may or may not return a scriptable object, depending on whether the object's class name is defined in
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// FESI Copyright (c) Jean-Marc Lugrin, 1999
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package FESI.Data;
import FESI.Exceptions.*;
import FESI.Interpreter.*;
import FESI.jslib.JSFunction;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.EventListener;
* Implements the common functionality of package(object) and beans loaders
public abstract class ESLoader extends ESObject {
// Debug support
static protected boolean debugJavaAccess = false;
public static void setDebugJavaAccess(boolean b) {
debugJavaAccess = b;
static public boolean isDebugJavaAccess() {
return debugJavaAccess;
static protected boolean debugLoader = false;
public static void setDebugLoader(boolean b) {
debugLoader = b;
static public boolean isDebugLoader() {
return debugLoader;
// Incremental package name
protected String packageName = null;
protected ESLoader previousPackage = null;
protected LocalClassLoader classLoader = null;
// the non compatible flag
static private CompatibilityDescriptor nonCompatible =
new CompatibilityDescriptor(-1, null, null);
* To contruct the Bean or Package object
public ESLoader(Evaluator evaluator) {
super(null, evaluator);
* To construct a bean or package sub-object (with a specific
* partial or complete package name
* @param packageName The extension of the package name
* @param previousPackage Represents the higher level package names
* @param classLoader the class loader to use for this loader
* @param evaluator the evaluator
public ESLoader(String packageName,
ESLoader previousPackage,
LocalClassLoader classLoader,
Evaluator evaluator) {
super(null, evaluator);
this.packageName = packageName;
this.previousPackage = previousPackage;
this.classLoader = classLoader;
* Build the prefix name of the package, concatenating
* all upper level prefix separated by dots
* @return prefix of the current package name
protected String buildPrefix() {
if (previousPackage == null) {
return null;
} else {
String prefix = previousPackage.buildPrefix();
if (prefix == null) {
return packageName;
} else {
return prefix + "." + packageName;
// overrides
public ESObject getPrototype() {
throw new ProgrammingError("Cannot get prototype of Package");
// overrides
public int getTypeOf() {
return EStypeObject;
// overrides
public ESValue getPropertyInScope(String propertyName, ScopeChain previousScope, int hash)
throws EcmaScriptException {
throw new EcmaScriptException("A loader object ("+this+") should not be part of a with statement");
// overrides
public boolean hasProperty(String propertyName, int hash)
throws EcmaScriptException {
return true; // So it can be dereferenced by scopechain
// and wont be created
// overrides
public boolean isHiddenProperty(String propertyName, int hash) {
return false;
// overrides
public void putProperty(String propertyName, ESValue propertyValue, int hash)
throws EcmaScriptException {
return; // None can be put by the user
// overrides
public void putHiddenProperty(String propertyName, ESValue propertyValue)
throws EcmaScriptException {
throw new ProgrammingError("Cannot put hidden property in " + this);
// overrides
public boolean deleteProperty(String propertyName, int hash)
throws EcmaScriptException {
// all possible package name do potentialy exists and
// cannot be deleted, as they are recreated at the first
// reference.
return false;
// overrides
public ESValue getDefaultValue(int hint)
throws EcmaScriptException {
if (hint == EStypeString) {
return new ESString(this.toString());
} else {
throw new EcmaScriptException ("No default value for " + this +
" and hint " + hint);
// overrides
public ESValue getDefaultValue()
throws EcmaScriptException {
return this.getDefaultValue(EStypeString);
// overrides
public ESObject doConstruct(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
throw new EcmaScriptException("No contructor for loader object: " + this);
// overrides
public double doubleValue() {
double d = Double.NaN;
return d;
// overrides
public boolean booleanValue() {
return true;
// overrides
public String toString() {
return this.toDetailString();
// Tools for the java wrapper objects
* Returns true if it is a primitive type
* @param the Class to test
* @return true if primitive type
static boolean isBasicClass(Class cls) {
return cls == String.class ||
cls == Character.class ||
cls == Byte.class ||
cls == Short.class ||
cls == Integer.class ||
cls == Long.class ||
cls == Float.class ||
cls == Double.class ||
cls == Boolean.class ||
cls == Date.class;
// With the Hop, all instances of Number (including java.math.BigXXX) are
// treated as native numbers, so this is not called by normalizeValue.
