1283 lines
43 KiB
1283 lines
43 KiB
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This program makes use of the JSDoc module to make a JavaDoc equivalent
# for JavaScript. The template that is used is based on the JavaDoc
# doclet. This program only needs to be invoked with one or more
# JS OO sourcefiles as command-line args.
use strict;
use HTML::Template;
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Find;
use lib dirname($0);
use JSDoc;
use JSDoc::XML;
use JSDoc::XMI;
use JavaScript::Syntax::HTML qw(to_html);
use constant LOCATION => dirname($0) . '/';
use constant MAIN_TMPL => "main.tmpl";
use constant ALLCLASSES_TMPL => 'allclasses-frame.tmpl';
use constant ALLCLASSES_NOFRAME_TMPL => 'allclasses-noframe.tmpl';
use constant OVERVIEW_FRAME_TMPL => 'overview-frame.tmpl';
use constant TREE_TMPL => 'overview-tree.tmpl';
use constant OVERVIEW_TMPL => 'overview-summary.tmpl';
use constant INDEX_TMPL => 'index.tmpl';
use constant DEFAULT_DEST_DIR => 'js_docs_out/';
use constant STYLESHEET => 'stylesheet.css';
use constant HELP_TMPL => 'help-doc.tmpl';
use constant INDEX_ALL_TMPL => 'index-all.tmpl';
use constant CONSTANTS_TMPL => 'constant-values.tmpl';
# Begin main execution
$TIME = localtime();
do '.jsdoc_config';
warn "Error parsing config file: $@\n" if $@;
my @sources;
or die "Can't create output directory $OPTIONS{OUTPUT}: $!\n"
unless (-e $OPTIONS{OUTPUT} && -d $OPTIONS{OUTPUT});
if (@ARGV < 1 || $OPTIONS{HELP} || !(@sources = &load_sources())){
warn "No sourcefiles supplied\n" if !$OPTIONS{HELP};
# Parse the code tree
$CLASSES = &parse_code_tree(@sources);
%FILE_OVERVIEWS = %{delete $CLASSES->{__FILES__}};
die "Nothing to document, exiting\n" unless keys %{$CLASSES};
if ($OPTIONS{FORMAT} eq 'html'){
} elsif ($OPTIONS{FORMAT} eq 'xml') {
} elsif ($OPTIONS{FORMAT} eq 'xmi'){
} else {
die "Unknown data format '$OPTIONS{FORMAT}'\n";
&_log('Completed generating documentation');
# End main execution
# Output a single template
sub output_template {
my ($tmplname, $outname, $params, $relaxed) = (@_);
$OPTIONS{TEMPLATEDIR} =~ s/(\S+)\/$/$1/;
$tmplname = $OPTIONS{TEMPLATEDIR} . "/$tmplname";
die "Template file '$tmplname' not found" unless -e $tmplname;
# Caching templates seems to improve performance quite a lot
if (!$TMPL_CACHE{$tmplname}){
$TMPL_CACHE{$tmplname} = new HTML::Template(
die_on_bad_params => !$relaxed,
filename => $tmplname);
my $tmpl = $TMPL_CACHE{$tmplname};
$outname = sprintf('%s%s', $OPTIONS{OUTPUT}, mangle($outname));
&print_file($outname, $tmpl->output);
# Output data to a file
sub print_file {
my ($fname, $data) = @_;
open FILE, ">$fname"
or die "Couldn't open '$fname' to write: $!\n";
print FILE $data;
close FILE;
# Output HTML documentation in the output directory
sub output_html {
# Output XMI in the output directory
sub output_xmi {
my $xmi = JSDoc::XMI->new(LOCATION);
&print_file("$OPTIONS{OUTPUT}/jsdoc.xmi", $xmi->output($CLASSES));
# Output XML in the output directory
sub output_xml {
my $xml = JSDoc::XML->new(LOCATION);
&print_file("$OPTIONS{OUTPUT}/jsdoc.xml", $xml->output($CLASSES));
# Gather information for each class and output its template
sub output_class_templates {
# Note the class name for later, including classes that aren't defined
# but are used for inheritance
my %seen;
@CLASSNAMES = sort { lc $a->{classname} cmp lc $b->{classname}}
grep { !$seen{$_->{classname}}++ }
(map {classname => $_} ,
grep { not defined $CLASSES->{$_}->{constructor_vars}->{private}
keys %$CLASSES),
(map { classname => $_ }, grep { !defined($$CLASSES{$_}) }
map { $_->{extends} } grep { defined($_->{extends}) }
values %$CLASSES);
die "Nothing to document, exiting\n" unless @CLASSNAMES;
@FILENAMES = map {filename => $_, mangledfilename => mangle($_)},
sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} grep {length $_} keys %FILE_OVERVIEWS;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @CLASSNAMES; $i++){
my $classname = $CLASSNAMES[$i]->{classname};
$CURRENT_CLASS = $classname;
next unless $$CLASSES{$classname};
