fixed formatting and indentation.

This commit is contained in:
hns 2002-07-05 13:28:42 +00:00
parent 47ab428371
commit 443dd18158

View file

@ -12,229 +12,233 @@ import helma.util.SystemProperties;
public class XmlConverter implements XmlConstants { public class XmlConverter implements XmlConstants {
private boolean DEBUG=false; private boolean DEBUG=false;
private Properties props; private Properties props;
private char defaultSeparator = '_'; private char defaultSeparator = '_';
private int offset = 0; private int offset = 0;
public XmlConverter() { public XmlConverter() {
props = new SystemProperties(); props = new SystemProperties();
public XmlConverter(String propFile) {
props = new SystemProperties(propFile);
public XmlConverter(File propFile) {
this ( propFile.getAbsolutePath() );
public XmlConverter(Properties props) {
this.props = props;
public INode convert( String desc ) {
return convert(desc, new TransientNode() );
public INode convert( String desc, INode helmaNode ) throws RuntimeException {
try {
return convert( new URL(desc), helmaNode );
} catch ( MalformedURLException notanurl ) {
try {
return convert( new File(desc), helmaNode );
} catch ( FileNotFoundException notfound ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "couldn't read xml: " + desc );
} catch ( IOException ioerror ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "couldn't read xml: " + desc );
public INode convert( File file, INode helmaNode ) throws RuntimeException, FileNotFoundException {
return convert( new FileInputStream(file), helmaNode );
public INode convert( URL url, INode helmaNode ) throws RuntimeException, IOException, MalformedURLException {
return convert( url.openConnection().getInputStream(), helmaNode );
public INode convert( InputStream in, INode helmaNode ) throws RuntimeException {
Document document = XmlUtil.parse (in);
if ( document!=null && document.getDocumentElement()!=null ) {
return convert( document.getDocumentElement(), helmaNode );
} else {
return helmaNode;
public INode convert( Element element, INode helmaNode ) {
if (DEBUG)
debug("reading " + element.getNodeName() );
helmaNode.setName( element.getNodeName() );
String prototype = (String)props.get(element.getNodeName().toLowerCase()+"._prototype");
if ( prototype == null )
prototype = "HopObject";
helmaNode.setPrototype( prototype );
attributes(element, helmaNode);
if ( element.hasChildNodes() ) {
children(element, helmaNode);
return helmaNode;
* parse xml children and create hopobject-children
private INode children( Element element, helma.objectmodel.INode helmaNode ) {
NodeList list = element.getChildNodes();
int len = list.getLength();
StringBuffer textcontent = new StringBuffer();
String domKey, helmaKey;
for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
// loop through the list of children
org.w3c.dom.Node childNode = list.item(i);
// if it's text content of this element -> append to StringBuffer
if ( childNode.getNodeType()==org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
textcontent.append( childNode.getNodeValue().trim() );
// FIXME: handle CDATA!
// it's some kind of element (property or child)
if ( childNode.getNodeType()==org.w3c.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
Element childElement = (Element)childNode;
// get the basic key we have to look for in the properties-table
domKey = (element.getNodeName()+"."+childElement.getNodeName()).toLowerCase();
// is there a childtext-2-property mapping?
if ( props!=null && props.containsKey(domKey+"._text") ) {
helmaKey = (String)props.get(domKey+"._text");
if( helmaKey.equals("") )
// if property is set but without value, read elementname for this mapping
helmaKey = childElement.getNodeName().replace(':',defaultSeparator);
if (DEBUG)
debug("childtext-2-property mapping, helmaKey " + helmaKey + " for domKey " + domKey );
if ( helmaNode.getString(helmaKey,false)==null ) {
helmaNode.setString( helmaKey, XmlUtil.getTextContent(childNode) );
if (DEBUG)
debug("childtext-2-property mapping, setting " + helmaKey + " as string" );
// is there a simple child-2-property mapping?
// (lets the user define to use only one element and make this a property
// and simply ignore other elements of the same name)
if ( props!=null && props.containsKey(domKey+"._property") ) {
helmaKey = (String)props.get(domKey+"._property");
// if property is set but without value, read elementname for this mapping:
if ( helmaKey.equals("") )
helmaKey = childElement.getNodeName().replace(':',defaultSeparator);
if (DEBUG)
debug("child-2-property mapping, helmaKey " + helmaKey + " for domKey " + domKey);
if ( helmaNode.getNode(helmaKey,false)==null ) {
convert( childElement, helmaNode.createNode(helmaKey) );
if (DEBUG)
debug( "read " + childElement.toString() + helmaNode.getNode(helmaKey,false).toString() );
// map it to one of the children-lists
helma.objectmodel.INode newHelmaNode = null;
String childrenMapping = (String)props.get(element.getNodeName().toLowerCase()+"._children");
// do we need a mapping directly among _children of helmaNode?
