Jala 1.3

Class jala.db.Server


class jala.db.Server

Instances of this class represent a H2 database listener that allows multiple databases to be accessed via tcp.
Important: You need the h2.jar in directory "lib/ext" of your helma installation for this library to work, which you can get at http://www.h2database.com/.
Defined in Database.js

Constructor Summary
jala.db.Server (<helma.File> baseDir, <Number> port)
            Returns a new Server instance.
Method Summary
 Boolean createOnDemand(<Boolean> bool)
           If called with boolean true as argument, this server creates databases on-the-fly, otherwise it only accepts connections to already existing databases.
 helma.Database getConnection(<String> name, <String> username, <String> password, <Object> props)
           Returns a connection to a database within this server.
 helma.File getDirectory()
           Returns the directory used by this server instance
 Number getPort()
           Returns the port this server listens on
 helma.util.ResourceProperties getProperties(<String> name, <String> username, <String> password, <Object> props)
           Returns a properties object containing the connection properties of the database with the given name.
 String getUrl(<String> name, <Object> props)
           Returns the JDBC Url to use for connections to a given database.
 Boolean isPublic(<Boolean> bool)
           If called with boolean true as argument, this server accepts connections from outside localhost.
 Boolean isRunning()
           Returns true if the database server is running.
 Boolean start()
           Starts the database server.
 Boolean stop()
           Stops the database server.
 Boolean useSsl(<Boolean> bool)
           Toggles the use of Ssl encryption within this server.

Constructor Detail


jala.db.Server(<helma.File> baseDir, <Number> port)

Method Detail


Boolean createOnDemand(<Boolean> bool)


helma.Database getConnection(<String> name, <String> username, <String> password, <Object> props)


helma.File getDirectory()


Number getPort()


helma.util.ResourceProperties getProperties(<String> name, <String> username, <String> password, <Object> props)


String getUrl(<String> name, <Object> props)


Boolean isPublic(<Boolean> bool)


Boolean isRunning()


Boolean start()


Boolean stop()


Boolean useSsl(<Boolean> bool)

Jala 1.3

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Tue Jan 8 15:45:31 2008