# Template Parameters
my ($class, $subclasses, $class_summary, @constructor_params,
$next_class, $prev_class, $constructor_attrs, $constructor_detail);
$class= $$CLASSES{$classname};
&add_to_index($class, $classname);
# Set up the constructor and class information
@constructor_params =
$constructor_attrs =
$constructor_detail =
$class_summary = &format_class_attributes($class->{constructor_vars});
$class_summary = &resolve_inner_links($class_summary);
# Navbar information
$next_class = $i + 1 < @CLASSNAMES
? $CLASSNAMES[$i + 1]->{classname}
: undef;
$prev_class = $i > 0 ? $CLASSNAMES[$i - 1]->{classname} : undef;
# Find all the direct subclasses
$subclasses = join( ',',
map qq| <a href="$_.html">$_</a>|,
my $superclass = $class->{extends} || '';
if ($$CLASSES{$superclass}){
$superclass = "<a href='$superclass.html'>$superclass</a>"
&& $$CLASSES{$superclass}->{constructor_vars}->{private});
my $file_overview = $class->{constructor_vars}->{filename} ?
: '';
&output_template(MAIN_TMPL, "$classname.html", {
next_class => $next_class,
prev_class => $prev_class,
file_overview => $file_overview,
superclass => $superclass,
constructor_args => $class->{constructor_args},
constructor_params => \@constructor_params,
constructor_attrs => $constructor_attrs,
constructor_returns => $class->{constructor_vars}->{returns}[0],
class_summary => $class_summary,
class_attribs => $class->{constructor_vars}->{private} ?
'<private>' : '',
constructor_detail => $constructor_detail,
constructor_summary => &get_summary($constructor_detail),
classname => $classname,
subclasses => $subclasses,
class_tree => &build_class_tree($classname, $CLASSES),
fields => &map_fields($class),
methods => &map_methods($class),
method_inheritance => &map_method_inheritance($class),
field_inheritance => &map_field_inheritance($class),
inner_classes => $class->{inner_classes},
project_name => $OPTIONS{PROJECT_NAME},
page_footer => $OPTIONS{PAGE_FOOTER},
ctime => $TIME
}, 1);
# Handle cleaning up / resolving inner links in FILE_OVERVIEWS
sub process_file_overviews {
for my $filename (map{$_->{filename}} @FILENAMES){
my $overview = $FILE_OVERVIEWS{$filename};
my $src = $overview->{src};
$overview->{src} = '';
$overview =
$overview->{src} = $src;
$FILE_OVERVIEWS{$filename} = $overview;
# Output all the non-class template files
sub output_aux_templates(){
unless ($OPTIONS{LOGO} and -f $OPTIONS{LOGO} and -r $OPTIONS{LOGO}){
$OPTIONS{LOGO} and warn "Can't read $OPTIONS{LOGO}";
(grep {
defined($$CLASSES{$_->{classname}}) } @CLASSNAMES)[0]->{classname};
my $summary = &get_overall_summary;
&output_multiple_files_templates if @FILENAMES > 1;
my $stylesheet = LOCATION . STYLESHEET;
die "Stylesheet '$stylesheet' not found" unless -e $stylesheet;
copy ($stylesheet, $OPTIONS{OUTPUT} . STYLESHEET);
sub get_overall_summary {
my $summary;
local $/ = undef;
$summary = <SUMMARY>;
close SUMMARY;
} else {
warn "Can't open $OPTIONS{PROJECT_SUMMARY}";
} elsif (@FILENAMES == 1) {
# If we only have one file and it has an overview, use that overview
my $filename = $FILENAMES[0]->{filename};
if ($FILE_OVERVIEWS{$filename}->{fileoverview}){
$summary = $FILE_OVERVIEWS{$filename}->{fileoverview}[0];
$summary .= "<BR/><BR/>";
while (my ($name, $val) = each %{$FILE_OVERVIEWS{$filename}}){
$summary .= &{$FILE_ATTRS_MAP{$name}}($val)
if $FILE_ATTRS_MAP{$name};
# Output the main (default) page and the help template
sub output_index_and_help_templates {
my ($summary) = @_;
# Output the main index template
&output_template(INDEX_TMPL, 'index.html', {
? 'overview-summary'
multifile => @FILENAMES > 1 });
# Output the help document template
&output_template(HELP_TMPL, 'help-doc.html', {
page_footer => $OPTIONS{PAGE_FOOTER},
ctime => $TIME,
project_name => $OPTIONS{PROJECT_NAME} });
# Output the frames listing all the classes
sub output_classes_frames_templates {
my $classnamesref =
[ grep { defined($$CLASSES{$_->{classname}}) } @CLASSNAMES ];
my $params = {
filename => 'All Classes',
fname_link => '<a href="overview-summary.html" ' .
