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* macro rendering a skin
* @param name name of skin
function skin_macro(par) {
if ( par && par.name ) {
* macro-wrapper for href-function
* @param action name of action to call on this prototype, default main
function href_macro(param) { return this.href ((param && param.action) ? param.action : "main"); }
function comment_macro (param) { return renderComment (this, param); }
function content_macro (param) { return this.getContent (); }
function tags_macro (param) { return renderTags (this, param); }
function location_macro (param) { return renderLocation (this, param); }
function link_macro (param) { return renderLink (this, param); }
2002-03-11 14:46:30 +00:00
function headline_macro (param) {
res.write (this.getName ());
* macro formatting list of methods of this prototype
* @param filter actions | functions | macros | templates | skins
* @param skin skin to apply to the docfunction object
* @param separator
* @param desc Description that is passed on to the called skin
function methods_macro (param) {
var skinname = (param.skin) ? param.skin : "list";
var separator = (param.separator) ? param.separator : "";
var arr = this.listChildren ();
var type = this.translateType (param.filter);
var sb = new java.lang.StringBuffer ();
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].getType () == type) {
sb.append (arr[i].renderSkinAsString (skinname, param));
sb.append (separator);
var str = sb.toString ();
if (str.length>0)
return str.substring (0, str.length - separator.length);
return str;
function inheritance_macro (param) {
var action = param.action ? param.action : "main";
var target = param.target ? ('target="' + param.target + '" ') : '';
var obj = this.getParentPrototype ();
if (obj!=null) {
obj = this.inheritanceUtil (obj, param);
if (param.deep=="true") {
while (obj!=null) {
obj = this.inheritanceUtil (obj, param);
function inheritanceUtil (obj, param) {
if (obj.getName ()=="hopobject" && param.hopobject!="true")
return null;
var tmp = new Object ();
for (var i in param)
tmp[i] = param[i];
tmp.href = obj.href ((param.action) ? param.action : "main");
delete tmp.hopobject;
delete tmp.action;
delete tmp.deep;
delete tmp.separator;
res.write (renderLinkTag (tmp));
res.write (obj.getName () + "</a>");
if (obj.getParentPrototype ())
res.write (param.separator);
return obj.getParentPrototype ();
* loops through the parent prototypes and renders a skin on each
* if it has got any functions.
* @param skin
function parentPrototype_macro (param) {
var skinname = (param.skin) ? param.skin : "asParentList";
var obj = this.getParentPrototype ();
while (obj!=null) {
if (obj.listChildren ().length>0) {
obj.renderSkin (skinname);
obj = obj.getParentPrototype ();
* macro rendering a skin depending on wheter this prototype has got
* type-properties or not.
* @param skin
function typeProperties_macro (param) {
var props = this.getTypeProperties ();
if (props!=null && props.getContent ()!="" ) {
var sb = new java.lang.StringBuffer ();
// map of all mappings....
var mappings = props.getMappings ();
// parse type.properties linewise:
var arr = props.getContent ().split ("\n");
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
arr [i] = arr[i].trim ();
// look up in mappings table if line matches:
for (var e = mappings.keys (); e.hasMoreElements (); ) {
var key = e.nextElement ();
2002-12-02 12:23:19 +00:00
var reg = new RegExp ('^' + key + '\\s');
if (arr[i].match (reg)) {
// it matched, wrap line in a link to that prototype:
var docProtoObj = this.getApplication ().getPrototype (mappings.getProperty (key));
if (docProtoObj!=null) {
arr[i] = '<a href="' + docProtoObj.href ("main") + '#typeproperties">' + arr[i] + '</a>';
sb.append (arr[i] + "\n");
var tmp = new Object ();
tmp.content = sb.toString ();
var skinname = (param.skinname) ? param.skinname : "typeproperties";
this.renderSkin (skinname, tmp);