cleaned up request handling
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 364 additions and 318 deletions
@ -121,343 +121,384 @@ public class RequestEvaluator implements Runnable {
/* private void startThread () {
rtx = new Transactor (this, app.nmgr);
evaluator.thread = rtx;
rtx.start ();
// yield to make sure the transactor thread reaches waiting status before the first
// invocation request comes in
Thread.yield ();
} */
public void run () {
public void run () {
int txcount = 0;
int txcount = 0;
// first, set a local variable to the current transactor thread so we know
// when it's time to quit because another thread took over.
Transactor localrtx = (Transactor) Thread.currentThread ();
// evaluators are only initialized as needed, so we need to check that here
if (!initialized)
if (!initialized)
app.typemgr.initRequestEvaluator (this);
app.typemgr.initRequestEvaluator (this);
do {
try {
do {
// make sure there is only one thread running per instance of this class
// make sure there is only one thread running per instance of this class
Transactor tx = rtx;
if (localrtx != rtx) {
if (Thread.currentThread () != tx)
localrtx.closeConnections ();
// IServer.getLogger().log ("got request "+reqtype);
// IServer.getLogger().log ("got request "+reqtype);
switch (reqtype) {
switch (reqtype) {
case HTTP:
case HTTP:
int tries = 0;
int tries = 0;
boolean done = false;
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
while (!done) {
current = null;
current = null;
currentNode = null;
currentNode = null;
reqPath.setSize (0);
reqPath.setSize (0);
try {
String requestPath = app.getName()+"/"+req.path;
// set Timer to get some profiling data
tx.timer.reset ();
tx.timer.beginEvent (requestPath+" init");
tx.begin (requestPath);
Action action = null;
root = app.getDataRoot ();
ESUser esu = (ESUser) getNodeWrapper (user.getNode ());
esu.setUser (user);
global.putHiddenProperty ("root", getNodeWrapper (root));
global.putHiddenProperty("user", esu);
global.putHiddenProperty ("req", new ESWrapper (req, evaluator));
global.putHiddenProperty ("res", new ESWrapper (res, evaluator));
global.putHiddenProperty ("path", reqPath);
global.putHiddenProperty ("app", appnode);
// set and mount the request data object
reqData.setData (req.getReqData());
|||||| = reqData;
try {
if (req.path == null || "".equals (req.path.trim ())) {
currentNode = root;
current = getNodeWrapper (root);
reqPath.putProperty (0, current);
Prototype p = app.getPrototype (root);
action = p.getActionOrTemplate (null);
} else {
// march down request path...
// is the next path element a subnode or a property of the last one?
// currently only used for users node
boolean isProperty = false;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (req.path, "/");
int ntokens = st.countTokens ();
String next = null;
currentNode = root;
reqPath.putProperty (0, getNodeWrapper (currentNode));
// the first token in the path needs to be treated seprerately,
// because "/user" is a shortcut to the current user session, while "/users"
// is the mounting point for all users.