'target="classFrame">All Classes</a>',
CLASSNAMES => $classnamesref };
if (@FILENAMES < 2){
$params->{project_name} = $OPTIONS{PROJECT_NAME};
$params->{logo} = basename($OPTIONS{LOGO});
&output_template(ALLCLASSES_TMPL, 'allclasses-frame.html', $params);
&output_template(ALLCLASSES_NOFRAME_TMPL, 'allclasses-noframe.html', {
CLASSNAMES => $classnamesref,
project_name => $OPTIONS{PROJECT_NAME},
logo => basename($OPTIONS{LOGO}) });
# Output the overview summary templates
sub output_overview_summaries {
my ($summary) = @_;
my @overviews = map {
name => $_,
link => &mangle("overview-summary-$_.html"),
overview =>
$FILE_OVERVIEWS{$_}{fileoverview}[0] || ' ')
}, sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys(%FILE_OVERVIEWS);
&output_template(OVERVIEW_TMPL, 'overview-summary.html', {
generic => 1,
project_name => $OPTIONS{PROJECT_NAME},
project_title => $OPTIONS{PROJECT_NAME},
page_footer => $OPTIONS{PAGE_FOOTER},
ctime => $TIME,
project_summary => $summary,
is_file_summary => 0,
overviews => \@overviews });
for my $filename (keys %FILE_OVERVIEWS){
my @classes = grep {
($$CLASSES{$_}->{constructor_vars}->{filename} || '') eq $filename
} keys %$CLASSES;
my @class_overviews = sort { lc($a->{name}) cmp lc($b->{name}) }
map {
name => $_,
link => "$_.html",
overview => get_summary(
$CLASSES->{$_}->{constructor_vars}->{class}[0] || ' ')
}, grep { !$CLASSES->{$_}->{constructor_vars}->{private}
|| $OPTIONS{PRIVATE} } @classes;
my %overview = %{$FILE_OVERVIEWS{$filename}};
my $src = delete $overview{src};
my $summary = $overview{fileoverview}[0] ||
"No overview generated for '$filename'";
$summary .= "<BR/><BR/>";
while (my ($name, $val) = each %overview){
$summary .= &{$FILE_ATTRS_MAP{$name}}($val)
if $FILE_ATTRS_MAP{$name};
my @methods =
map {
is_private => $_->{is_private},
method_summary => $_->{method_summary},
is_class_method => $_->{is_class_method},
method_anchor =>
sprintf('%s%s', $_->{is_class_method} ? '!s!' : '',
method_arguments=> $_->{method_arguments},
method_name => $_->{method_name},
type => $_->{type},
file_link => $OPTIONS{GLOBALS_NAME} . ".html"
}, @{&map_methods($$CLASSES{$OPTIONS{GLOBALS_NAME}}, $filename)};
&output_template(OVERVIEW_TMPL, "overview-summary-$filename.html", {
generic => 0,
sourcecode => $OPTIONS{NO_SRC} ? '' : &to_html($src),
project_name => $OPTIONS{PROJECT_NAME},
project_title => $filename,
page_footer => $OPTIONS{PAGE_FOOTER},
ctime => $TIME,
project_summary => $summary,
is_file_summary => 1,
methods => \@methods,
overviews => \@class_overviews });
# Output a summary page about the 'static constant' field values for all
# classes
sub output_const_summary {
my @static_params;
for my $classname (sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } keys %$CLASSES){
my $class = $CLASSES->{$classname};
my @statics = grep { $_->{field_value} =~ /^(?:\d+)|(?:(['"]).*\1)$/}
grep { $_->{field_vars}->{final}} @{$class->{class_fields}};
if (@statics){
push @static_params, {
classname => $classname,
static_values => [map {
name => $_->{field_name},
value => $_->{field_value},
classname => $classname}, @statics] };
&output_template(CONSTANTS_TMPL, 'constant-values.html', {
project_name => $OPTIONS{PROJECT_NAME},
page_footer => $OPTIONS{PAGE_FOOTER},
ctime => $TIME,
classnames => [map {name => $_->{classname}}, @static_params],
static_finals => \@static_params
) if @static_params;
