type.properties file before returning its value as a macro.
Return an error message if the property is not defined, or if
the macro tried to access a private property (which currently
applies only to user passwords).
because the clearCache() function may have been called on
the object since last accessing the cache node.
implemented clearCache() method to reset the cache in the
wrapped object.
lets one clear (recreate) the HopObject's cache node.
createSkin now uses the application's skin cache. This is not
really much faster because caching and skin creation are
very similar in speed, but it should help reduce garbage collection.
encoding, prefix and suffix attributes can now be set for any
and all macros (not sure if this will create problems)
Macros handled by objects now check if a function called
handler_macro is defined. If so, the function is called.
Otherwise, the macro evaluates to a property of the object
with the handler name.
added methods to check if a function is defined for an object
and to retrieve a property. This is used by Skins and should
work for any object, be it HopObjects or scripted Java objects.
CVS checkout is now separated from builds. It's possible to
use the script both for building both the jar file and the whole
distribution either from checked-out code or the local copy.
is an explicit reference relation set for the property name.
* avoid database queries for nodes that are transient or in the
process of being persistified also when loadmode is set to
ESUser instead of ESNode for all database nodes representing
a user object. This should fix all bugs where user specific
functions failed unless the user object represented a user that
was active at the time of calling.
actual user session and it just represents
a database record that represents a user.
This should fix all bugs where the user specific
methods didn't work unless the user object
represented a user that was actually active at
the time of calling.
using a StringReader.
Dropped character entity encoding, since this limits us to western
encoding and should not be necessary because browsers usually
default to western encoding.