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// DateObject.java
// FESI Copyright (c) Jean-Marc Lugrin, 1999
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package FESI.Data;
import FESI.Exceptions.*;
import FESI.Interpreter.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.text.DateFormat;
public class DateObject extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
private DateObject(ESObject prototype, Evaluator evaluator) {
super(prototype, evaluator, "Date", 7);
// overrides
public String toString() {
return "<Date>";
// overrides
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
return new ESString(new Date().toString());
// overrides
public ESObject doConstruct(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype theObject = null;
ESObject dp = evaluator.getDatePrototype();
theObject= new DatePrototype(dp, evaluator);
int l = arguments.length;
if (l==2 || l == 0) {
theObject.date = new Date();
} else if (l==1) {
double d = arguments[0].doubleValue();
if (Double.isNaN(d)) {
theObject.date = null;
} else {
theObject.date = new Date((long) d);
} else {
int year = arguments[0].toInt32();
if (0 <= year && year<=99) year += 1900;
int month = arguments[1].toInt32();
int day = arguments[2].toInt32();
int hour = (l>3) ? arguments[3].toInt32() : 0;
int minute = (l>4) ? arguments[4].toInt32() : 0;
int second = (l>5) ? arguments[5].toInt32() : 0;
int ms = (l>6) ? arguments[6].toInt32() : 0;
// Using current current locale, set it to the specified time
// System.out.println("YEAR IS " + year);
GregorianCalendar cal =
new GregorianCalendar(year,month,day,hour,minute,second);
if (ms != 0) cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, ms);
theObject.date = cal.getTime();
return theObject;
* Utility function to create the single Date object
* @param evaluator the Evaluator
* @param objectPrototype The Object prototype attached to the evaluator
* @param functionPrototype The Function prototype attached to the evaluator
* @return the Date singleton
public static DateObject makeDateObject(Evaluator evaluator,
ObjectPrototype objectPrototype,
FunctionPrototype functionPrototype) {
DatePrototype datePrototype = new DatePrototype(objectPrototype, evaluator);
DateObject dateObject = new DateObject(functionPrototype, evaluator);
try {
// For datePrototype
class DatePrototypeToString extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeToString(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return (aDate.date == null) ?
new ESString("NaN"):
new ESString(aDate.date.toString());
class DatePrototypeValueOf extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeValueOf(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
if (aDate.date == null) {
return new ESNumber(Double.NaN);
} else {
long t = aDate.date.getTime();
return new ESNumber((double) t);
class DatePrototypeToLocaleString extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeToLocaleString(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
return (aDate.date == null) ?
new ESString("NaN"):
new ESString(df.format(aDate.date));
class DatePrototypeToGMTString extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeToGMTString(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.FULL);
return (aDate.date == null) ?
new ESString("NaN"):
new ESString(df.format(aDate.date));
class DatePrototypeGetYear extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetYear(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
ESValue v = aDate.get(Calendar.YEAR);
return new ESNumber(v.doubleValue());
class DatePrototypeGetFullYear extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetFullYear(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.get(Calendar.YEAR);
class DatePrototypeGetUTCFullYear extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetUTCFullYear(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.getUTC(Calendar.YEAR);
class DatePrototypeGetMonth extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetMonth(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.get(Calendar.MONTH);
class DatePrototypeGetUTCMonth extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetUTCMonth(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.getUTC(Calendar.MONTH);
class DatePrototypeGetDate extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetDate(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
class DatePrototypeGetUTCDate extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetUTCDate(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.getUTC(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
class DatePrototypeGetDay extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetDay(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
// EcmaScript has SUNDAY=0, java SUNDAY=1 - converted in DatePrototype
return aDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
class DatePrototypeGetUTCDay extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetUTCDay(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.getUTC(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
class DatePrototypeGetHours extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetHours(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
class DatePrototypeGetUTCHours extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetUTCHours(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.getUTC(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
class DatePrototypeGetMinutes extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetMinutes(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
class DatePrototypeGetUTCMinutes extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetUTCMinutes(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.getUTC(Calendar.MINUTE);
class DatePrototypeGetSeconds extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetSeconds(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.get(Calendar.SECOND);
class DatePrototypeGetUTCSeconds extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetUTCSeconds(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.getUTC(Calendar.SECOND);
class DatePrototypeGetMilliseconds extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetMilliseconds(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
class DatePrototypeGetUTCMilliseconds extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetUTCMilliseconds(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.getUTC(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
class DatePrototypeSetYear extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetYear(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
ESValue v = aDate.get(Calendar.YEAR);
return aDate.setYear(arguments);
class DatePrototypeSetFullYear extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetFullYear(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setTime(arguments,
new int [] {Calendar.YEAR,Calendar.MONTH,Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH});
class DatePrototypeSetUTCFullYear extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetUTCFullYear(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setUTCTime(arguments,
new int [] {Calendar.YEAR,Calendar.MONTH,Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH});
class DatePrototypeSetMonth extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetMonth(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setTime(arguments,
new int [] {Calendar.MONTH,Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH});
class DatePrototypeSetUTCMonth extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetUTCMonth(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setUTCTime(arguments,
new int [] {Calendar.MONTH,Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH});
class DatePrototypeSetDate extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetDate(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setTime(arguments,
new int [] {Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH});
class DatePrototypeSetUTCDate extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetUTCDate(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setUTCTime(arguments,
new int [] {Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH});