if (ntokens > 1) {
next = st.nextToken ();
if ("user".equalsIgnoreCase (next)) {
currentNode = user.getNode ();
ntokens -=1;
if (currentNode != null)
reqPath.putProperty (1, getNodeWrapper (currentNode));
} else if ("users".equalsIgnoreCase (next)) {
currentNode = app.getUserRoot ();
ntokens -=1;
isProperty = true;
} else {
currentNode = currentNode.getSubnode (next);
ntokens -=1;
if (currentNode != null)
reqPath.putProperty (1, getNodeWrapper (currentNode));
for (int i=1; i<ntokens; i++) {
if (currentNode == null)
throw new FrameworkException ("Object not found.");
next = st.nextToken ();
if (isProperty) // get next element as property
currentNode = currentNode.getNode (next, false);
else // get next element as subnode
currentNode = currentNode.getSubnode (next);
isProperty = false;
if (currentNode != null && currentNode.getState() != INode.VIRTUAL) // add to reqPath array
reqPath.putProperty (reqPath.size(), getNodeWrapper (currentNode));
// limit path to < 50 tokens
if (i > 50) throw new RuntimeException ("Path too deep");
if (currentNode == null)
throw new FrameworkException ("Object not found.");
Prototype p = app.getPrototype (currentNode);
next = st.nextToken ();
if (p != null)
action = p.getActionOrTemplate (next);
if (p == null || action == null) {
currentNode = currentNode.getSubnode (next);
if (currentNode == null)
throw new FrameworkException ("Object or Action '"+next+"' not found.");
p = app.getPrototype (currentNode);
// add to reqPath array
if (currentNode != null && currentNode.getState() != INode.VIRTUAL)
reqPath.putProperty (reqPath.size(), getNodeWrapper (currentNode));
if (p != null)
action = p.getActionOrTemplate ("main");
current = getNodeWrapper (currentNode);
if (action == null)
throw new FrameworkException ("Action not found");
} catch (FrameworkException notfound) {
// The path could not be resolved. Check if there is a "not found" action
// specified in the property file.
String notFoundAction = app.props.getProperty ("notFound", "notfound");
Prototype p = app.getPrototype (root);
action = p.getActionOrTemplate (notFoundAction);
if (action == null)
throw new FrameworkException (notfound.getMessage ());
current = getNodeWrapper (root);
tx.timer.endEvent (requestPath+" init");
try {
tx.timer.beginEvent (requestPath+" execute");
current.doIndirectCall (evaluator, current, action.getFunctionName (), new ESValue[0]);
tx.timer.endEvent (requestPath+" execute");
done = true;
} catch (RedirectException redirect) {
res.redirect = redirect.getMessage ();
done = true;
// check if we're still on track
if (tx == rtx)
tx.commit ();
throw new TimeoutException ();
done = true;
} catch (ConcurrencyException x) {
try { tx.abort (); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
res.reset ();
if (++tries < 8) {
try {
try {
// wait a bit longer with each try
int base = 500 * tries;
Thread.currentThread ().sleep ((long) (base + Math.random ()*base*2));
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
app.errorCount += 1;
res.write ("<b>Error in application '"+app.getName()+"':</b> <br><br><pre>Couldn't complete transaction due to heavy object traffic (tried "+tries+" times).</pre>");
done = true;
} catch (FrameworkException x) {
String requestPath = app.getName()+"/"+req.path;
try { tx.abort (); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
// set Timer to get some profiling data
app.errorCount += 1;
localrtx.timer.reset ();
res.reset ();
localrtx.timer.beginEvent (requestPath+" init");
res.write ("<b>Error in application '"+app.getName()+"':</b> <br><br><pre>" + x.getMessage () + "</pre>");
localrtx.begin (requestPath);
if (app.debug)
x.printStackTrace ();
done = true;
Action action = null;
} catch (Exception x) {
try { tx.abort (); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
app.errorCount += 1;
System.err.println ("### Exception in "+app.getName()+"/"+req.path+": current = "+currentNode);
System.err.println (x);
// Dump the profiling data to System.err
((Transactor) Thread.currentThread ()).timer.dump (System.err);
if (app.debug)
x.printStackTrace ();
// If the transactor thread has been killed by the invoker thread we don't have to
root = app.getDataRoot ();
// bother for the error message, just quit.