# Method to handle outputting file overview template if
# more than one sourcefile is being processed
sub output_multiple_files_templates {
&output_template(OVERVIEW_FRAME_TMPL, 'overview-frame.html', {
logo => basename($OPTIONS{LOGO}),
project_name => $OPTIONS{PROJECT_NAME},
filenames => \@FILENAMES });
for my $fname (map { $_->{filename}} @FILENAMES){
my @classes = grep {
($$CLASSES{$_}->{constructor_vars}->{filename} || '') eq $fname
} keys %$CLASSES;
#methods under GLOBAL (detached) class
my @methods;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @CLASSNAMES; $i++){
if($CLASSNAMES[$i]->{classname} eq $OPTIONS{GLOBALS_NAME}){
my $class = $$CLASSES{$CLASSNAMES[$i]->{classname}};
for my $method (
sort {lc $a->{mapped_name} cmp lc $b->{mapped_name} }
&& $fname eq $method->{vars}->{filename}){
$method->{filename} = $fname;
push(@methods, $method);
sprintf('overview-%s.html', $fname), {
filename => $fname,
fname_link => $FILE_OVERVIEWS{$fname}
? sprintf('<a href="overview-summary-%s.html"
mangle($fname), $fname)
: $fname,
CLASSNAMES => [map {classname => $_},
grep { !$$CLASSES{$_}->{constructor_vars}->{private}
|| $OPTIONS{PRIVATE} } sort @classes] });
# Mangle a file path so that it can be used as a filename
sub mangle {
local $_ = shift;
# Build the tree representation of the inheritance
# PARAM: Name of the class
sub build_class_tree {
my $classname = shift;
my $class = $$CLASSES{$classname};
my $tree = "";
my @family;
push @family, $classname;
while ($class->{extends} and $class->{extends} ne ""){
my $base = $class->{extends};
if ($$CLASSES{$base}){
$base = "<a href='$base.html'>$base</a>"
&& $$CLASSES{$base}->{constructor_vars}->{private});
} elsif ($class->{constructor_vars}->{base}){
if (my ($bcname, $url) =
=~ /^(\S+)\s(\S.*)$/){
$base = "<a href='$url'>$base</a>";
push @family, $base;
$class = $$CLASSES{$class->{extends}};
push @family, "Object";
my $indent = 3;
$tree = (pop @family) . "\n";
my $name = $_;
while ($name = pop (@family)){
my $instr = " " x $indent;
$tree .= sprintf "%s|\n%s+--%s%s%s\n", $instr, $instr,
$name eq $classname ? "<b>" : "", $name,
$name eq $classname ? "</b>" : "";
$indent += 6;
# Shown if no commandline args are given
sub show_usage(){
print qq{Usage: jsdoc [OPTIONS] <js sourcefiles and/or directories>+
-h | --help Show this message and exit
-r | --recursive Recurse through given directories
-p | --private Show private methods and fields
-d | --directory Specify output directory (defaults to js_docs_out)
-q | --quiet Suppress normal output
--page-footer Specify (html) footer string that will be added to
all docs
--project-name Specify project name for that will be added to docs
--logo Specify a path to a logo to be used in the docs
--project-summary Specify a path to a text file that contains an
overview summary of the project
--no-sources Don't include the source code view
--extensions Provide a comma-separated list of file extensions
to be considered as JavaScript source files
--package-naming Use package-style naming (i.e. keep directory names
in the file path). This is useful if you have multiple
files with the same name, but in different directories.
This option is only useful if --recursive is also used.
--globals-name Specify a 'class name' under which all unattached
methods will be classified. The defaults to GLOBALS
--format Set the output format. The options are html, xml
and xmi, defaulting to html. The others are currently
alpha software.
