moved to helma.scripting.fesi.extensions package

This commit is contained in:
hns 2001-08-31 16:02:48 +00:00
parent b00f663f47
commit 6cdad2233f
5 changed files with 0 additions and 2079 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) Hannes Wallnöfer 1998-2000
package helma.framework.extensions;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import javax.activation.*;
import java.util.*;
import helma.main.Server;
import helma.framework.core.*;
import helma.util.*;
import FESI.Data.*;
import FESI.Interpreter.*;
import FESI.Exceptions.*;
* A JavaScript wrapper around a JavaMail message class to send
* mail via SMTP from HOP
public class ESMail extends ESObject implements Serializable {
MailExtension mailx;
Properties mprops;
MimeMessage message;
Multipart multipart;
StringBuffer buffer;
int status;
public static final int OK=0;
public static final int SUBJECT=10;
public static final int TEXT=11;
public static final int MIMEPART=12;
public static final int TO=20;
public static final int CC=21;
public static final int BCC=22;
public static final int FROM=23;
public static final int REPLYTO=24;
public static final int SEND=30;
public ESMail (MailExtension mailx) {
super (mailx.esMailPrototype, mailx.evaluator);
this.status = OK;
this.mailx = mailx;
this.mprops = mailx.mprops;
// create some properties and get the default Session
try {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put ("", mprops.getProperty ("smtp", "mail"));
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
message = new MimeMessage (session);
} catch (Throwable t) {
Server.getLogger().log ("caught in mail constructor: "+t);
public void setStatus (int status) {
// Only register the first error that occurrs
if (this.status == 0)
this.status = status;
public int getStatus () {
return status;
public ESValue getProperty(String propertyName, int hash) throws EcmaScriptException {
if ("status".equalsIgnoreCase (propertyName))
return new ESNumber (status);
return super.getProperty (propertyName, hash);
public void setText (ESValue val) throws Exception {
if (buffer == null)
buffer = new StringBuffer ();
if (val != null)
buffer.append (val.toString ());
public void addPart (ESValue val[]) throws Exception {
if (val == null || val.length == 0) return;
if (multipart == null) {
multipart = new MimeMultipart ();
for (int i=0; i<val.length; i++) {
// FIXME: addPart is broken.
MimeBodyPart part = new MimeBodyPart ();
Object obj = val[i].toJavaObject ();
if (obj instanceof String) {
part.setContent (obj.toString (), "text/plain");
} else if (obj instanceof File) {
FileDataSource source = new FileDataSource ((File) obj);
part.setDataHandler (new DataHandler (source));
multipart.addBodyPart (part);
public void setSubject (ESValue val) throws Exception {
if (val == null)
message.setSubject (MimeUtility.encodeWord (val.toString (), "iso-8859-1", null));
public void setReplyTo (ESValue add) throws Exception {
String addstring = add.toString ();
if (addstring.indexOf ("@") < 0)
throw new AddressException ();
Address replyTo[] = new Address[1];
replyTo[0] = new InternetAddress (addstring);
message.setReplyTo (replyTo);
public void setFrom (ESValue add[]) throws Exception {
String addstring = add[0].toString ();
if (addstring.indexOf ("@") < 0)
throw new AddressException ();
Address address = null;
if (add.length > 1)
address = new InternetAddress (addstring, MimeUtility.encodeWord (add[1].toString (), "iso-8859-1", null));
address = new InternetAddress (addstring);
message.setFrom (address);
public void addTo (ESValue add[]) throws Exception {
String addstring = add[0].toString ();
if (addstring.indexOf ("@") < 0)
throw new AddressException ();
Address address = null;
if (add.length > 1)
address = new InternetAddress (addstring, MimeUtility.encodeWord (add[1].toString (), "iso-8859-1", null));
address = new InternetAddress (addstring);
message.addRecipient (Message.RecipientType.TO, address);
public void addCC (ESValue add[]) throws Exception {
String addstring = add[0].toString ();
if (addstring.indexOf ("@") < 0)
throw new AddressException ();
Address address = null;
if (add.length > 1)
address = new InternetAddress (addstring, MimeUtility.encodeWord (add[1].toString (), "iso-8859-1", null));
address = new InternetAddress (addstring);
message.addRecipient (Message.RecipientType.CC, address);
public void addBCC (ESValue add[]) throws Exception {
String addstring = add[0].toString ();
if (addstring.indexOf ("@") < 0)
throw new AddressException ();
Address address = null;
if (add.length > 1)
address = new InternetAddress (addstring, MimeUtility.encodeWord (add[1].toString (), "iso-8859-1", null));
address = new InternetAddress (addstring);
message.addRecipient (Message.RecipientType.BCC, address);
public void send () throws Exception {
if (buffer != null)
message.setText (buffer.toString ());
else if (multipart != null)
message.setContent (multipart);
message.setText ("");
Transport.send (message);

View file

@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) Hannes Wallnöfer 1998-2000
package helma.framework.extensions;
import helma.objectmodel.*;
import FESI.Parser.*;
import FESI.AST.*;
import FESI.Interpreter.*;
import FESI.Exceptions.*;
import FESI.Extensions.*;
import FESI.Data.*;
* A FTP-client object that allows to do some FTP from HOP applications.
