 * Helma License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Helma License
 * Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * http://adele.helma.org/download/helma/license.txt
 * Copyright 1998-2005 Helma Software. All Rights Reserved.
 * $RCSfile: Date.js,v $
 * $Author$
 * $Revision$
 * $Date$

 * @fileoverview Adds useful methods to the JavaScript Date type.
 * <br /><br />
 * To use this optional module, its repository needs to be added to the 
 * application, for example by calling app.addRepository('modules/core/Date.js')

Date.ONESECOND    = 1000;
Date.ONEMINUTE    = 60 * Date.ONESECOND;
Date.ONEHOUR      = 60 * Date.ONEMINUTE;
Date.ONEDAY       = 24 * Date.ONEHOUR;
Date.ONEWEEK      =  7 * Date.ONEDAY;
Date.ONEMONTH     = 30 * Date.ONEDAY;
Date.ONEYEAR      = 12 * Date.ONEMONTH;
Date.ISOFORMAT    = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'";

 * Format a Date to a string.
 * For details on the format pattern, see 
 * http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html
 * @param String Format pattern
 * @param Object Java Locale Object (optional)
 * @param Object Java TimeZone Object (optional)
 * @return String formatted Date
 * @see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html
Date.prototype.format = function (format, locale, timezone) {
    if (!format)
        return this.toString();
    var sdf = locale ? new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(format, locale)
                     : new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(format);
    if (timezone && timezone != sdf.getTimeZone())
    return sdf.format(this);

 * set the date/time to UTC by subtracting
 * the timezone offset
Date.prototype.toUtc = function() {
    this.setMinutes(this.getMinutes() + this.getTimezoneOffset());

 * set the date/time to local time by adding
 * the timezone offset
Date.prototype.toLocalTime = function() {
    this.setMinutes(this.getMinutes() - this.getTimezoneOffset());

 * returns the difference between this and another
 * date object in milliseconds
Date.prototype.diff = function(dateObj) {
    return this.getTime() - dateObj.getTime();

 * return the timespan to current date/time or a different Date object
 * @param Object parameter object containing optional properties:
 *        .now = String to use if difference is < 1 minute
 *        .day|days = String to use for single|multiple day(s)
 *        .hour|hours = String to use for single|multiple hour(s)
 *        .minute|minutes = String to use for single|multiple minute(s)
 *        .date = Date object to use for calculating the timespan
 * @return Object containing properties:
 *         .isFuture = (Boolean)
 *         .span = (String) timespan
 * @see Date.prototype.getAge
 * @see Date.prototype.getExpiry
Date.prototype.getTimespan = function(param) {
    if (!param)
        param = {date: new Date()};
    else if (!param.date)
        param.date = new Date();

    var result = {isFuture: this > param.date};
    var diff = Math.abs(param.date.diff(this));
    var age = {days: Math.floor(diff / Date.ONEDAY),
               hours: Math.floor((diff % Date.ONEDAY) / Date.ONEHOUR),
               minutes: Math.floor((diff % Date.ONEHOUR) / Date.ONEMINUTE)};

    if (diff < Date.ONEMINUTE)
        res.write(param.now || "now");
    else {
        var arr = [{one: "day", many: "days"},
                   {one: "hour", many: "hours"},
                   {one: "minute", many: "minutes"}];
        for (var i in arr) {
            var value = age[arr[i].many];
            if (value != 0) {
                var prop = (value == 1 ? arr[i].one : arr[i].many);
                res.write(" ");
                res.write(param[prop] || prop);
                if (i < arr.length -1)
                    res.write(param.delimiter || ", ");
    result.span = res.pop();
    return result;

 * return the past timespan between this Date object and
 * the current Date or a different Date object
 * @see Date.prototype.getTimespan
Date.prototype.getAge = function(param) {
    var age = this.getTimespan(param);
    if (!age.isFuture)
        return age.span;
    return null;

 * return the future timespan between this Date object and
 * the current Date or a different Date object
 * @see Date.prototype.getTimespan
Date.prototype.getExpiry = function(param) {
    var age = this.getTimespan(param);
    if (age.isFuture)
        return age.span;
    return null;

 * checks if a date object equals another date object
 * @param Object Date object to compare
 * @param Int indicating how far the comparison should go
 * @return Boolean
Date.prototype.equals = function(date, extend) {
    if (!extend)
        var extend = Date.ONEDAY;
    switch (extend) {
        case Date.ONESECOND:
            if (this.getSeconds() != date.getSeconds())
                return false;
        case Date.ONEMINUTE:
            if (this.getMinutes() != date.getMinutes())
                return false;
        case Date.ONEHOUR:
            if (this.getHours() != date.getHours())
                return false;
        case Date.ONEDAY:
            if (this.getDate() != date.getDate())
                return false;
        case Date.ONEMONTH:
            if (this.getMonth() != date.getMonth())
                return false;
        case Date.ONEYEAR:
            if (this.getFullYear() != date.getFullYear())
                return false;
    return true;

// prevent any newly added properties from being enumerated
for (var i in Date)
for (var i in Date.prototype)