Jala 1.3

Class jala.db.FileDatabase


class jala.db.FileDatabase
extends jala.db.RamDatabase

Instances of this class represent a file based in-process database
Important: You need the h2.jar in directory "lib/ext" of your helma installation for this library to work, which you can get at http://www.h2database.com/.
Defined in Database.js

Constructor Summary
jala.db.FileDatabase (<String> name, <helma.File> directory, <String> username, <String> password)
            Returns a newly created instance of FileDatabase.
Method Summary
 Boolean backup(<helma.File> file)
           Creates a backup of this database, using the file passed as argument.
 helma.File getDirectory()
           Returns the directory where the database files are stored.
 String getName()
           Returns the name of the database.
 String getPassword()
           Returns the password of this database
 String getUsername()
           Returns the username of this database
 Boolean remove()
           Deletes all files of this database on disk.
 Boolean restore(<helma.File> backupFile)
           Restores this database using a backup on disk.
Methods inherited from class jala.db.RamDatabase
getUrl, getProperties, getConnection, shutdown, dropTable, tableExists, copyTables, runScript, dump

Constructor Detail


jala.db.FileDatabase(<String> name, <helma.File> directory, <String> username, <String> password)

Method Detail


Boolean backup(<helma.File> file)


helma.File getDirectory()


String getName()


String getPassword()


String getUsername()


Boolean remove()


Boolean restore(<helma.File> backupFile)

Jala 1.3

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Tue Jan 8 15:45:31 2008