* FTP support is far from complete but can easily be extended if more
* functionality is needed.
* This uses the NetComponent classes from (ex
class ESFtpClient extends ESObject {
private FTPClient ftpclient;
private String server;
private Exception lastError = null;
private File localDir = null;
* Create a new FTP Client
* @param prototype The prototype object for the FTP object
* @param evaluator The current evaluator
ESFtpClient(ESObject prototype, Evaluator evaluator, ESValue srvstr) {
super(prototype, evaluator);
this.server = srvstr.toString ();
ESFtpClient(ESObject prototype, Evaluator evaluator) {
super(prototype, evaluator);
public String getESClassName() {
return "FtpClient";
public String toString() {
return "[FtpClient]";
public String toDetailString() {
return "ES:[Object: builtin " + this.getClass().getName() + ":" +
this.toString() + "]";
ESValue getLastError() throws EcmaScriptException {
if (lastError == null) {
return ESNull.theNull;
} else {
return ESLoader.normalizeValue(lastError, evaluator);
* Login to the FTP server
* @param arguments The argument list
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
ESValue login(ESValue arguments[]) throws EcmaScriptException {
if (server == null)
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
try {
ftpclient = new FTPClient ();
ftpclient.connect (server);
ftpclient.login (arguments[0].toString(), arguments[1].toString());
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean (true);
} catch (Exception x) {
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean (false);
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError x) {
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean (false);
ESValue cd (ESValue arguments[]) throws EcmaScriptException {
if (ftpclient == null)
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
try {
ftpclient.changeWorkingDirectory (arguments[0].toString ());
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
} catch (Exception wrong) {}
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
ESValue mkdir (ESValue arguments[]) throws EcmaScriptException {
if (ftpclient == null)
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
try {
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(ftpclient.makeDirectory (arguments[0].toString ()));
} catch (Exception wrong) {}
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
ESValue lcd (ESValue arguments[]) throws EcmaScriptException {
try {
localDir = new File (arguments[0].toString());
if (!localDir.exists())
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
} catch (Exception wrong) {}
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
ESValue putFile(ESValue arguments[]) throws EcmaScriptException {
if (ftpclient == null)
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
try {
String fn = arguments[0].toString();
File f = localDir == null ? new File (fn) : new File (localDir, fn);
InputStream fin = new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (f));
ftpclient.storeFile (arguments[1].toString (), fin);
fin.close ();
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
} catch (Exception wrong) {}
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
ESValue putString(ESValue arguments[]) throws EcmaScriptException {
if (ftpclient == null)
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
try {
byte[] bytes = null;
// check if this already is a byte array
if (arguments[0] instanceof ESArrayWrapper) {
Object o = ((ESArrayWrapper) arguments[0]).toJavaObject ();
if (o instanceof byte[])
bytes = (byte[]) o;
if (bytes == null)
bytes = arguments[0].toString().getBytes();
ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream (bytes);
ftpclient.storeFile (arguments[1].toString (), bin);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
} catch (Exception wrong) {}
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
ESValue getFile(ESValue arguments[]) throws EcmaScriptException {
if (ftpclient == null )
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
try {
String fn = arguments[0].toString();
File f = localDir == null ? new File (fn) : new File (localDir, fn);
OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream(f));
ftpclient.retrieveFile (arguments[0].toString (), out);
out.close ();
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
} catch (Exception wrong) {}
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
ESValue getString(ESValue arguments[]) throws EcmaScriptException {
if (ftpclient == null )
return ESNull.theNull;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
ftpclient.retrieveFile (arguments[0].toString (), bout);
return new ESString (bout.toString ());
} catch (Exception wrong) {}
return ESNull.theNull;
* Disconnect from FTP server
* @param arguments The argument list
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
ESValue logout (ESValue arguments[]) throws EcmaScriptException {
if (ftpclient != null) {
try {
ftpclient.logout ();
} catch (IOException ignore) {}
try {
ftpclient.disconnect ();
} catch (IOException ignore) {}
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean (true);
ESValue binary (ESValue arguments[]) throws EcmaScriptException {
if (ftpclient != null) {
try {
ftpclient.setFileType (FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean (true);
} catch (IOException ignore) {}
