Refactoring of select statement generation code into Relation.get*Select() methods in order to fix bug 667. Also remove some dead code.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 210 additions and 349 deletions
@ -877,102 +877,85 @@ public final class NodeManager {
* loaded later on demand.
public List getNodeIDs(Node home, Relation rel) throws Exception {
if ((rel == null) || (rel.otherType == null) || !rel.otherType.isRelational()) {
DbMapping type = rel == null ? null : rel.otherType;
if (type == null || !type.isRelational()) {
// this should never be called for embedded nodes
throw new RuntimeException("NodeMgr.getNodeIDs called for non-relational node " +
} else {
List retval = new ArrayList();
throw new RuntimeException("getNodeIDs called for non-relational node " + home);
List retval = new ArrayList();
// if we do a groupby query (creating an intermediate layer of groupby nodes),
// retrieve the value of that field instead of the primary key
String idfield = (rel.groupby == null) ? rel.otherType.getIDField()
: rel.groupby;
Connection con = rel.otherType.getConnection();
// set connection to read-only mode
if (!con.isReadOnly()) con.setReadOnly(true);
// if we do a groupby query (creating an intermediate layer of groupby nodes),
// retrieve the value of that field instead of the primary key
Connection con = type.getConnection();
// set connection to read-only mode
if (!con.isReadOnly()) con.setReadOnly(true);
String table = rel.otherType.getTableName();
Statement stmt = null;
long logTimeStart = logSql ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0;
String query = null;
Statement stmt = null;
long logTimeStart = logSql ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0;
String query = null;
try {
StringBuffer b = rel.getIdSelect();
try {
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer("SELECT ");
if (home.getSubnodeRelation() != null) {
// subnode relation was explicitly set
query = b.append(" ").append(home.getSubnodeRelation()).toString();
} else {
// let relation object build the query
rel.buildQuery(b, home, true, false);
query = b.toString();
if (rel.queryHints != null) {
b.append(rel.queryHints).append(" ");
stmt = con.createStatement();
if (rel.maxSize > 0) {
ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(query);
// problem: how do we derive a SyntheticKey from a not-yet-persistent Node?
Key k = (rel.groupby != null) ? home.getKey() : null;
while ( {
String kstr = result.getString(1);
// jump over null values - this can happen especially when the selected
// column is a group-by column.
if (kstr == null) {
if (idfield.indexOf('(') == -1 && idfield.indexOf('.') == -1) {
b.append(idfield).append(" FROM ").append(table);
// make the proper key for the object, either a generic DB key or a groupby key
Key key = (rel.groupby == null)
? (Key) new DbKey(rel.otherType, kstr)
: (Key) new SyntheticKey(k, kstr);
retval.add(new NodeHandle(key));
// if these are groupby nodes, evict nullNode keys
if (rel.groupby != null) {
Node n = (Node) cache.get(key);
if (home.getSubnodeRelation() != null) {
// subnode relation was explicitly set
query = b.append(" ").append(home.getSubnodeRelation()).toString();
} else {
// let relation object build the query
rel.buildQuery(b, home, null, " WHERE ", true);
query = b.toString();
stmt = con.createStatement();
if (rel.maxSize > 0) {
ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(query);
// problem: how do we derive a SyntheticKey from a not-yet-persistent Node?
Key k = (rel.groupby != null) ? home.getKey() : null;
while ( {
String kstr = result.getString(1);
// jump over null values - this can happen especially when the selected
// column is a group-by column.
