renamed from Node to TransientNode

This commit is contained in:
hns 2001-08-20 14:48:38 +00:00
parent c977631ec9
commit 4174c3ebbd

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@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
// Copyright (c) Hannes Wallnöfer 1997-2000
package helma.objectmodel;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import helma.util.*;
import helma.framework.IPathElement;
import helma.objectmodel.db.DbMapping;
import helma.objectmodel.db.Relation;
* A transient implementation of INode. An instance of this class can't be
* made persistent by reachability from a persistent node. To make a persistent-capable
* object, class helma.objectmodel.db.Node has to be used.
public class TransientNode implements INode, Serializable {
protected Hashtable propMap, nodeMap;
protected Vector nodes;
protected TransientNode parent;
protected Vector links; // links to this node
protected Vector proplinks; // nodes using this node as property
transient String prototype;
protected String contentType;
protected byte content[];
protected long created;
protected long lastmodified;
protected String id, name;
// is the main identity a named property or an anonymous node in a collection?
protected boolean anonymous = false;
transient DbMapping dbmap;
transient boolean adoptName = true; // little helper to know if this node is being converted
private static long idgen = 0;
public String generateID () {
return "t"+idgen++; // make transient ids differ from persistent ones
public TransientNode () {
id = generateID ();
name = id;
created = lastmodified = System.currentTimeMillis ();
* Make a new TransientNode object with a given name
public TransientNode (String n) {
id = generateID ();
name = n == null || "".equals (n) ? id : n;
created = lastmodified = System.currentTimeMillis ();
public void setDbMapping (DbMapping dbmap) {
this.dbmap = dbmap;
public DbMapping getDbMapping () {
return dbmap;
* navigation-related
public String getID () {
return id;
public boolean isAnonymous () {
return anonymous;
public String getName () {
return name;
public String getElementName () {
return anonymous ? id : name;
public int getState () {
public void setState (int s) {
// state always is TRANSIENT on this kind of node
public String getFullName () {
return getFullName (null);
public String getFullName (INode root) {
String fullname = "";
String divider = null;
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer ();
TransientNode p = this;
while (p != null && p.parent != null && p != root) {
if (divider != null)
b.insert (0, divider);
divider = "/";
b.insert (0, p.getElementName ());
p = p.parent;
return b.toString ();
public void setName (String name) {
// if (name.indexOf('/') > -1)
// throw new RuntimeException ("The name of the node must not contain \"/\".");
if (name == null || name.trim().length() == 0) = id;
else = name;
public String getPrototype () {
return prototype;
public void setPrototype (String proto) {
this.prototype = proto;
public INode getParent () {
return parent;
* INode-related
public void setSubnodeRelation (String rel) {
throw new RuntimeException ("Can't set subnode relation for non-persistent Node.");
public String getSubnodeRelation () {
return null;
public int numberOfNodes () {
return nodes == null ? 0 : nodes.size ();
public INode addNode (INode elem) {
return addNode (elem, numberOfNodes ());
public INode addNode (INode elem, int where) {
if (where < 0 || where > numberOfNodes ())
where = numberOfNodes ();
String n = elem.getName();
if (n.indexOf('/') > -1)
throw new RuntimeException ("The name of a node must not contain \"/\" (slash).");
// IServer.getLogger().log ("adding: "+node+" -- "+node.getContentLength ());
if (nodeMap != null && nodeMap.get (elem.getID ()) != null) {
nodes.removeElement (elem);
where = Math.min (where, numberOfNodes ());
nodes.insertElementAt (elem, where);
return elem;
if (nodeMap == null) nodeMap = new Hashtable ();
if (nodes == null) nodes = new Vector ();
nodeMap.put (elem.getID (), elem);
nodes.insertElementAt (elem, where);
if (elem instanceof TransientNode) {
TransientNode node = (TransientNode) elem;
if (node.parent == null) {
node.parent = this;
node.anonymous = true;
lastmodified = System.currentTimeMillis ();
// Server.throwNodeEvent (new NodeEvent (this, NodeEvent.SUBNODE_ADDED, node));
return elem;
public INode createNode () {
return createNode (null, 0); // where is ignored since this is an anonymous node
public INode createNode (int where) {
return createNode (null, where);
public INode createNode (String nm) {
return createNode (nm, numberOfNodes ()); // where is usually ignored (if nm != null)
public INode createNode (String nm, int where) {
boolean anon = false;
if (nm == null || "".equals (nm.trim ()))
anon = true;
INode n = new TransientNode (nm);
if (anon)
addNode (n, where);
setNode (nm, n);
return n;
* register a node that links to this node.