--template-dir Provide another directory containing HTML templates
--no-lexical-privates Ignore "private" variables and functions that are
lexically defined within constructors
# Take all the command line args as filenames and add them to @SOURCESFILES
sub load_sources(){
my (@filenames, @sources);
my $ext_re = sprintf('%s',
join '|', split /\s*,\s*/, $OPTIONS{EXTENSIONS});
for my $arg (@ARGV){
if (-d $arg) {
$arg =~ s/(.*[^\/])$/$1\//;
find( {
wanted => sub {
push @filenames, {
name => $_,
? substr($_, length($arg))
: (fileparse($_))[0]
} if ((-f and -r and /.+\.$ext_re$/oi) &&
(/^\Q$arg\E[^\/]+$/ || $OPTIONS{RECURSIVE}))
no_chdir => 1 }, $arg);
} elsif (-f $arg){
my $relname = (fileparse($arg))[0];
push @filenames, { name => $arg, relname => $relname };
for (@filenames){
&_log(sprintf 'Loading sources from %s', $_->{name});
open SRC, '<', $_->{name}
or (warn sprintf("Can't open %s, skipping: $!\n", $_->{name})
and next);
local $/ = undef;
push @sources, $_->{relname};
push @sources, \<SRC>;
close SRC;
# Once all sources have been parsed, finds all subclasses
# of $classname
sub find_subclasses(){
my ($classname) = @_;
my @subclasses;
for my $class (keys %$CLASSES){
my $subclassname = $$CLASSES{$class}->{extends};
if ($$CLASSES{$class}->{extends} and
$$CLASSES{$class}->{extends} eq $classname){
push @subclasses, $class;
# Make a summary of a description, cutting it off either at the first
# double newline or the first period followed by whitespace.
# PARAM: $description
sub get_summary {
my ($description) = @_;
my $summary;
if ($description){
($summary) = $description =~ /^(.*?(?:[?!.](?=\s)|\n\n)).*$/gs
or $summary = $description;
} else {
$summary = "";
# Set up all the instance and class methods for one template
# PARAM: A reference to a class
# PARAM: Optional filename, only maps methods for that file (used for GLOBAL)
sub map_methods{
my ($class, $fname) = @_;
my @methods;
for my $mtype (qw(instance_methods class_methods)){
next unless $class->{$mtype};
for my $method (
sort {lc $a->{mapped_name} cmp lc $b->{mapped_name} }
next if $fname && $fname ne $method->{vars}->{filename};
next if (!$OPTIONS{PRIVATE} && $method->{vars}->{private});
$method->{vars}->{returns}[0] =
$method->{vars}->{returns}[0] || $method->{vars}->{return};
my @args = &fetch_args($method->{vars}, \$method->{argument_list});
@args = map { &format_vars($_); $_ } @args;
my $desc = &resolve_inner_links($method->{description});
my $type = &map_return_type($method);
my $ret = $method->{vars}->{returns}[0];
my $attrs = &format_method_attributes($method->{vars});
push @methods, {
method_description => $desc,
method_summary => &get_summary($desc),
method_name => $method->{mapped_name},
method_arguments => $method->{argument_list},
method_params => \@args,
method_returns => $ret,
is_class_method => $mtype eq 'class_methods',
is_private => defined($method->{vars}->{private}),
attributes => $attrs,
type => $type };
# Map a function return type
sub map_return_type {
my ($method) = @_;
#return 'Object' unless $method->{vars}->{type}[0];
my $name = 'Object';
my $link = '';
if (defined($method->{vars}->{type})){
$name = $method->{vars}->{type}[0];
} elsif (defined($method->{vars}->{returns}[0])){
if ($method->{vars}->{returns}[0] =~ s/\s*\{(\S+)(?:\s+([^}]+))?\}//){
$name = $1;
$link = $2;
$method->{vars}->{type} = [$name];
$name =~ s/^\s*(\S.*?)\s*$/$1/;
if ($$CLASSES{$name} || $link){
$link ||= "$name.html";
return qq|<a href="$link">$name</a>|;
# Set up all the instance and class methods for one template
# PARAM: A reference to a class
sub map_fields {
my $class = shift;
my @fields;
# Set up the instance fields
for my $type (qw(instance_fields class_fields)){
next unless $class->{$type};
for (sort {lc $a->{field_name} cmp lc $b->{field_name} }
next if (!$OPTIONS{PRIVATE} && $_->{field_vars}->{private});
my $description = &resolve_inner_links($_->{field_description});
my $const_link = ($_->{field_vars}->{final} &&
($_->{field_value} =~ /^\-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/
|| $_->{field_value} =~ /^(["']).*\1$/))
? $class->{classname} : '';
push @fields, {
field_name => $_->{field_name},
field_description => $description,
field_summary => &get_summary($description),