if (kstr == null) {
// make the proper key for the object, either a generic DB key or a groupby key
Key key = (rel.groupby == null)
? (Key) new DbKey(rel.otherType, kstr)
: (Key) new SyntheticKey(k, kstr);
retval.add(new NodeHandle(key));
// if these are groupby nodes, evict nullNode keys
if (rel.groupby != null) {
Node n = (Node) cache.get(key);
if ((n != null) && n.isNullNode()) {
} finally {
if (logSql) {
long logTimeStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
logSqlStatement("SQL SELECT_IDS", table,
logTimeStart, logTimeStop, query);
if (stmt != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
if ((n != null) && n.isNullNode()) {
return retval;
} finally {
if (logSql) {
long logTimeStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
logSqlStatement("SQL SELECT_IDS", type.getTableName(),
logTimeStart, logTimeStop, query);
if (stmt != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
return retval;
@ -986,7 +969,7 @@ public final class NodeManager {
if ((rel == null) || (rel.otherType == null) || !rel.otherType.isRelational()) {
// this should never be called for embedded nodes
throw new RuntimeException("NodeMgr.getNodes called for non-relational node " +
throw new RuntimeException("getNodes called for non-relational node " +
@ -1010,7 +993,7 @@ public final class NodeManager {
} else {
// let relation object build the query
rel.buildQuery(b, home, null, " WHERE ", true);
rel.buildQuery(b, home, true, false);
query = b.toString();
@ -1053,152 +1036,6 @@ public final class NodeManager {
return retval;
* Update a UpdateableSubnodeList retrieving all values having
* higher Values according to the updateCriteria's set for this Collection's Relation
* The returned Map-Object has two Properties:
* addedNodes = an Integer representing the number of Nodes added to this collection
* newNodes = an Integer representing the number of Records returned by the Select-Statement
* These two values may be different if a max-size is defined for this Collection and a new
* node would be outside of this Border because of the ordering of this collection.
* @param home the home of this subnode-list
* @param rel the relation the home-node has to the nodes contained inside the subnodelist
* @return A map having two properties of type String (newNodes (number of nodes retreived by the select-statment), addedNodes (nodes added to the collection))
* @throws Exception
/* public int updateSubnodeList(Node home, Relation rel) throws Exception {
if ((rel == null) || (rel.otherType == null) || !rel.otherType.isRelational()) {
// this should never be called for embedded nodes
throw new RuntimeException("NodeMgr.updateSubnodeList called for non-relational node " +
} else {
List list = home.getSubnodeList();
if (list == null)
list = home.createSubnodeList();
if (!(list instanceof UpdateableSubnodeList))
throw new RuntimeException ("unable to update SubnodeList not marked as updateable (" + rel.propName + ")");
UpdateableSubnodeList sublist = (UpdateableSubnodeList) list;
// FIXME: grouped subnodes aren't supported yet
if (rel.groupby != null)
throw new RuntimeException ("update not yet supported on grouped collections");
String idfield = rel.otherType.getIDField();
Connection con = rel.otherType.getConnection();
String table = rel.otherType.getTableName();
Statement stmt = null;
try {
String q = null;
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
if (rel.loadAggressively()) {
b.append (rel.otherType.getSelect(rel));
} else {
b.append ("SELECT ");
if (rel.queryHints != null) {
b.append(rel.queryHints).append(" ");
.append(idfield).append(" FROM ")
String updateCriteria = sublist.getUpdateCriteria();
if (home.getSubnodeRelation() != null) {
if (updateCriteria != null) {
b.append (" WHERE ");
b.append (sublist.getUpdateCriteria());
b.append (" AND ");
b.append (home.getSubnodeRelation());
} else {
b.append (" WHERE ");
b.append (home.getSubnodeRelation());
} else {
if (updateCriteria != null) {
b.append (" WHERE ");
b.append (updateCriteria);
rel.buildQuery(b, home, null, " AND ", true);
} else {
rel.buildQuery(b, home, null, " WHERE ", true);
q = b.toString();
long logTimeStart = logSql ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0;
stmt = con.createStatement();
if (rel.maxSize > 0) {
ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(q);
if (logSql) {
long logTimeStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
logSqlStatement("SQL SELECT_UPDATE_SUBNODE_LIST", table,
logTimeStart, logTimeStop, q);
// problem: how do we derive a SyntheticKey from a not-yet-persistent Node?
// Key k = (rel.groupby != null) ? home.getKey() : null;
// int cntr = 0;
DbColumn[] columns = rel.loadAggressively() ? rel.otherType.getColumns() : null;
List newNodes = new ArrayList(rel.maxSize);
while ( {
String kstr = result.getString(1);
// jump over null values - this can happen especially when the selected
// column is a group-by column.
