Changes to standard FESI distribution (1.1.4) for Hop - Added thread field FESI.Interpreter.Evaluator, checks for thread field in FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor to make script execution stoppable. - Added class FESI.Data.FrameworkConstructorObject as Constructor for scripted prototypes. - Changed FESI.Data.ESObject to return ESNull.theNull for undefined global variables. - Changed FESI.Data.ESWrapper to pass through Exception if it already is an EcmaScriptException - Changed FESI.Parser.ParseExcpetion to construct a useful message even if is null. - Changed FESI.Data.ESLoader to convert java.math.BigXXX instances to ESNumber. - Made EcmaScriptFunctionVisitor recognise thisObj - Functions are now assigned to the current thisObject. - Added setPrototype() method to FESI.Data.ESObject to be able to manipulate the prototype after the object was created. - Changed FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor to use .equals instead of == in equal method for helma.framework.core.ESNode objects, since different wrappers may wrap the same object. - Added RequestEvaluator reval field to FESI.Interpreter.Evaluator in order to let ESLoader crate wrappers with correct prototype for path element objects.