class DatePrototypeSetHours extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetHours(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setTime(arguments,
new int [] {Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY,Calendar.MINUTE,Calendar.SECOND,Calendar.MILLISECOND});
class DatePrototypeSetUTCHours extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetUTCHours(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setUTCTime(arguments,
new int [] {Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY,Calendar.MINUTE,Calendar.SECOND,Calendar.MILLISECOND});
class DatePrototypeSetMinutes extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetMinutes(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setTime(arguments,
new int [] {Calendar.MINUTE,Calendar.SECOND,Calendar.MILLISECOND});
class DatePrototypeSetUTCMinutes extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetUTCMinutes(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setUTCTime(arguments,
new int [] {Calendar.MINUTE,Calendar.SECOND,Calendar.MILLISECOND});
class DatePrototypeSetSeconds extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetSeconds(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setTime(arguments,
new int [] {Calendar.SECOND,Calendar.MILLISECOND});
class DatePrototypeSetUTCSeconds extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetUTCSeconds(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setUTCTime(arguments,
new int [] {Calendar.SECOND,Calendar.MILLISECOND});
class DatePrototypeSetMilliseconds extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetMilliseconds(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setTime(arguments, new int [] {Calendar.MILLISECOND});
class DatePrototypeSetUTCMilliseconds extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetUTCMilliseconds(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
return aDate.setUTCTime(arguments, new int [] {Calendar.MILLISECOND});
class DatePrototypeGetTimezoneOffset extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeGetTimezoneOffset(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getDefault());
TimeZone tz = cal.getTimeZone();
int offset = tz.getOffset(cal.get(Calendar.ERA),
cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 86400000
+ cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) * 3600000
+ cal.get(Calendar.SECOND) * 1000);
// int offset = TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset();
//System.out.println("TimeZone.getDefault().getID(): " + TimeZone.getDefault().getID());
// System.out.println("TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset(): " + TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset());
int minutes = -(offset / 1000 / 60); // convert to minutes
return new ESNumber(minutes);
class DatePrototypeSetTime extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DatePrototypeSetTime(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 0);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
DatePrototype aDate = (DatePrototype) thisObject;
double dateValue = Double.NaN;
if (arguments.length>0) {
dateValue = arguments[0].doubleValue();
if (Double.isNaN(dateValue)) {
aDate.date = null;
} else {
aDate.date = new Date((long) dateValue);
return new ESNumber(dateValue);
// For dateObject
class DateObjectParse extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DateObjectParse(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 1);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
if (arguments.length<=0) {
throw new EcmaScriptException("Missing argument");
String dateString = arguments[0].toString();
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance();
ESValue dateValue = null;
try {
Date date = df.parse(dateString);
dateValue = new ESNumber(date.getTime());
} catch (java.text.ParseException e) {
dateValue = new ESNumber(Double.NaN);
return dateValue;
class DateObjectUTC extends BuiltinFunctionObject {
DateObjectUTC(String name, Evaluator evaluator, FunctionPrototype fp) {
super(fp, evaluator, name, 7);
public ESValue callFunction(ESObject thisObject,
ESValue[] arguments)
throws EcmaScriptException {
int l = arguments.length;
if (l<=2) {
throw new EcmaScriptException("Missing argument");
int year = arguments[0].toInt32();
if (0 <= year && year<=99) year += 1900;
int month = arguments[1].toInt32();
int day = arguments[2].toInt32();
int hour = (l>3) ? arguments[3].toInt32() : 0;
int minute = (l>4) ? arguments[4].toInt32() : 0;
int second = (l>5) ? arguments[5].toInt32() : 0;
int ms = (l>6) ? arguments[6].toInt32() : 0;
Calendar cal =
new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, month);
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day);
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, second);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, ms );
long timeinms = cal.getTime().getTime();
return new ESNumber((double) timeinms);
dateObject.putHiddenProperty("length",new ESNumber(7));
new DateObjectParse("parse", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DateObjectUTC("UTC", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeToString("toString", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeToLocaleString("toLocaleString", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeToGMTString("toGMTString", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeToGMTString("toUTCString", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeValueOf("valueOf", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeValueOf("getTime", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetYear("getYear", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetFullYear("getFullYear", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetUTCFullYear("getUTCFullYear", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetMonth("getMonth", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetUTCMonth("getUTCMonth", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetDate("getDate", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetUTCDate("getUTCDate", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetDay("getDay", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetUTCDay("getUTCDay", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetHours("getHours", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetUTCHours("getUTCHours", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetMinutes("getMinutes", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetUTCMinutes("getUTCMinutes", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetSeconds("getSeconds", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetUTCSeconds("getUTCSeconds", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetMilliseconds("getMilliseconds", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetUTCMilliseconds("getUTCMilliseconds", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetYear("setYear", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetFullYear("setFullYear", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetUTCFullYear("setUTCFullYear", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetMonth("setMonth", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetUTCMonth("setUTCMonth", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetDate("setDate", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetUTCDate("setUTCDate", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetHours("setHours", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetUTCHours("setUTCHours", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetMinutes("setMinutes", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetUTCMinutes("setUTCMinutes", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetSeconds("setSeconds", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetUTCSeconds("setUTCSeconds", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetMilliseconds("setMilliseconds", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetUTCMilliseconds("setUTCMilliseconds", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeGetTimezoneOffset("getTimezoneOffset", evaluator, functionPrototype));
new DatePrototypeSetTime("setTime", evaluator, functionPrototype));
} catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
throw new ProgrammingError(e.getMessage());
return dateObject;