if (kstr == null) {
// make the proper key for the object, either a generic DB key or a groupby key
Key key;
if (rel.loadAggressively()) {
Node node = createNode(rel.otherType, result, columns, 0);
if (node == null) {
key = node.getKey();
registerNewNode(node, null);
} else {
key = new DbKey(rel.otherType, kstr);
newNodes.add(new NodeHandle(key));
// if these are groupby nodes, evict nullNode keys
if (rel.groupby != null) {
Node n = (Node) cache.get(key);
if ((n != null) && n.isNullNode()) {
// System.err.println("GOT NEW NODES: " + newNodes);
if (!newNodes.isEmpty())
return newNodes.size();
} finally {
if (stmt != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
} */
protected List collectMissingKeys(SubnodeList list, int start, int length) {
List retval = null;
for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++) {
@ -1360,67 +1197,55 @@ public final class NodeManager {
* which is defined by Relation rel.
public int countNodes(Node home, Relation rel) throws Exception {
if ((rel == null) || (rel.otherType == null) || !rel.otherType.isRelational()) {
DbMapping type = rel == null ? null : rel.otherType;
if (type == null || !type.isRelational()) {
// this should never be called for embedded nodes
throw new RuntimeException("NodeMgr.countNodes called for non-relational node " +
} else {
int retval = 0;
Connection con = rel.otherType.getConnection();
// set connection to read-only mode
if (!con.isReadOnly()) con.setReadOnly(true);
throw new RuntimeException("countNodes called for non-relational node " + home);
int retval = 0;
Connection con = type.getConnection();
// set connection to read-only mode
if (!con.isReadOnly()) con.setReadOnly(true);
String table = rel.otherType.getTableName();
Statement stmt = null;
long logTimeStart = logSql ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0;
String query = null;
Statement stmt = null;
long logTimeStart = logSql ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0;
String query = null;
try {
StringBuffer tables = new StringBuffer(table);
try {
StringBuffer b = rel.getCountSelect();
// NOTE: we explicitly convert tables StringBuffer to a String
// before appending to be compatible with JDK 1.3
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer("SELECT count(*) FROM ")
if (home.getSubnodeRelation() != null) {
// use the manually set subnoderelation of the home node
query = b.append(" ").append(home.getSubnodeRelation()).toString();
} else {
// let relation object build the query
rel.buildQuery(b, home, null, " WHERE ", false);
query = b.toString();
stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
if (! {
retval = 0;
} else {
retval = rs.getInt(1);
} finally {
if (logSql) {
long logTimeStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
logSqlStatement("SQL SELECT_COUNT", table,
logTimeStart, logTimeStop, query);
if (stmt != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
if (home.getSubnodeRelation() != null) {
// use the manually set subnoderelation of the home node
query = b.append(" ").append(home.getSubnodeRelation()).toString();
} else {
// let relation object build the query
rel.buildQuery(b, home, false, true);
query = b.toString();
return (rel.maxSize > 0) ? Math.min(rel.maxSize, retval) : retval;
stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
if (! {
retval = 0;
} else {
retval = rs.getInt(1);
} finally {
if (logSql) {
long logTimeStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
logSqlStatement("SQL SELECT_COUNT", type.getTableName(),
logTimeStart, logTimeStop, query);
if (stmt != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
return (rel.maxSize > 0) ? Math.min(rel.maxSize, retval) : retval;
@ -1428,72 +1253,62 @@ public final class NodeManager {
public Vector getPropertyNames(Node home, Relation rel)
throws Exception {
if ((rel == null) || (rel.otherType == null) || !rel.otherType.isRelational()) {
DbMapping type = rel == null ? null : rel.otherType;
if (type == null || !type.isRelational()) {
// this should never be called for embedded nodes
throw new RuntimeException("NodeMgr.getPropertyNames called for non-relational node " +
} else {
Vector retval = new Vector();
throw new RuntimeException("getPropertyNames called for non-relational node " + home);
Vector retval = new Vector();
// if we do a groupby query (creating an intermediate layer of groupby nodes),
// retrieve the value of that field instead of the primary key
String namefield = (rel.groupby == null) ? rel.accessName : rel.groupby;
Connection con = rel.otherType.getConnection();
// set connection to read-only mode
if (!con.isReadOnly()) con.setReadOnly(true);
Connection con = rel.otherType.getConnection();
// set connection to read-only mode
if (!con.isReadOnly()) con.setReadOnly(true);
String table = rel.otherType.getTableName();