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean (false);
ESValue ascii (ESValue arguments[]) throws EcmaScriptException {
if (ftpclient != null) {
try {
ftpclient.setFileType (FTP.ASCII_FILE_TYPE);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean (true);
} catch (IOException ignore) {}
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean (false);
public class FtpExtension extends Extension {
private transient Evaluator evaluator = null;
private ESObject esFtpPrototype = null;
public FtpExtension () {
class GlobalObjectFtpClient extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
GlobalObjectFtpClient(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
return doConstruct(thisObject, arguments);
public ESObject doConstruct(ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESFtpClient ftp = null;
if (arguments.length != 1)
throw new EcmaScriptException("FtpClient requires 1 argument");
ftp = new ESFtpClient (esFtpPrototype,
return ftp;
class FtpClientLogin extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
FtpClientLogin(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESFtpClient ftp = (ESFtpClient) thisObject;
return ftp.login (arguments);
class FtpClientCD extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
FtpClientCD(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESFtpClient ftp = (ESFtpClient) thisObject;
return (arguments);
class FtpClientMKDIR extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
FtpClientMKDIR(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESFtpClient ftp = (ESFtpClient) thisObject;
return ftp.mkdir (arguments);
class FtpClientLCD extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
FtpClientLCD(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESFtpClient ftp = (ESFtpClient) thisObject;
return ftp.lcd (arguments);
class FtpClientPutFile extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
FtpClientPutFile (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESFtpClient ftp = (ESFtpClient) thisObject;
return ftp.putFile (arguments);
class FtpClientPutString extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
FtpClientPutString (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESFtpClient ftp = (ESFtpClient) thisObject;
return ftp.putString (arguments);
class FtpClientGetFile extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
FtpClientGetFile (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESFtpClient ftp = (ESFtpClient) thisObject;
return ftp.getFile (arguments);
class FtpClientGetString extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
FtpClientGetString (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESFtpClient ftp = (ESFtpClient) thisObject;
return ftp.getString (arguments);
class FtpClientLogout extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
FtpClientLogout(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESFtpClient ftp = (ESFtpClient) thisObject;
return ftp.logout (arguments);
class FtpClientBinary extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
FtpClientBinary(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESFtpClient ftp = (ESFtpClient) thisObject;
return ftp.binary (arguments);
class FtpClientAscii extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
FtpClientAscii(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
ESFtpClient ftp = (ESFtpClient) thisObject;
return ftp.ascii (arguments);
public void initializeExtension(Evaluator evaluator) throws EcmaScriptException {
this.evaluator = evaluator;
GlobalObject go = evaluator.getGlobalObject();
ObjectPrototype op = (ObjectPrototype) evaluator.getObjectPrototype();
FunctionPrototype fp = (FunctionPrototype) evaluator.getFunctionPrototype();
esFtpPrototype = new ESFtpClient (op, evaluator);
ESObject globalFtpObject = new GlobalObjectFtpClient("FtpClient", evaluator, fp);
globalFtpObject.putHiddenProperty("length",new ESNumber(1));
esFtpPrototype.putHiddenProperty("login", new FtpClientLogin("login", evaluator, fp));
esFtpPrototype.putHiddenProperty("cd", new FtpClientCD("cd", evaluator, fp));
esFtpPrototype.putHiddenProperty("mkdir", new FtpClientMKDIR("mkdir", evaluator, fp));
esFtpPrototype.putHiddenProperty("lcd", new FtpClientLCD("lcd", evaluator, fp));
esFtpPrototype.putHiddenProperty("putFile", new FtpClientPutFile("putFile", evaluator, fp));
esFtpPrototype.putHiddenProperty("putString", new FtpClientPutString("putString", evaluator, fp));
esFtpPrototype.putHiddenProperty("getFile", new FtpClientGetFile("getFile", evaluator, fp));
esFtpPrototype.putHiddenProperty("getString", new FtpClientGetString("getString", evaluator, fp));
esFtpPrototype.putHiddenProperty("logout", new FtpClientLogout("logout", evaluator, fp));
esFtpPrototype.putHiddenProperty("binary", new FtpClientBinary("binary", evaluator, fp));
esFtpPrototype.putHiddenProperty("ascii", new FtpClientAscii("ascii", evaluator, fp));
go.putHiddenProperty("FtpClient", globalFtpObject);

View file

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) Hannes Wallnöfer 1998-2000
package helma.framework.extensions;
import helma.objectmodel.*;
import helma.util.*;
import helma.image.*;
import FESI.Interpreter.*;
import FESI.Exceptions.*;
import FESI.Extensions.*;
import FESI.Data.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.rmi.Naming;
* Extension to do Image manipulation from HOP.
