hns 0fea66820e Update to new extended start scripts from Antclick distribution.
Including jetty.jar and servlet.jar into the classpath.
2002-07-24 18:45:56 +00:00

17 lines
604 B
Executable file

@echo off
rem Batch file for starting Hop with a JDK-like virtual machine.
rem Set Helma TCP ports
set WEB_PORT=8080
set XMLRPC_PORT=8081
rem Set Classpath
set JARS=lib\helma.jar;lib\crimson.jar;lib\village.jar;lib\servlet.jar;lib\jetty.jar
set JARS=%JARS%;lib\regexp.jar;lib\netcomponents.jar;lib\jimi.jar;lib\apache-dom.jar
set JARS=%JARS%;lib\mail.jar;lib\activation.jar;lib\mysql.jar;lib\jdom.jar;lib\minml.jar
echo Starting Web server on port %WEB_PORT%
echo Starting XML-RPC server on port %XMLRPC_PORT%
java -classpath %JARS% helma.main.Server -w %WEB_PORT% -x %XMLRPC_PORT%