StringBuffer tables = new StringBuffer(table);
Statement stmt = null;
long logTimeStart = logSql ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0;
String query = null;
Statement stmt = null;
long logTimeStart = logSql ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0;
String query = null;
try {
// NOTE: we explicitly convert tables StringBuffer to a String
// before appending to be compatible with JDK 1.3
StringBuffer b = rel.getNamesSelect();
try {
// NOTE: we explicitly convert tables StringBuffer to a String
// before appending to be compatible with JDK 1.3
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer("SELECT ").append(namefield)
.append(" FROM ")
if (home.getSubnodeRelation() != null) {
b.append(" ").append(home.getSubnodeRelation());
} else {
// let relation object build the query
rel.buildQuery(b, home, null, " WHERE ", true);
stmt = con.createStatement();
query = b.toString();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
while ( {
String n = rs.getString(1);
if (n != null) {
} finally {
if (logSql) {
long logTimeStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
logSqlStatement("SQL SELECT_ACCESSNAMES", table,
logTimeStart, logTimeStop, query);
if (stmt != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
if (home.getSubnodeRelation() != null) {
b.append(" ").append(home.getSubnodeRelation());
} else {
// let relation object build the query
rel.buildQuery(b, home, true, false);
return retval;
stmt = con.createStatement();
query = b.toString();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
while ( {
String n = rs.getString(1);
if (n != null) {
} finally {
if (logSql) {
long logTimeStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
logSqlStatement("SQL SELECT_ACCESSNAMES", type.getTableName(),
logTimeStart, logTimeStop, query);
if (stmt != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
return retval;
@ -1622,7 +1437,7 @@ public final class NodeManager {
} else {
rel.buildQuery(b, home, dbm, kstr, " WHERE ", false);
rel.buildQuery(b, home, dbm, kstr, false, false);
stmt = con.createStatement();
@ -873,13 +873,58 @@ public final class Relation {
return vr;
public StringBuffer getIdSelect() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("SELECT ");
if (queryHints != null) {
buf.append(queryHints).append(" ");
String table = otherType.getTableName();
String idfield = (groupby == null) ? otherType.getIDField() : groupby;
if (idfield.indexOf('(') == -1 && idfield.indexOf('.') == -1) {
buf.append(idfield).append(" FROM ").append(table);
return buf;
public StringBuffer getCountSelect() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if (otherType.isOracle() && maxSize > 0) {
buf.append("SELECT * FROM ");
} else {
buf.append("SELECT count(*) FROM ");
return buf;
public StringBuffer getNamesSelect() {
// if we do a groupby query (creating an intermediate layer of groupby nodes),
// retrieve the value of that field instead of the primary key
String namefield = (groupby == null) ? accessName : groupby;
String table = otherType.getTableName();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("SELECT ");
buf.append(namefield).append(" FROM ").append(table);
return buf;
* Build the second half of an SQL select statement according to this relation
* and a local object.
public void buildQuery(StringBuffer q, Node home, String kstr, String pre, boolean useOrder)
public void buildQuery(StringBuffer q, Node home, boolean useOrder, boolean isCount)
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
buildQuery(q, home, otherType, kstr, pre, useOrder);
buildQuery(q, home, otherType, null, useOrder, isCount);
@ -887,9 +932,9 @@ public final class Relation {
* and a local object.
public void buildQuery(StringBuffer q, Node home, DbMapping otherDbm, String kstr,
String pre, boolean useOrder)
boolean useOrder, boolean isCount)
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
String prefix = pre;
String prefix = " WHERE ";
Node nonvirtual = home.getNonVirtualParent();
if (kstr != null && !isComplexReference()) {
@ -922,11 +967,12 @@ public final class Relation {
if (maxSize > 0) {
if (otherType.isOracle()) {
// see
String selectItem = isCount ? "count(*)" : "*";
if (offset > 0) {
q.insert(0, "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(n) */ a.*, ROWNUM rnum FROM (");
q.insert(0, "SELECT " + selectItem + " FROM ( SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(n) */ a.*, ROWNUM rnum FROM (");
q.append(") a WHERE ROWNUM <= ").append(offset + maxSize).append(") WHERE rnum > ").append(offset);
} else {
q.insert(0, "SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(n) */ * FROM (");
q.insert(0, "SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(n) */ " + selectItem + " FROM (");
q.append(") WHERE ROWNUM <= ").append(maxSize);
} else {
Add table
Reference in a new issue