* Do not set smtp host unless it is explicitely set in the properties
* Set message encoding as defined in mail.charset property, defaults to ISO8859-15
* Cache Mail session in Mail object prototype
* Store app properties as Java fields in prototype rather than as JS property in constructor
<app>.staticIndex = true
<app>.staticHome = index.html, default.htm
Default values are (false) for directory listings and "index.html, index.htm" for index pages.
Fix bug in getById() reported by Juerg Lehni
Throw EvaluatorException instead of JavaScript exception
Remove catched exception not anymore thrown by new rhino snapshot
DbMapping: Change getPropertyRelation visibility to private, always use
getSubnodeRelation from outside instead.
Node: Rewrote getProperty(String) to be simpler and easier to understand.
furthermore, getProperty(String) now also returns child objects (subnodes)
making it unnecessary for calling code to also use getChildElement()
or getSubnode()
Node: Fixed NullPointerException in getElementName() for transient nodes
Node: Use DbMapping.getSubnodeRelation() instead of DbMapping.getPropertyRelation()
NodeManager: Fixes in getNode() methods, which now invoke each other depending on
key/query type
Relation: Removed unused arguments from constructor
Relation: Fixed NullPointerException in createOnDemand()
HopObject: Do not use getChildElement() in jsFunction_get() (see change in
HopObject: Handle case where jsFunction_get() and jsFunction_set() are called with
non-strings that should be handled as string, e.g.
cosmetic cleanup everywhere (imports, unneeded casts, unused fields etc.)
When finishing the transaction, the transactor will call setLastSubnodeChange() on
the parent nodes. This is necessary because the lastSubnodeChange flag should only be
set after child node changes have been committed to the database.
(Fixes bug 285 http://helma.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=285 )
* Changed the way select statements are built: Use tablename.* rather than * to prevent
columns from additionalTables are fetched unnecessarily.
* Code cleanup everywhere, mostly in Transactor.java, Relation.java and NodeManager.java