static boolean isPrimitiveNumberClass(Class cls) {
return cls == Byte.class ||
cls == Short.class ||
cls == Integer.class ||
cls == Long.class ||
cls == Float.class ||
cls == Double.class;
* Transform a java object to an EcmaScript value (primitive if possible)
* @param obj the object to transform
* @param evaluator the evaluator
* @return the EcmaScript object
* @exception EcmaScriptException the normalization failed
public static ESValue normalizeValue(Object obj, Evaluator evaluator)
throws EcmaScriptException {
if (obj == null) {
return ESNull.theNull;
} else if (obj instanceof String) {
return new ESString((String) obj);
} else if (obj instanceof Number) {
return new ESNumber(((Number) obj).doubleValue());
} else if (obj instanceof Boolean) {
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(((Boolean) obj).booleanValue());
} else if (obj instanceof Character) {
return new ESNumber(((Character) obj).charValue());
} else if (obj instanceof JSFunction) {
return JSWrapper.wrapJSFunction(evaluator, (JSFunction) obj);
} else if (obj instanceof JSWrapper) {
return ((JSWrapper)obj).getESObject();
} else if (obj instanceof Date) {
return new DatePrototype(evaluator, (Date) obj);
} else if (obj instanceof ESWrapper) {
return (ESWrapper) obj; // A wrapper received externally
} else if (obj instanceof ESArrayWrapper) {
return (ESArrayWrapper) obj; // An array wrapper received externally
} else if (obj.getClass().isArray()) {
return new ESArrayWrapper(obj, evaluator);
} // else if (obj instanceof helma.framework.IPathElement) { // Hannes Wallnoefer, 13. Aug 2001
// return evaluator.reval.getElementWrapper ((helma.framework.IPathElement) obj);
// }
// return new ESWrapper(obj, evaluator);
return evaluator.reval.getObjectWrapper (obj);
* Transform a java object to an EcmaScript object (not a primitive)
* @param obj the object to transform
* @param evaluator the evaluator
* @return the EcmaScript object
* @exception EcmaScriptException the normalization failed
public static ESObject normalizeObject(Object obj, Evaluator evaluator)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESValue value = normalizeValue(obj, evaluator);
return (ESObject) value.toESObject(evaluator);
* Convert the primitive class types to their corresponding
* class types. Must be called for primitive classes only.
* @param target The primitive class to convert
* @return The converted class
private static Class convertPrimitive(Class target) {
if (target==java.lang.Boolean.TYPE) {
} else if (target==java.lang.Character.TYPE) {
} else if (target==java.lang.Byte.TYPE) {
} else if (target==java.lang.Short.TYPE) {
} else if (target==java.lang.Integer.TYPE) {
} else if (target==java.lang.Long.TYPE) {
} else if (target==java.lang.Float.TYPE) {
} else if (target==java.lang.Double.TYPE) {
} else {
throw new ProgrammingError("Not a recognized primitive type: " + target);
return target;
* Get a number correlated to the wideness of the class in some lousy sense
static private int getNumberSize(Class cls) {
if (cls == Byte.class) {
return 1;
} else if (cls == Character.class) {
return 2;
} else if (cls == Short.class) { // short and char widen in the same way
return 2;
} else if (cls == Integer.class) {
return 3;
} else if (cls == Long.class) {
return 4;
} else if (cls == Float.class) {
return 5;
} else if (cls == Double.class) {
return 6;
} else {
throw new ProgrammingError("Unexpected number class");
* Check that each object in the paremeter array can be converted
* to the type specified by the target array and convert them if needed.
* <P>Even if the parameters are compatible with an EcmaScript value,
* some may have to be converted to an intermediate type. For example
* an EcmaScript string of 1 character long is compatible with a Java
* Character, but some conversion is needed. Arrays need a similar
* special processing.
* <P> The parameters have been converted to java Objects by the routine
* toJavaObject. Wrapped objects (java objects given to an EcmaScript
* routine and given back as parameters) have been unwrapped, so they
* are their original object again (including arrays), we do therefore
* not have ESWrapped objects as parameters.
* ESObjects have been wrapped in a JSObject, including Array objects.
* The handling of array is more delicate as they
* could not be converted to a cannonical form - we must know the element
* type to understand if they are convertible.
* <P> The target classes which are primitive are converted to their
* object counterpart, as only object can be given as parameter and the
* invoke mechanism will convert them back to primitive if needed.
* <P>All the conversion needed are described in the returned
* compatibilityDescriptor and will only be applied for the selected
* routine.