public class ImageExtension extends Extension {
protected Evaluator evaluator = null;
static boolean remote = false;
public ImageExtension () {
class GlobalObjectImage extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
ImageExtension imagex;
ImageGenerator imggen;
GlobalObjectImage (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp, ImageExtension imagex) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
this.imagex = imagex;
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
return doConstruct(thisObject, arguments);
public ESObject doConstruct(ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
Object img = null;
IRemoteGenerator rgen = null;
try {
if (imggen == null && !remote) {
try {
imggen = new ImageGenerator ();
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError noawt) {
remote = true;
if (remote)
rgen = (IRemoteGenerator) Naming.lookup ("//localhost:3033/server");
if (arguments.length == 1) {
if (arguments[0] instanceof ESArrayWrapper) {
Object obj = ((ESArrayWrapper) arguments[0]).toJavaObject ();
if (obj instanceof byte[]) {
img = remote ?
(Object) rgen.createImage ((byte[]) obj) :
(Object) imggen.createImage ((byte[]) obj);
} else if (arguments[0] instanceof ESString) {
String imgurl = arguments[0].toString ();
img = remote ?
(Object) rgen.createPaintableImage (imgurl) :
(Object) imggen.createPaintableImage (imgurl);
} else if (arguments.length == 2) {
if (arguments[0] instanceof ESWrapper && arguments[1] instanceof ESWrapper) {
// create a new image from an existing one and an image filter
Object image = arguments[0].toJavaObject ();
Object filter = arguments[1].toJavaObject ();
img = imggen.createPaintableImage ((ImageWrapper) image, (ImageFilter) filter);
} else if (arguments[0].isNumberValue () && arguments[1].isNumberValue ()) {
img = remote ?
(Object) rgen.createPaintableImage (arguments[0].toInt32(), arguments[1].toInt32()) :
(Object) imggen.createPaintableImage (arguments[0].toInt32(), arguments[1].toInt32());
} catch (Exception error) {
System.err.println ("Error creating Image: "+error);
if (img == null)
throw new EcmaScriptException ("Error creating image: Bad parameters or setup problem.");
return new ESWrapper (img, this.evaluator);
* Called by the evaluator after the extension is loaded.
public void initializeExtension(Evaluator evaluator) throws EcmaScriptException {
this.evaluator = evaluator;
GlobalObject go = evaluator.getGlobalObject();
FunctionPrototype fp = (FunctionPrototype) evaluator.getFunctionPrototype();
ESObject image = new GlobalObjectImage ("Image", evaluator, fp, this); // the Image constructor
go.putHiddenProperty("Image", image); // register the constructor for a Image object.