if (rtx != tx)
res.reset ();
res.write ("<b>Error in application '"+app.getName()+"':</b> <br><br><pre>" + x.getMessage () + "</pre>");
done = true;
case XMLRPC:
try {
tx.begin (app.getName()+":xmlrpc/"+method);
root = app.getDataRoot ();
global.putHiddenProperty ("root", getNodeWrapper (root));
global.deleteProperty("user", "user".hashCode());
global.deleteProperty ("req", "req".hashCode());
global.putHiddenProperty ("res", ESLoader.normalizeValue(new ResponseTrans (), evaluator));
global.deleteProperty ("path", "path".hashCode());
global.putHiddenProperty ("app", appnode);
// convert arguments
int l = args.size ();
current = getNodeWrapper (root);
if (method.indexOf (".") > -1) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (method, ".");
int cnt = st.countTokens ();
for (int i=1; i<cnt; i++) {
String next = st.nextToken ();
try {
current = (ESObject) current.getProperty (next, next.hashCode ());
} catch (Exception x) {
throw new EcmaScriptException ("The property \""+next+"\" is not defined in the remote object.");
if (current == null)
throw new EcmaScriptException ("Method name \""+method+"\" could not be resolved.");
method = st.nextToken ();
// check XML-RPC access permissions
String proto = ((ESNode) current).getNode().getPrototype ();
app.checkXmlRpcAccess (proto, method);
ESValue esa[] = new ESValue[l];
for (int i=0; i<l; i++) {
esa[i] = FesiRpcUtil.convertJ2E (args.elementAt (i), evaluator);
result = FesiRpcUtil.convertE2J (current.doIndirectCall (evaluator, current, method, esa));
tx.commit ();
} catch (Exception wrong) {
try { tx.abort (); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
// If the transactor thread has been killed by the invoker thread we don't have to
// bother for the error message, just quit.
if (evaluator.thread != Thread.currentThread())
this.exception = wrong;
esresult = ESNull.theNull;
// Just a human readable descriptor of this invocation
String funcdesc = app.getName()+":internal/"+method;
try {
tx.begin (funcdesc);
root = app.getDataRoot ();
global.putHiddenProperty ("root", getNodeWrapper (root));
global.deleteProperty("user", "user".hashCode());
global.deleteProperty ("req", "req".hashCode());
global.putHiddenProperty ("res", ESLoader.normalizeValue(new ResponseTrans (), evaluator));
global.deleteProperty ("path", "path".hashCode());
global.putHiddenProperty ("app", appnode);
if (current == null) {
if (user == null) {
current = global;
} else {
ESUser esu = (ESUser) getNodeWrapper (user.getNode ());
ESUser esu = (ESUser) getNodeWrapper (user.getNode ());
esu.setUser (user);
esu.setUser (user);
current = esu;
global.putHiddenProperty ("root", getNodeWrapper (root));
global.putHiddenProperty("user", esu);
global.putHiddenProperty ("req", new ESWrapper (req, evaluator));
global.putHiddenProperty ("res", new ESWrapper (res, evaluator));
global.putHiddenProperty ("path", reqPath);
global.putHiddenProperty ("app", appnode);
// set and mount the request data object
reqData.setData (req.getReqData());
| = reqData;
try {
if (req.path == null || "".equals (req.path.trim ())) {
currentNode = root;
current = getNodeWrapper (root);
reqPath.putProperty (0, current);
Prototype p = app.getPrototype (root);
action = p.getActionOrTemplate (null);
} else {
// march down request path...
// is the next path element a subnode or a property of the last one?
// currently only used for users node
boolean isProperty = false;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (req.path, "/");
int ntokens = st.countTokens ();
String next = null;
currentNode = root;
reqPath.putProperty (0, getNodeWrapper (currentNode));
// the first token in the path needs to be treated seprerately,
// because "/user" is a shortcut to the current user session, while "/users"
// is the mounting point for all users.