// can either be through property elname._children=_all or elname._children=childname
if( childrenMapping!=null && ( childrenMapping.equals("_all") || childrenMapping.equals(childElement.getNodeName()) ) ) {
newHelmaNode = convert(childElement, helmaNode.createNode(null) );
// which name to choose for a virtual subnode:
helmaKey = (String)props.get(domKey);
if ( helmaKey==null ) {
helmaKey = childElement.getNodeName().replace(':',defaultSeparator);
// try to get the virtual node
helma.objectmodel.INode worknode = helmaNode.getNode( helmaKey, false );
if ( worknode==null ) {
// if virtual node doesn't exist, create it
worknode = helmaNode.createNode( helmaKey );
if (DEBUG)
debug( "mounting child "+ childElement.getNodeName() + " at worknode " + worknode.toString() );
// now mount it, possibly re-using the helmaNode that's been created before
if ( newHelmaNode!=null ) {
} else {
convert( childElement, worknode.createNode( null ) );
// forget about other types (comments etc)
} }
public XmlConverter(String propFile) { // if there's some text content for this element, map it:
props = new SystemProperties(propFile); if ( textcontent.length()>0 ) {
extractProperties(props); helmaKey = (String)props.get(element.getNodeName().toLowerCase()+"._text");
if ( helmaKey==null )
helmaKey = "text";
helmaNode.setString(helmaKey, textcontent.toString().trim() );
} }
public XmlConverter(File propFile) { return helmaNode;
this ( propFile.getAbsolutePath() ); }
* set element's attributes as properties of helmaNode
private INode attributes( Element element, INode helmaNode ) {
NamedNodeMap nnm = element.getAttributes();
int len = nnm.getLength();
for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
org.w3c.dom.Node attr = nnm.item(i);
if ( attr.getNodeName().equals("_prototype") ) {
helmaNode.setPrototype( attr.getNodeValue() );
} else if ( attr.getNodeName().equals("_name") ) {
helmaNode.setName( attr.getNodeValue() );
} else {
String helmaKey = (String)props.get(element.getNodeName().toLowerCase()+"._attribute."+attr.getNodeName().toLowerCase());
if ( helmaKey==null )
helmaKey = attr.getNodeName().replace(':',defaultSeparator);
helmaNode.setString( helmaKey, attr.getNodeValue() );
} }
return helmaNode;
public XmlConverter(Properties props) { /**
this.props = props; * utility function
extractProperties(props); */
private void extractProperties( Properties props ) {
if ( props.containsKey("separator") ) {
defaultSeparator = ((String)props.get("separator")).charAt(0);
} }
public INode convert( String desc ) { /** for testing */
return convert(desc, new TransientNode() ); void debug(Object msg) {
for ( int i=0; i<offset; i++ ) {
System.out.print(" ");
} }
public INode convert( String desc, INode helmaNode ) throws RuntimeException { }
try {
return convert( new URL(desc), helmaNode );
} catch ( MalformedURLException notanurl ) {
try {
return convert( new File(desc), helmaNode );
} catch ( FileNotFoundException notfound ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "couldn't read xml: " + desc );
} catch ( IOException ioerror ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "couldn't read xml: " + desc );
public INode convert( File file, INode helmaNode ) throws RuntimeException, FileNotFoundException {
return convert( new FileInputStream(file), helmaNode );
public INode convert( URL url, INode helmaNode ) throws RuntimeException, IOException, MalformedURLException {
return convert( url.openConnection().getInputStream(), helmaNode );
public INode convert( InputStream in, INode helmaNode ) throws RuntimeException {
Document document = XmlUtil.parse (in);
if ( document!=null && document.getDocumentElement()!=null ) {
return convert( document.getDocumentElement(), helmaNode );
} else {
return helmaNode;
public INode convert( Element element, INode helmaNode ) {
if (DEBUG) debug("reading " + element.getNodeName() );
helmaNode.setName( element.getNodeName() );
String prototype = (String)props.get(element.getNodeName().toLowerCase()+"._prototype");
if ( prototype == null )
prototype = "HopObject";
helmaNode.setPrototype( prototype );
attributes(element, helmaNode);
if ( element.hasChildNodes() ) {
children(element, helmaNode);
return helmaNode;
* parse xml children and create hopobject-children
private INode children( Element element, helma.objectmodel.INode helmaNode ) {
NodeList list = element.getChildNodes();
int len = list.getLength();
StringBuffer textcontent = new StringBuffer();
String domKey, helmaKey;
for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
// loop through the list of children
org.w3c.dom.Node childNode = list.item(i);
// if it's text content of this element -> append to StringBuffer
if ( childNode.getNodeType()==org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
textcontent.append( childNode.getNodeValue().trim() );
// FIXME: handle CDATA!
