differentiated between the two versions of setParent and

made the one called from script "smart".
added capability of listing properties mapped via a direct
relational mapping, which means getAllUsers works again.
This commit is contained in:
hns 2001-02-08 21:01:04 +00:00
parent a31a28ea02
commit 231750434e

View file

@ -542,13 +542,47 @@ public class Node implements INode, Serializable {
* This version of setParent additionally marks the node as anonymous or non-anonymous,
* depending on the string argument.
* depending on the string argument. This is the version called from the scripting framework,
* while the one argument version is called from within the objectmodel classes only.
public void setParent (Node parent, String propertyName) {
this.parentID = parent == null ? null : parent.getID();
this.parentmap = parent == null ? null : parent.getDbMapping();
// we only do that for relational nodes.
if (dbmap == null || !dbmap.isRelational ())
String oldParentID = parentID;
parentID = parent == null ? null : parent.getID();
parentmap = parent == null ? null : parent.getDbMapping();
if (parentID == null || parentID.equals (oldParentID))
// nothing changed, no need to find access property
if (propertyName == null) {
this.anonymous = true;
// see if we can find out the propertyName by ourselfes by looking at the
// parent's property relation
String newname = null;
if (parentmap != null) {
// first try to retrieve name via generic property relation of parent
Relation prel = parentmap.getPropertyRelation ();
if (prel != null && prel.other == dbmap && prel.direction == Relation.DIRECT) {
// reverse look up property used to access this via parent
String dbfield = prel.getRemoteField ();
if (dbfield != null) {
Relation proprel = (Relation) dbmap.db2prop.get (dbfield);
if (proprel != null && proprel.propname != null)
newname = getString (proprel.propname, false);
// did we find a new name for this
if (newname == null) {
this.anonymous = true;
} else {
this.anonymous = false;
this.name = newname;
} else {
this.anonymous = false;
this.name = propertyName;
@ -855,8 +889,8 @@ public class Node implements INode, Serializable {
snrel += " ORDER BY "+gsrel.order;
node.setSubnodeRelation (snrel);
} else {
subnodes.addElement (node.getID ());
setNode (sid, node);
subnodes.addElement (node.getID ());
return node;
@ -1090,40 +1124,21 @@ public class Node implements INode, Serializable {
public Enumeration properties () {
/* final Relation prel = dbmap == null ? null : dbmap.getPropertyRelation ();
final DbMapping pmap = prel == null ? null : prel.other;
if (pmap != null && pmap.isRelational ()) {
class Enum implements Enumeration {
// get relational property nodes from db
Vector propnodes = nmgr.getNodes (Node.this, prel.subnodesAreProperties ?
dbmap.getSubnodeRelation () : prel);
// add non-relational properties from propMap
Enumeration penum = propMap == null ? null : propMap.elements ();
int size = propnodes.size ();
int psize = propMap == null ? 0 : propMap.size();
int count = 0;
public boolean hasMoreElements () {
return count < size+psize;
public Object nextElement () {
// first deliver local, non-relational properties ....
if (penum != null && penum.hasMoreElements ()) {
return penum.nextElement ();
// .... then the relational ones.
Node n = nmgr.getNode ((String) propnodes.elementAt (count - psize), pmap);
Property prop = new Property (n.getName (), Node.this, n);
return prop;
return new Enum ();
} */
if (dbmap != null && dbmap.prop2db.size() > 0)
// return the properties defined in type.properties, if there are any
return dbmap.prop2db.keys();
return propMap == null ? new EmptyEnumeration () : propMap.keys ();
Relation prel = dbmap == null ? null : dbmap.getPropertyRelation ();
if (prel != null && prel.direction == Relation.DIRECT && !prel.subnodesAreProperties
&& prel.other != null && prel.other.isRelational ())
// return names of objects from a relational db table
return nmgr.getPropertyNames (this, prel).elements ();
else if (propMap != null)
// return the actually explicitly stored properties
return propMap.keys ();
// sorry, no properties for this Node
return new EmptyEnumeration ();
// NOTE: we don't enumerate node properties here
// return propMap == null ? new Vector ().elements () : propMap.elements ();