if (ntokens > 1) {
next = st.nextToken ();
if ("user".equalsIgnoreCase (next)) {
currentNode = user.getNode ();
ntokens -=1;
if (currentNode != null)
reqPath.putProperty (1, getNodeWrapper (currentNode));
} else if ("users".equalsIgnoreCase (next)) {
currentNode = app.getUserRoot ();
ntokens -=1;
isProperty = true;
} else {
currentNode = currentNode.getSubnode (next);
ntokens -=1;
if (currentNode != null)
reqPath.putProperty (1, getNodeWrapper (currentNode));
for (int i=1; i<ntokens; i++) {
if (currentNode == null)
throw new FrameworkException ("Object not found.");
next = st.nextToken ();
if (isProperty) // get next element as property
currentNode = currentNode.getNode (next, false);
else // get next element as subnode
currentNode = currentNode.getSubnode (next);
isProperty = false;
if (currentNode != null && currentNode.getState() != INode.VIRTUAL) // add to reqPath array
reqPath.putProperty (reqPath.size(), getNodeWrapper (currentNode));
// limit path to < 50 tokens
if (i > 50) throw new RuntimeException ("Path too deep");
if (currentNode == null)
throw new FrameworkException ("Object not found.");
Prototype p = app.getPrototype (currentNode);
next = st.nextToken ();
if (p != null)
action = p.getActionOrTemplate (next);
if (p == null || action == null) {
currentNode = currentNode.getSubnode (next);
if (currentNode == null)
throw new FrameworkException ("Object or Action '"+next+"' not found.");
p = app.getPrototype (currentNode);
// add to reqPath array
if (currentNode != null && currentNode.getState() != INode.VIRTUAL)
reqPath.putProperty (reqPath.size(), getNodeWrapper (currentNode));
if (p != null)
action = p.getActionOrTemplate ("main");
current = getNodeWrapper (currentNode);
if (action == null)
throw new FrameworkException ("Action not found");
} catch (FrameworkException notfound) {
// The path could not be resolved. Check if there is a "not found" action
// specified in the property file.
String notFoundAction = app.props.getProperty ("notFound", "notfound");
Prototype p = app.getPrototype (root);
action = p.getActionOrTemplate (notFoundAction);
if (action == null)
throw new FrameworkException (notfound.getMessage ());
current = getNodeWrapper (root);
localrtx.timer.endEvent (requestPath+" init");
try {
localrtx.timer.beginEvent (requestPath+" execute");
current.doIndirectCall (evaluator, current, action.getFunctionName (), new ESValue[0]);
localrtx.timer.endEvent (requestPath+" execute");
done = true;
} catch (RedirectException redirect) {
res.redirect = redirect.getMessage ();
done = true;
// check if we're still the one and only or if the waiting thread has given up on us already
commitTransaction ();
done = true;
} catch (ConcurrencyException x) {
res.reset ();
if (++tries < 10) {
// try again after waiting some period
abortTransaction (true);
try {
// wait a bit longer with each try
int base = 200 * tries;
Thread.currentThread ().sleep ((long) (base + Math.random ()*base*2));
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
} else {
abortTransaction (false);
app.errorCount += 1;
res.write ("<b>Error in application '"+app.getName()+"':</b> <br><br><pre>Couldn't complete transaction due to heavy object traffic (tried "+tries+" times).</pre>");
done = true;
} catch (FrameworkException x) {
abortTransaction (false);
app.errorCount += 1;
res.reset ();
res.write ("<b>Error in application '"+app.getName()+"':</b> <br><br><pre>" + x.getMessage () + "</pre>");
if (app.debug)
x.printStackTrace ();
done = true;
} catch (Exception x) {
abortTransaction (false);
app.errorCount += 1;
System.err.println ("### Exception in "+app.getName()+"/"+req.path+": current = "+currentNode);
System.err.println (x);
// Dump the profiling data to System.err
((Transactor) Thread.currentThread ()).timer.dump (System.err);
if (app.debug)
x.printStackTrace ();
// If the transactor thread has been killed by the invoker thread we don't have to
// bother for the error message, just quit.
if (localrtx != rtx)
res.reset ();
res.write ("<b>Error in application '"+app.getName()+"':</b> <br><br><pre>" + x.getMessage () + "</pre>");
done = true;
esresult = current.doIndirectCall (evaluator, current, method, new ESValue[0]);
tx.commit ();
case XMLRPC:
} catch (Throwable wrong) {
try {
try { tx.abort (); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
localrtx.begin (app.getName()+":xmlrpc/"+method);
// If the transactor thread has been killed by the invoker thread we don't have to
root = app.getDataRoot ();
// bother for the error message, just quit.