View file

@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) Hannes Wallnöfer 1998-2000
package helma.framework.extensions;
import helma.main.Server;
import helma.util.*;
import FESI.Interpreter.*;
import FESI.Exceptions.*;
import FESI.Extensions.*;
import FESI.Data.*;
import java.util.*;
* Extension to create and send mail messages via SMTP from HOP applications
public class MailExtension extends Extension {
protected Evaluator evaluator = null;
protected ObjectPrototype esMailPrototype = null;
protected Properties mprops;
public MailExtension () {
public void setProperties (Properties props) {
this.mprops = props;
* Called by the evaluator after the extension is loaded.
public void initializeExtension(Evaluator evaluator) throws EcmaScriptException {
this.evaluator = evaluator;
GlobalObject go = evaluator.getGlobalObject();
FunctionPrototype fp = (FunctionPrototype) evaluator.getFunctionPrototype();
ESObject op = evaluator.getObjectPrototype();
esMailPrototype = new ObjectPrototype(op, evaluator); // the Node prototype
ESObject mail = new GlobalObjectMail ("Mail", evaluator, fp, this); // the Mail constructor
go.putHiddenProperty("Mail", mail); // register the constructor for a Mail object.
// methods for sending mail from JS...
ESObject p = new MailSetText ("setText", evaluator, fp);
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("setText", p);
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("addText", p);
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("addPart", new MailAddPart ("addPart", evaluator, fp));
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("setSubject", new MailSetSubject ("setSubject", evaluator, fp));
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("setReplyTo", new MailSetReplyTo ("setReplyTo", evaluator, fp));
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("setFrom", new MailSetFrom ("setFrom", evaluator, fp));
p = new MailAddTo ("addTo", evaluator, fp);
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("addTo", p);
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("setTo", p);
p = new MailAddCC ("addCC", evaluator, fp);
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("addCC", p);
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("setCC", p);
p = new MailAddBCC ("addBCC", evaluator, fp);
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("addBCC", p);
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("setBCC", p);
esMailPrototype.putHiddenProperty("send", new MailSend ("send", evaluator, fp));
class GlobalObjectMail extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
MailExtension mailx;
GlobalObjectMail (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp, MailExtension mailx) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
this.mailx = mailx;
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
return doConstruct(thisObject, arguments);
public ESObject doConstruct(ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
ESMail mail = null;
if (arguments.length == 0) {
mail = new ESMail (mailx);
} else {
mail = new ESMail (mailx);
// should/could do something with extra arguments...
return mail;
class MailSetText extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
MailSetText (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super (fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction (ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
ESMail mail = (ESMail) thisObject;
if (arguments.length == 1) try {
mail.setText (arguments[0]);
} catch (Exception x) {
mail.setStatus (ESMail.TEXT);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
class MailAddPart extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
MailAddPart (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super (fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction (ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
ESMail mail = (ESMail) thisObject;
try {
mail.addPart (arguments);
} catch (Exception x) {
mail.setStatus (ESMail.MIMEPART);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
class MailSetSubject extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
MailSetSubject (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super (fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction (ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
ESMail mail = (ESMail) thisObject;
if (arguments.length == 1) try {
mail.setSubject (arguments[0]);
} catch (Exception x) {
mail.setStatus (ESMail.SUBJECT);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
class MailSetReplyTo extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
MailSetReplyTo (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super (fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction (ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
ESMail mail = (ESMail) thisObject;
if (arguments.length == 1) try {
mail.setReplyTo (arguments[0]);
} catch (Exception x) {
mail.setStatus (ESMail.REPLYTO);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
class MailSetFrom extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
MailSetFrom (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super (fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction (ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
ESMail mail = (ESMail) thisObject;
try {
mail.setFrom (arguments);
} catch (Exception x) {
mail.setStatus (ESMail.FROM);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
class MailAddTo extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
MailAddTo (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super (fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction (ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
ESMail mail = (ESMail) thisObject;
try {
mail.addTo (arguments);
} catch (Exception x) {
mail.setStatus (ESMail.TO);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
class MailAddCC extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
MailAddCC (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super (fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction (ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
ESMail mail = (ESMail) thisObject;
try {
mail.addCC (arguments);
} catch (Exception x) {
mail.setStatus (ESMail.CC);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
class MailAddBCC extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
MailAddBCC (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super (fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction (ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
ESMail mail = (ESMail) thisObject;
try {
mail.addBCC (arguments);
} catch (Exception x) {
mail.setStatus (ESMail.BCC);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);
class MailSend extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
MailSend (String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super (fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction (ESObject thisObject, ESValue[] arguments) throws EcmaScriptException {
ESMail mail = (ESMail) thisObject;
try {
mail.send ();
} catch (Exception x) {
Server.getLogger().log ("Error sending mail: "+x);
mail.setStatus (ESMail.SEND);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(false);
return ESBoolean.makeBoolean(true);