// it's some kind of element (property or child)
if ( childNode.getNodeType()==org.w3c.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
Element childElement = (Element)childNode;
// get the basic key we have to look for in the properties-table
domKey = (element.getNodeName()+"."+childElement.getNodeName()).toLowerCase();
// is there a childtext-2-property mapping?
if ( props!=null && props.containsKey(domKey+"._text") ) {
helmaKey = (String)props.get(domKey+"._text");
if( helmaKey.equals("") )
// if property is set but without value, read elementname for this mapping
helmaKey = childElement.getNodeName().replace(':',defaultSeparator);
if (DEBUG) debug("childtext-2-property mapping, helmaKey " + helmaKey + " for domKey " + domKey );
if ( helmaNode.getString(helmaKey,false)==null ) {
helmaNode.setString( helmaKey, XmlUtil.getTextContent(childNode) );
if (DEBUG) debug("childtext-2-property mapping, setting " + helmaKey + " as string" );
// is there a simple child-2-property mapping?
// (lets the user define to use only one element and make this a property
// and simply ignore other elements of the same name)
if ( props!=null && props.containsKey(domKey+"._property") ) {
helmaKey = (String)props.get(domKey+"._property");
// if property is set but without value, read elementname for this mapping:
if ( helmaKey.equals("") )
helmaKey = childElement.getNodeName().replace(':',defaultSeparator);
if (DEBUG) debug("child-2-property mapping, helmaKey " + helmaKey + " for domKey " + domKey);
if ( helmaNode.getNode(helmaKey,false)==null ) {
convert( childElement, helmaNode.createNode(helmaKey) );
if (DEBUG) debug( "read " + childElement.toString() + helmaNode.getNode(helmaKey,false).toString() );
// public static void main ( String args[] ) {
// map it to one of the children-lists }
helma.objectmodel.INode newHelmaNode = null;
String childrenMapping = (String)props.get(element.getNodeName().toLowerCase()+"._children");
// do we need a mapping directly among _children of helmaNode?
// can either be through property elname._children=_all or elname._children=childname
if( childrenMapping!=null && ( childrenMapping.equals("_all") || childrenMapping.equals(childElement.getNodeName()) ) ) {
newHelmaNode = convert(childElement, helmaNode.createNode(null) );
// which name to choose for a virtual subnode:
helmaKey = (String)props.get(domKey);
if ( helmaKey==null ) {
helmaKey = childElement.getNodeName().replace(':',defaultSeparator);
// try to get the virtual node
helma.objectmodel.INode worknode = helmaNode.getNode( helmaKey, false );
if ( worknode==null ) {
// if virtual node doesn't exist, create it
worknode = helmaNode.createNode( helmaKey );
if (DEBUG) debug( "mounting child "+ childElement.getNodeName() + " at worknode " + worknode.toString() );
// now mount it, possibly re-using the helmaNode that's been created before
if ( newHelmaNode!=null ) {
} else {
convert( childElement, worknode.createNode( null ) );
// forget about other types (comments etc)
// if there's some text content for this element, map it:
if ( textcontent.length()>0 ) {
helmaKey = (String)props.get(element.getNodeName().toLowerCase()+"._text");
if ( helmaKey==null )
helmaKey = "text";
helmaNode.setString(helmaKey, textcontent.toString().trim() );
return helmaNode;
* set element's attributes as properties of helmaNode
private INode attributes( Element element, INode helmaNode ) {
NamedNodeMap nnm = element.getAttributes();
int len = nnm.getLength();
for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
org.w3c.dom.Node attr = nnm.item(i);
if ( attr.getNodeName().equals("_prototype") ) {
helmaNode.setPrototype( attr.getNodeValue() );
} else if ( attr.getNodeName().equals("_name") ) {
helmaNode.setName( attr.getNodeValue() );
} else {
String helmaKey = (String)props.get(element.getNodeName().toLowerCase()+"._attribute."+attr.getNodeName().toLowerCase());
if ( helmaKey==null )
helmaKey = attr.getNodeName().replace(':',defaultSeparator);
helmaNode.setString( helmaKey, attr.getNodeValue() );
return helmaNode;
* utility function
private void extractProperties( Properties props ) {
if ( props.containsKey("separator") ) {
defaultSeparator = ((String)props.get("separator")).charAt(0);
/** for testing */
void debug(Object msg) {
for ( int i=0; i<offset; i++ ) {
System.out.print(" ");
public static void main ( String args[] ) {
} }