if (evaluator.thread != Thread.currentThread())
global.putHiddenProperty ("root", getNodeWrapper (root));
global.deleteProperty("user", "user".hashCode());
global.deleteProperty ("req", "req".hashCode());
global.putHiddenProperty ("res", ESLoader.normalizeValue(new ResponseTrans (), evaluator));
global.deleteProperty ("path", "path".hashCode());
global.putHiddenProperty ("app", appnode);
// convert arguments
int l = args.size ();
current = getNodeWrapper (root);
if (method.indexOf (".") > -1) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (method, ".");
int cnt = st.countTokens ();
for (int i=1; i<cnt; i++) {
String next = st.nextToken ();
try {
current = (ESObject) current.getProperty (next, next.hashCode ());
} catch (Exception x) {
throw new EcmaScriptException ("The property \""+next+"\" is not defined in the remote object.");
if (current == null)
throw new EcmaScriptException ("Method name \""+method+"\" could not be resolved.");
method = st.nextToken ();
// check XML-RPC access permissions
String proto = ((ESNode) current).getNode().getPrototype ();
app.checkXmlRpcAccess (proto, method);
ESValue esa[] = new ESValue[l];
for (int i=0; i<l; i++) {
esa[i] = FesiRpcUtil.convertJ2E (args.elementAt (i), evaluator);
result = FesiRpcUtil.convertE2J (current.doIndirectCall (evaluator, current, method, esa));
commitTransaction ();
} catch (Exception wrong) {
abortTransaction (false);
// If the transactor thread has been killed by the invoker thread we don't have to
// bother for the error message, just quit.
if (localrtx != rtx) {
this.exception = wrong;
esresult = ESNull.theNull;
// Just a human readable descriptor of this invocation
String funcdesc = app.getName()+":internal/"+method;
try {
localrtx.begin (funcdesc);
root = app.getDataRoot ();
global.putHiddenProperty ("root", getNodeWrapper (root));
global.deleteProperty("user", "user".hashCode());
global.deleteProperty ("req", "req".hashCode());
global.putHiddenProperty ("res", ESLoader.normalizeValue(new ResponseTrans (), evaluator));
global.deleteProperty ("path", "path".hashCode());
global.putHiddenProperty ("app", appnode);
if (current == null) {
if (user == null) {
current = global;
} else {
ESUser esu = (ESUser) getNodeWrapper (user.getNode ());
esu.setUser (user);
current = esu;
esresult = current.doIndirectCall (evaluator, current, method, new ESValue[0]);
commitTransaction ();
} catch (Throwable wrong) {
abortTransaction (false);
// If the transactor thread has been killed by the invoker thread we don't have to
// bother for the error message, just quit.
if (localrtx != rtx) {
String msg = wrong.getMessage ();
if (msg == null || msg.length () == 0)
msg = wrong.toString ();
IServer.getLogger().log ("Error executing "+funcdesc+": "+msg);
this.exception = new Exception (msg);
String msg = wrong.getMessage ();
if (msg == null || msg.length () == 0)
msg = wrong.toString ();
IServer.getLogger().log ("Error executing "+funcdesc+": "+msg);
this.exception = new Exception (msg);
// create a new Thread every 1000 requests. The current one will fade out
reqtype = NONE;
if (txcount++ > 1000) {
// stop thread - a new one will be created when needed
// create a new Thread every 1000 requests. The current one will fade out
localrtx.closeConnections ();
if (txcount++ > 1000) {
stopThread (); // stop thread - a new one will be created when needed
synchronized (this) {
notifyAll ();
try {
wait ();
} catch (InterruptedException ir) {
Thread.currentThread ().interrupt ();
} while (evaluator.thread == Thread.currentThread () && evaluator.thread == rtx);
notifyAndWait ();
} while (localrtx == rtx);
} finally {
localrtx.closeConnections ();
* Called by the transactor thread when it has successfully fulfilled a request.