/* protected void registerLink (TransientNode from) {
if (links == null)
links = new Vector ();
if (!links.contains (from))
links.addElement (from);
} */
public IPathElement getParentElement () {
return getParent ();
public IPathElement getChildElement (String name) {
return getNode (name, false);
public INode getSubnode (String name) {
return getSubnode (name, false);
public INode getSubnode (String name, boolean inherit) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (name, "/");
TransientNode retval = this, runner;
while (st.hasMoreTokens () && retval != null) {
runner = retval;
String next = st.nextToken().trim().toLowerCase ();
if ("".equals (next))
retval = this;
retval = runner.nodeMap == null ? null : (TransientNode) runner.nodeMap.get (next);
if (retval == null)
retval = (TransientNode) runner.getNode (next, inherit);
if (retval == null && inherit && runner == this && parent != null)
retval = (TransientNode) parent.getSubnode (next, inherit);
return retval;
public INode getSubnodeAt (int index) {
return nodes == null ? null : (INode) nodes.elementAt (index);
public int contains (INode n) {
if (n == null || nodes == null)
return -1;
return nodes.indexOf (n);
public boolean remove () {
if (anonymous)
parent.unset (name);
parent.removeNode (this);
return true;
public void removeNode (INode node) {
// IServer.getLogger().log ("removing: "+ node);
releaseNode (node);
TransientNode n = (TransientNode) node;
if (n.getParent () == this && n.anonymous) {
int l = n.links == null ? 0 : n.links.size (); // notify nodes that link to n that n is going down.
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
TransientNode link = (TransientNode) n.links.elementAt (i);
link.releaseNode (n);
if (n.proplinks != null) {
// clean up all nodes that use n as a property
for (Enumeration e1 = n.proplinks.elements (); e1.hasMoreElements (); ) try {
Property p = (Property) e1.nextElement ();
p.node.propMap.remove (p.propname.toLowerCase ());
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
/* for (Enumeration e2 = (); e2.hasMoreElements (); ) {
// tell all nodes that are properties of n that they are no longer used as such
Property p = (Property) n.get ((String) e2.nextElement (), false);
if (p != null && p.type == Property.NODE)
p.unregisterNode ();
} */
// remove all subnodes, giving them a chance to destroy themselves.
Vector v = new Vector (); // removeElement modifies the Vector we are enumerating, so we are extra careful.
for (Enumeration e3 = n.getSubnodes (); e3.hasMoreElements (); ) {
v.addElement (e3.nextElement ());
int m = v.size ();
for (int i=0; i<m; i++) {
n.removeNode ((TransientNode) v.elementAt (i));
if (n.content != null) {
// IServer.getLogger().log ("destroying content of node "+n.getName ());
// ObjectStore.destroy (n.content);
} else {
n.links.removeElement (this);
* "Physically" remove a subnode from the subnodes table.
* the logical stuff necessary for keeping data consistent is done elsewhere (in removeNode).
protected void releaseNode (INode node) {
if (nodes == null || nodeMap == null)
int runner = nodes.indexOf (node);
// this is due to difference between .equals() and ==
while (runner > -1 && nodes.elementAt (runner) != node)
runner = nodes.indexOf (node, Math.min (nodes.size()-1, runner+1));
if (runner > -1)
nodes.removeElementAt (runner);
// nodes.remove (node);
Object what = nodeMap.remove (node.getName ().toLowerCase ());
// Server.throwNodeEvent (new NodeEvent (node, NodeEvent.NODE_REMOVED));
// Server.throwNodeEvent (new NodeEvent (this, NodeEvent.SUBNODE_REMOVED, node));
lastmodified = System.currentTimeMillis ();
// IServer.getLogger().log ("released node "+node +" from "+this+" oldobj = "+what);
public Enumeration getSubnodes () {
return nodes == null ? new Vector ().elements () : nodes.elements ();
* property-related
public Enumeration properties () {
return propMap == null ? new EmptyEnumeration () : propMap.keys ();
private Property getProperty (String propname, boolean inherit) {
Property prop = propMap == null ? null : (Property) propMap.get (propname);
if (prop == null && inherit && parent != null) {
prop = parent.getProperty (propname, inherit);
// check if we have to create a virtual node
if (prop == null && dbmap != null) {
Relation rel = dbmap.getPropertyRelation (propname);
if (rel != null && rel.virtual) {
prop = makeVirtualNode (propname, rel);
return prop;
private Property makeVirtualNode (String propname, Relation rel) {
INode node = new helma.objectmodel.db.Node (rel.propName, rel.prototype, dbmap.getWrappedNodeManager());
// node.setState (TRANSIENT);
// make a db mapping good enough that the virtual node finds its subnodes
DbMapping dbm = new DbMapping ();
dbm.setSubnodeRelation (rel);
dbm.setPropertyRelation (rel);
node.setDbMapping (dbm);
setNode (propname, node);
return (Property) propMap.get (propname);
public IProperty get (String propname, boolean inherit) {
propname = propname.toLowerCase ();
return getProperty (propname, inherit);
public String getString (String propname, String defaultValue, boolean inherit) {
String propValue = getString (propname, inherit);
return propValue == null ? defaultValue : propValue;
public String getString (String propname, boolean inherit) {
