/** * function renders list of tags, language is hardcoded here * @arg number of current argument (for formatting arg1, arg2 etc) * @arg method method-object from which we try to find other prototypes/methods * when we're formatting a see tag */ function render(argCt,docFunc) { var str = ""; if ( this.getKind() == this.ARG ) { str = "arg" + argCt + ": " + format(this.text); } else if ( this.getKind() == this.PARAM ) { str = "Parameter " + this.name; if ( this.text!=null && this.text!="" ) { str += ": " + format(this.text); } } else if ( this.getKind() == this.RETURNS ) { str = "Returns: " + format(this.text); } else if ( this.getKind() == this.AUTHOR ) { str = "by " + format(this.text) + ""; } else if ( this.getKind() == this.VERSION ) { str = "Version " + format(this.text) + ""; } else if ( this.getKind() == this.RELEASE ) { str = "since" + format(this.text) + ""; } else if ( this.getKind() == this.SEE ) { if ( this.text.indexOf("http://")==0 ) { str = '' + this.text + ''; } else { var tmp = new java.lang.String(this.text); tmp = tmp.trim(); var arr = tmp.split("."); var obj = docFunc.getApplication().getDocPrototype(arr[0]); if( arr.length>1 && obj.getFunction(arr[1])!=null ) { str = 'See also: ' + format(tmp) + ''; } else if ( obj!=null ) { str = 'See also: ' + format(tmp) + ''; } } if ( str=="" ) { str = "See also: " + format(this.text); } } return str + "
"; }