synchronized void commitTransaction () throws Exception {
Transactor localrtx = (Transactor) Thread.currentThread ();
if (localrtx == rtx) {
reqtype = NONE;
localrtx.commit ();
} else {
throw new TimeoutException ();
synchronized void abortTransaction (boolean retry) {
Transactor localrtx = (Transactor) Thread.currentThread ();
if (!retry && localrtx == rtx)
reqtype = NONE;
try {
localrtx.abort ();
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
* Tell waiting thread that we're done, then wait for next request
synchronized void notifyAndWait () {
Transactor localrtx = (Transactor) Thread.currentThread ();
if (reqtype != NONE)
notifyAll ();
try {
wait ();
} catch (InterruptedException ir) {
localrtx.closeConnections ();
public synchronized ResponseTrans invoke (RequestTrans req, User user) throws Exception {
public synchronized ResponseTrans invoke (RequestTrans req, User user) throws Exception {
@ -468,7 +509,7 @@ public class RequestEvaluator implements Runnable {
checkThread ();
checkThread ();
wait (app.requestTimeout);
wait (app.requestTimeout);
if (reqtype > 0) {
if (reqtype != NONE) {
IServer.getLogger().log ("Stopping Thread for Request "+app.getName()+"/"+req.path);
IServer.getLogger().log ("Stopping Thread for Request "+app.getName()+"/"+req.path);
stopThread ();
stopThread ();
res.reset ();
res.reset ();
@ -489,7 +530,7 @@ public class RequestEvaluator implements Runnable {
checkThread ();
checkThread ();
wait (app.requestTimeout);
wait (app.requestTimeout);
if (reqtype > 0) {
if (reqtype != NONE) {
stopThread ();
stopThread ();
@ -521,7 +562,7 @@ public class RequestEvaluator implements Runnable {
checkThread ();
checkThread ();
wait (60000l*15); // give internal call more time (15 minutes) to complete
wait (60000l*15); // give internal call more time (15 minutes) to complete
if (reqtype > 0) {
if (reqtype != NONE) {
stopThread ();
stopThread ();
@ -543,7 +584,7 @@ public class RequestEvaluator implements Runnable {
checkThread ();
checkThread ();
wait (app.requestTimeout);
wait (app.requestTimeout);
if (reqtype > 0) {
if (reqtype != NONE) {
stopThread ();
stopThread ();
@ -559,17 +600,20 @@ public class RequestEvaluator implements Runnable {
public synchronized void stopThread () {
public synchronized void stopThread () {
// IServer.getLogger().log ("Stopping Thread");
// IServer.getLogger().log ("Stopping Thread");
evaluator.thread = null;
Transactor t = rtx;
Transactor t = rtx;
evaluator.thread = null;
rtx = null;
rtx = null;
if (t != null) {
if (t != null) {
if (reqtype != NONE) {
if (reqtype != NONE) {
try { t.abort (); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try {
t.abort ();
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
t.kill ();
t.kill ();
reqtype = NONE;
} else {
} else {
notifyAll ();
notifyAll ();
t.cleanup ();
t.closeConnections ();
@ -590,7 +634,9 @@ public class RequestEvaluator implements Runnable {
* in those places when wrappers have to be updated if they already exist.
* in those places when wrappers have to be updated if they already exist.
public ESNode getNodeWrapperFromCache (INode n) {
public ESNode getNodeWrapperFromCache (INode n) {
return n == null ? null : (ESNode) objectcache.get (n);
if (n == null)
return null;
return (ESNode) objectcache.get (n);
public ESNode getNodeWrapper (INode n) {
public ESNode getNodeWrapper (INode n) {
Add table
Reference in a new issue