Jala 1.3

Class jala.History


class jala.History

This class is an implementation of a Browser-like history stack suitable to use in any Helma application. The difference to a Browser's history is that this implementation ignores POST requests and checks if Urls in the stack are still valid to prevent eg. redirections to a HopObject's url that has been deleted. Plus it is capable to create new "intermediate" history-stacks and this way maintain a "history of histories" which is needed for eg. editing sessions in a popup window that should use their own request history without interfering with the history of the main window.
Defined in History.js

Constructor Summary
jala.History ()
            Constructs a new History object.
Method Summary
 void add()
           Initializes a new history stack, adds it to the array of stacks (which makes it the default one to use for further requests) and records the current request Url.
 void clear()
           Clears the currently active history stack
 String dump()
           Returns the contents of all history stacks as string
 String peek(<Number> offset)
           Retrieves the request Url at the given position in the current history stack.
 String pop(<Number> offset)
           Retrieves the first valid request Url in history stack starting with a given offset.
 void push()
           Records a request Url in the currently active history stack.
 void redirect(<Number> offset)
           Redirects the client back to the first valid request in history.
 void remove()
           Removes the current history stack

Constructor Detail



Method Detail


void add()


void clear()


String dump()


String peek(<Number> offset)


String pop(<Number> offset)


void push()


void redirect(<Number> offset)


void remove()

Jala 1.3

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Tue Jan 8 15:45:31 2008