is_final => defined($_->{field_vars}->{final}),
is_private => defined($_->{field_vars}->{private}),
is_class_field => $type eq 'class_fields',
type => &map_field_type($_),
const_link => $const_link};
# Map a field type
sub map_field_type {
my ($field) = @_;
return 'Object' unless $field->{field_vars}->{type}[0];
my $name = $field->{field_vars}->{type}[0];
$name =~ s/^\s*(\S.*?)\s*$/$1/;
return qq|<a href="$name.html">$name</a>| if $$CLASSES{$name};
# Map all the inherited methods to a template parameter
# PARAM: A reference to a class
sub map_method_inheritance {
my $class = shift;
my @method_inheritance;
# Set up the inherited methods
if ($class->{inherits}){
my $superclassname = $class->{extends};
my $superclass = $$CLASSES{$superclassname};
while ($superclass){
if (!$superclass->{constructor_vars}->{private}
my $methods =
push @method_inheritance, {
superclass_name => $superclassname,
inherited_methods => join(', ',
map(qq|<a href="$superclassname.html#$_">$_</a>|,
$methods, $superclassname)))}
if ($methods and @$methods);
$superclassname = $superclass->{extends};
$superclass = $superclassname ? $$CLASSES{$superclassname} : undef;
# Map all the inherited fields to a template parameter
# PARAM: A reference to a class
sub map_field_inheritance {
my $class = shift;
my @field_inheritance;
# Set up the inherited fields
if ($class->{inherits}){
my $superclassname = $class->{extends};
my $superclass = $$CLASSES{$superclassname};
while ($superclass){
if (!$superclass->{constructor_vars}->{private}
my $fields =
push @field_inheritance, {
superclass_name => $superclassname,
inherited_fields => join(', ',
map(qq|<a href="$superclassname.html#$_">$_</a>|,
&filter_private_fields($fields, $superclassname)))}
if ($fields and @$fields);
$superclassname = $superclass->{extends};
$superclass = $superclassname ? $$CLASSES{$superclassname} : undef;
# Filter out private inherited methods
sub filter_private_methods {
my ($methods, $superclassname) = @_;
my @visible_methods;
for my $method(@$methods){
for my $super_method
push @visible_methods, $method
if $method eq $super_method->{mapped_name} and
(!$super_method->{vars}->{private} || $OPTIONS{PRIVATE});
# Filter out private inherited fields
sub filter_private_fields {
my ($fields, $superclassname) = @_;
my @visible_fields;
for my $field (@$fields){
for my $super_field(@{$$CLASSES{$superclassname}->{instance_fields}}){
push @visible_fields, $field
if $field eq $super_field->{field_name} and
# Adds a class's information to the global INDEX list
sub add_to_index {
my ($class, $classname) = @_;
push @INDEX, {
name => $classname,
class => $classname,
type => '', linkname => ''
if (!$class->{constructor_args}){
$class->{constructor_args} = '';
} else {
push @INDEX, {
name => "$classname$class->{constructor_args}",
class => $classname,
type => 'Constructor in ',
linkname => 'constructor_detail' };
for my $mtype (qw(class_methods instance_methods)){
my $type = sprintf('%s method in ',
$mtype eq 'class_methods' ? 'Class' : 'Instance');
push @INDEX, {
name => "$_->{mapped_name}$_->{argument_list}",
class => $classname,
type => $type,
linkname => $_->{mapped_name}}
for grep {
not($_->{vars}->{private} and not $OPTIONS{PRIVATE})
} @{$class->{$mtype}};
for my $ftype (qw(class_fields instance_fields)){
my $type = sprintf('%s field in ',
$ftype eq 'class_fields' ? 'Class' : 'Instance');
push @INDEX, {
name => $_->{field_name},
class => $classname,
type => $type,
linkname => $_->{field_name}}
for grep {
not($_->{field_vars}->{private} and not $OPTIONS{PRIVATE})
} @{$class->{$ftype}};
# Outputs the index page
sub output_index_template {
@INDEX = sort {lc $a->{name} cmp lc $b->{name}} @INDEX;
my %letters;
for my $item (@INDEX){
my $letter = uc(substr($item->{name}, 0, 1));
$letter = uc(substr($item->{class}, 0, 1)) if $letter eq '';
push @{$letters{$letter}}, $item;
my $letter_list = [map {letter_name => $_},
sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %letters];
&output_template(INDEX_ALL_TMPL, 'index-all.html', {
letters => $letter_list,
project_name => $OPTIONS{PROJECT_NAME},
page_footer => $OPTIONS{PAGE_FOOTER},
ctime => $TIME,
index_list => [map {
letter => $_->{letter_name},
value => $letters{$_->{letter_name}}