propname = propname.toLowerCase ();
Property prop = getProperty (propname, inherit);
try {
return prop.getStringValue ();
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
return null;
public long getInteger (String propname, boolean inherit) {
propname = propname.toLowerCase ();
Property prop = getProperty (propname, inherit);
try {
return prop.getIntegerValue ();
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
return 0;
public double getFloat (String propname, boolean inherit) {
propname = propname.toLowerCase ();
Property prop = getProperty (propname, inherit);
try {
return prop.getFloatValue ();
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
return 0.0;
public Date getDate (String propname, boolean inherit) {
propname = propname.toLowerCase ();
Property prop = getProperty (propname, inherit);
try {
return prop.getDateValue ();
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
return null;
public boolean getBoolean (String propname, boolean inherit) {
propname = propname.toLowerCase ();
Property prop = getProperty (propname, inherit);
try {
return prop.getBooleanValue ();
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
return false;
public INode getNode (String propname, boolean inherit) {
propname = propname.toLowerCase ();
Property prop = getProperty (propname, inherit);
try {
return prop.getNodeValue ();
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
return null;
public Object getJavaObject (String propname, boolean inherit) {
propname = propname.toLowerCase ();
Property prop = getProperty (propname, inherit);
try {
return prop.getJavaObjectValue ();
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
return null;
// create a property if it doesn't exist for this name
private Property initProperty (String propname) {
if (propMap == null)
propMap = new Hashtable ();
propname = propname.trim ();
String p2 = propname.toLowerCase ();
Property prop = (Property) propMap.get (p2);
if (prop == null) {
prop = new Property (propname, this);
propMap.put (p2, prop);
return prop;
public void setString (String propname, String value) {
// IServer.getLogger().log ("setting String prop");
Property prop = initProperty (propname);
try {
prop.setStringValue (value);
// Server.throwNodeEvent (new NodeEvent (this, NodeEvent.PROPERTIES_CHANGED));
} catch (java.text.ParseException x) {
throw new RuntimeException ("Fehler beim Parsen des Datum-Strings");
lastmodified = System.currentTimeMillis ();
public void setInteger (String propname, long value) {
// IServer.getLogger().log ("setting bool prop");
Property prop = initProperty (propname);
prop.setIntegerValue (value);
// Server.throwNodeEvent (new NodeEvent (this, NodeEvent.PROPERTIES_CHANGED));
lastmodified = System.currentTimeMillis ();
public void setFloat (String propname, double value) {
// IServer.getLogger().log ("setting bool prop");
Property prop = initProperty (propname);
prop.setFloatValue (value);
// Server.throwNodeEvent (new NodeEvent (this, NodeEvent.PROPERTIES_CHANGED));
lastmodified = System.currentTimeMillis ();
public void setBoolean (String propname, boolean value) {
// IServer.getLogger().log ("setting bool prop");
Property prop = initProperty (propname);
prop.setBooleanValue (value);
// Server.throwNodeEvent (new NodeEvent (this, NodeEvent.PROPERTIES_CHANGED));
lastmodified = System.currentTimeMillis ();
public void setDate (String propname, Date value) {
// IServer.getLogger().log ("setting date prop");
Property prop = initProperty (propname);
prop.setDateValue (value);
// Server.throwNodeEvent (new NodeEvent (this, NodeEvent.PROPERTIES_CHANGED));
lastmodified = System.currentTimeMillis ();
public void setJavaObject (String propname, Object value) {
// IServer.getLogger().log ("setting date prop");
Property prop = initProperty (propname);
prop.setJavaObjectValue (value);
// Server.throwNodeEvent (new NodeEvent (this, NodeEvent.PROPERTIES_CHANGED));
lastmodified = System.currentTimeMillis ();
public void setNode (String propname, INode value) {
// IServer.getLogger().log ("setting date prop");
Property prop = initProperty (propname);
prop.setNodeValue (value);
// check if the main identity of this node is as a named property
// or as an anonymous node in a collection
if (value instanceof TransientNode) {
TransientNode n = (TransientNode) value;
if (n.parent == null && n.adoptName) { = propname;
n.parent = this;
n.anonymous = false;
lastmodified = System.currentTimeMillis ();
public void unset (String propname) {
if (propMap == null)
try {
Property p = (Property) propMap.remove (propname.toLowerCase ());
lastmodified = System.currentTimeMillis ();
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
/* public String getUrl (INode root, INode users, String tmpname, String rootproto) {
throw new RuntimeException ("HREFs on transient (non-db based) Nodes not supported");
} */
public long lastModified () {
return lastmodified;
public long created () {
return created;
public String toString () {
return "TransientNode " + name;
INode cacheNode;
* Get the cache node for this node. This can be used to store transient cache data per node from Javascript.
public synchronized INode getCacheNode () {
if (cacheNode == null)
cacheNode = new TransientNode();
return cacheNode;