/** * macro rendering a skin * @param name name of skin */ function skin_macro(par) { if (par && par.name) { this.renderSkin(par.name); } } /** * macro-wrapper for href-function * @param action name of action to call on this prototype, default main */ function href_macro(param) { return this.href((param && param.action) ? param.action : "main"); } function comment_macro(param) { return renderComment(this, param); } function content_macro(param) { return this.getContent(); } function tags_macro(param) { return renderTags(this, param); } function location_macro(param) { return renderLocation(this, param); } function link_macro(param) { return renderLink(this, param); } //// END OF COPIED FUNCTIONS function linkToManage_macro(param) { if (res.data.rendering != true) { return ('back to manage console'); } } function headline_macro(param) { res.write(this.getName()); } function hrefRoot_macro(param) { var obj = this.getChildElement("prototype_root"); if (obj == null) { var obj = this.getChildElement("prototype_Root"); } if (obj != null) { var action = (param.action) ? param.action : "main"; return obj.href(action); } } /** * list all prototypes of this application * @param skin name of skin to render on prototype * @param separator */ function prototypes_macro(param) { var skin = (param.skin) ? param.skin : "asPrototypeList"; var separator = (param.separator) ? param.separator : ""; var arr = this.listChildren(); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i].renderSkin(skin); if (i < arr.length - 1) res.write(separator); } } /** * list all methods of all prototypes, sort them alphabetically * @param skin name of skin to render on each method * @param skinSeparator name of skin to render as separator between each letters */ function functions_macro(param) { var skinname = (param.skin) ? param.skin : "asListItem"; var skinIndexSeparator = (param.indexSeparator) ? param.indexSeparator : "indexSeparator"; var separator = (param.separator) ? param.separator : ""; var arr = this.listFunctions(); var lastLetter = ""; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].getName().substring(0, 1) != lastLetter) { lastLetter = arr[i].getName().substring(0, 1); var tmp = new Object (); tmp.letter = lastLetter.toUpperCase(); this.renderSkin(skinIndexSeparator, tmp); } arr[i].renderSkin(skinname); if (i < arr.length - 1) res.write(separator); } }