}, @{$letter_list}] });
# Recursively builds up the overview tree
sub build_tree {
my $parentclassname = shift || '';
my $ret = "";
for my $cname (map {$_->{classname}} @CLASSNAMES) {
next if $cname eq $OPTIONS{GLOBALS_NAME};
my $class = $$CLASSES{$cname};
my $parent = $class->{extends} || '-';
if ((!$parentclassname && $parent eq '-')
or ($parent eq $parentclassname)) {
$ret .= $$CLASSES{$cname} ? qq{
<LI TYPE="circle">
<A HREF="$cname.html">
} : qq{
<LI TYPE="circle">
my $childrentree .= &build_tree($cname);
$ret = "$ret$childrentree" if $childrentree;
$ret = "<UL>$ret</UL>" unless not $ret;
if ($parentclassname eq ''){
$ret = qq{<UL><LI TYPE="circle">Object</LI>$ret</UL>};
# Outputs the overview tree
sub output_tree_template {
my $tree = &build_tree();
&output_template(TREE_TMPL, 'overview-tree.html', {
classtrees => $tree,
project_name => $OPTIONS{PROJECT_NAME},
page_footer => $OPTIONS{PAGE_FOOTER},
ctime => $TIME }, 1);
# Formats additional non-standard attributes for methods according to user
# configuration
sub format_method_attributes {
my ($attrs) = shift;
my $attributes = '';
while (my ($name, $val) = each %{$attrs}) {
$attributes .= &{$METHOD_ATTRS_MAP{$name}}($val)
if $METHOD_ATTRS_MAP{$name};
# Formats additional non-standard attributes for classes according to user
# configuration
sub format_class_attributes {
my ($attrs) = shift;
my $attributes;
if ($attrs->{class} && @{ $attrs->{class} }){
$attributes = sprintf('<BR/>%s<BR/>', $attrs->{class}[0] || '')
while (my ($name, $val) = each %{$attrs}) {
$attributes .= &{$CLASS_ATTRS_MAP{$name}}($val)
if $CLASS_ATTRS_MAP{$name};
# Parses the command line options
sub parse_cmdline {
$OPTIONS{FORMAT} = 'html';
'private|p' => \$OPTIONS{PRIVATE},
'directory|d=s' => \$OPTIONS{OUTPUT},
'help|h' => \$OPTIONS{HELP},
'recursive|r' => \$OPTIONS{RECURSIVE},
'page-footer=s' => \$OPTIONS{PAGE_FOOTER},
'project-name=s' => \$OPTIONS{PROJECT_NAME},
'project-summary=s' => \$OPTIONS{PROJECT_SUMMARY},
'logo=s' => \$OPTIONS{LOGO},
'globals-name=s' => \$OPTIONS{GLOBALS_NAME},
'quiet|q' => \$OPTIONS{QUIET},
'no-sources' => \$OPTIONS{NO_SRC},
'package-naming' => \$OPTIONS{PACKAGENAMING},
'format=s' => \$OPTIONS{FORMAT},
'extensions=s' => \$OPTIONS{EXTENSIONS},
'no-lexical-privates' => \$OPTIONS{NO_LEXICAL_PRIVATES},
'template-dir=s' => \$OPTIONS{TEMPLATEDIR});
$OPTIONS{OUTPUT} =~ s/([^\/])$/$1\//;
# Resolves links for {@link } items
sub resolve_inner_links {
my $doc = shift;
$doc =~ s{\{\@link\s+([^\}]+)\}}{&format_link($1)}eg if $doc;
return $doc;
# Formats a {@link } item
sub format_link {
my ($link) = shift;
die unless $CURRENT_CLASS;
$link =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
$link =~ s/<[^>]*>//g;
my ($class, $method, $label, $url);
my $class_re = qr/\w+(?:\.\w+)*/;
unless ((($class, $method, $label) =
$link =~ /^($class_re)?#($class_re)\s*(.*)$/)
or (($class, $label) = $link =~ /^($class_re)(?:\s+(.*))?$/)){
if (($url, $label) = $link =~ /^(https?:\/\/\S+)\s+(.*?)\s*$/){
return "<a href='$url'>$label</a>";
} else {
return $link;
if ($class){
unless ($$CLASSES{$class}){
warn "\@link can't find reference $class\n";
return $link;
if (!$method){
$label = $class unless $label;
qq{<a href="$class.html#">$label</a>};
} else {
my $clss = $CLASSES->{$class || $CURRENT_CLASS};
my @methods = (@{$clss->{instance_methods}},
my @fields = (@{$clss->{instance_fields}}, @{$clss->{class_fields}});
my @statics = (@{$clss->{class_methods}}, @{$clss->{class_fields}});
my $ismethod = grep { $_->{mapped_name} eq $method } @methods;
my $isfield = grep { $_->{field_name} eq $method } @fields
unless $ismethod;
my $isstatic = grep {
($_->{field_name} || $_->{mapped_name}) eq $method } @statics;
if ($class){
$label = "$class.$method" . ($ismethod ? '()' : '') unless $label;
if ($ismethod or $isfield){
$method = ($isstatic ? "!s!" : "") . $method;
qq{<a href="$class.html#$method">$label</a>};
} else {
warn "\@link can't find reference $method in $class\n";
} else {
$label = $method . ($ismethod ? "()" : "") unless $label;
$method = ($isstatic ? "!s!" : "") . $method;
qq{<a href="#$method">$label</a>};
# Initializes the customizable maps for @attributes
sub initialize_param_maps {
author =>
sub {
'<B>Author:</B> ' .