* <P>The distance is a metric on how "far" a parameter list is
* from the immediate value (used currntly only for simple value
* widening). It allows to select the routine having the nearest
* parameter list. This is not totally full proof and multiple routine
* can have the same distance (including 0, because of the conversion
* of primitive type to the corresponding objects).
* <P>The tracing must allow to find the logic of the conversion.
* @param target The class objects of the target routine
* @param parms The EcmaScript objects converted to Java objects (IN/OUT)
* @return a compatibility descriptor.
static CompatibilityDescriptor areParametersCompatible(Class target[], Object params[]) {
int n = target.length;
if (n!=params.length) return nonCompatible; // Ensure we have the same number
boolean [] convertToChar = null; // flag to indicate if conversion to char is needed
Object [] convertedArrays = null; // Converted array if any needed
int distance = 0; // For perfect match, something added for widening
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
boolean accepted = false;
Class targetClass = target[i];
Class sourceClass = null;
String debugInfo = " not accepted";
if (params[i] == null) {
// A null parameter is of type Object, so we check
// that whatever is the target class be an object
if (targetClass.isPrimitive()) { // or: Object.class.isAssignableFrom(targetClass)
accepted = false;
debugInfo = " rejected (null cannot be assigned to primitive)";
} else {
accepted = true;
debugInfo = " accepted (null to Object)";
} else {
// We consider all primitive types as they object
// equivallent, as the parameter can only be done as
// object anyhow. Invoke will convert back if needed.
if (targetClass.isPrimitive()) {
// To accept long by Long, etc... - must be done after test of assigning null to object
targetClass = convertPrimitive(targetClass);
// The simplest case is direct object compatibility
sourceClass = params[i].getClass();
accepted = targetClass.isAssignableFrom(sourceClass);
debugInfo = " accepted (subclassing)";
if (!accepted) {
// If we do not have direct object compatibility, we check various
// allowed conversions.
// Handle number and number widening
if ((isPrimitiveNumberClass(sourceClass) ||
sourceClass == Character.class)
&& isPrimitiveNumberClass(targetClass)) {
// Can be widened ?
int targetSize = getNumberSize(targetClass);
int sourceSize = getNumberSize(sourceClass);
if (targetSize>sourceSize) {
accepted = true; // if == already accepted because same class
// or must be rejected (because char != short)
distance += Math.abs(targetSize-sourceSize);
debugInfo = " accepted (number widening: " + distance + ")";
} else {
debugInfo = " rejected (not widening numbers)";
// Handle String of length 1 as a Char, which can be converted to a number
} else if ((targetClass == Character.class ||
targetClass == Integer.class ||
targetClass == Long.class ||
targetClass == Float.class ||
targetClass == Double.class)
&& params[i] instanceof String) {
if (((String) params[i]).length()==1) {
accepted = true; // will require conversion of parameter
if (convertToChar == null) {
convertToChar = new boolean[n];
convertToChar[i] = true;
debugInfo = " accepted (String(1) as Character)";
} else {
debugInfo = " rejected (String not of length 1)";
// Handle array conversion if not from a native java array
} else if (targetClass.isArray()) {
if (params[i] instanceof JSWrapper) {
ESObject esArray = ((JSWrapper) params[i]).getESObject();
if (esArray instanceof ArrayPrototype) {
Object array = null;
try {
// We convert to the orginal class (possibly a primitive type)
array = ((ArrayPrototype) esArray).toJavaArray(targetClass.getComponentType());
accepted = true;
debugInfo = " accepted (array converted)";
if (convertedArrays == null) {
convertedArrays = new Object[n];
convertedArrays[i] = array; // save it for replacement at end
} catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
// ignore
debugInfo = " rejected ("+e.getMessage()+")";
} else {
debugInfo = " rejected (EcmaScript object is not an array)";
} else {
debugInfo = " rejected (only same native array or EcmaScript Array can be assigned to array)";
} else {
debugInfo = " rejected (incompatible types)";
} // if ! acccepted
} // if ! null
if (debugJavaAccess) System.out.println (" Assign " + sourceClass +
" to " + target[i] +
if (!accepted) return nonCompatible;
} // for
// Compatible, return appropriate descriptor for future
// processing of conversion of the "nearest" method
return new CompatibilityDescriptor(distance,convertToChar,convertedArrays);
// overrides
static public String typeName(Class t) {
String brackets = "";
while (t.isArray()) {
brackets += "[]";
t = t.getComponentType();
return t.getName() + brackets;