @ignore */
jala.IndexManager.Job.prototype.toString = function() {
return "[Job (type: " + this.type + ")]";
* Constant defining an add job
* @type Number
* @final
jala.IndexManager.Job.ADD = "add";
* Constant defining a removal job
* @type Number
* @final
jala.IndexManager.Job.REMOVE = "remove";
* Constant defining an optimizing job
* @type Number
* @final
jala.IndexManager.Job.OPTIMIZE = "optimize";