join(', ', @{$_[0]}) . "<BR/>"
deprecated =>
sub {
'<B>Deprecated</B> <I>' . ($_[0] ? $_[0]->[0] : '') .
see =>
sub {
'<B>See:</B><UL>- ' .
join('<BR/>- ', map {&format_link($_)} @{$_[0]}) . "</UL>"
version =>
sub {
'<B>Version: </B>' .
join(', ', @{$_[0]}) . '<BR/><BR/>'
requires =>
sub {
'<B>Requires:</B><UL>- ' .
join('<BR/>- ', map {&format_link($_)} @{$_[0]}) . "</UL>"
filename =>
sub {
sprintf '<I>Defined in %s</I><BR/><BR/>',
sprintf("<a href='overview-summary-%s.html'>%s</a>",
mangle($_[0]), $_[0]);
overviewfile =>
sub {
my ($content, $fh) = "";
my $fname = $_[0][0] or return '';
unless(open $fh, "$fname"){
warn "Can't open overview file '$fname' : $!\n";
return '';
{ local $/ = undef; $content .= <$fh> }
close $fh or warn "Couldn't close overview file '$fname'\n";
# Crude manner to strip out extra HTML
$content =~ s/<body>(.*)<\/body>/$1/si;
throws =>
sub {
"<B>Throws:</B><UL>- " .
join("<BR>- ", @{$_[0]}) . "</UL>"
$METHOD_ATTRS_MAP{exception} = $METHOD_ATTRS_MAP{throws};
$METHOD_ATTRS_MAP{$_} = $CLASS_ATTRS_MAP{$_} for qw(author version
deprecated see requires);
$FILE_ATTRS_MAP{$_} = $CLASS_ATTRS_MAP{$_} for qw(author version
see requires);
# Parse the @param or @argument values into name/value pairs and
# return the list of them
sub fetch_args {
my ($vars, $arg_list_ref) = @_;
return unless $vars and $$arg_list_ref;
my (@args, %used);
for my $arg (split /\W+(?<!\$)/, ($$arg_list_ref =~ /\(([^)]*)/)[0]){
for (@{$vars->{param}}){
my ($type, $link, $name, $value) =
(\S+) # type name
(?:\s+(\S+)\s*)? # optional link
(\$?\w+) # parameter name
(.*) # description
next unless $name eq $arg;
$used{$name} = 1;
$type ||= '';
if ($$CLASSES{$type} || $link){
$link ||= "$type.html";
$type = qq|<a href="$link">$type</a>| ;
my $type_regex = qr{\Q$arg\E\b};
$$arg_list_ref =~ s/(?<!gt; )($type_regex)/<$type> $1/
if $type;
push @args, { varname => $name, vardescrip => $value};
for (@{$vars->{param}}){
my ($type, $link, $name, $value)
= /(?:\{\s*(\S+)(?:\s+(\S+)\s*)?\})?\s*(\$?\w+)(.*)/;
next if $used{$name};
push @args, { varname => $name, vardescrip => $value };
sub resolve_synonyms {
my ($item) = @_;
$item->{param} = $item->{param} || $item->{argument};
$item->{returns} = $item->{return} || $item->{returns};
$item->{final} = $item->{final} || $item->{const};
# Log a message to STDOUT if the --quiet switch is not used
sub _log {
print $_[0], "\n" unless $OPTIONS{QUIET};
# Takes a vars hash and resolves {@link}s within it
sub format_vars {
my ($vars) = @_;
for my $key (keys %$vars){
if (ref($vars->{$key}) eq 'ARRAY'){
for (0..$#{$vars->{$key}}){
$vars->{$key}->[$_] = &resolve_inner_links($vars->{$key}->[$_]);
} else {
$vars->{$key} = &resolve_inner_links($vars->{$key});