@echo off rem Batch file for Starting Helma with a JDK-like virtual machine. :: Initialize variables :: (don't touch this section) set JAVA_HOME= set HOP_HOME= set HTTP_PORT= set XMLRPC_PORT= set AJP13_PORT= set RMI_PORT= set OPTIONS= :: Set TCP ports for Helma servers :: (comment/uncomment to de/activate) set HTTP_PORT=8080 rem set XMLRPC_PORT=8081 rem set AJP13_PORT=8009 rem set RMI_PORT=5050 :: Uncomment to set HOP_HOME rem set HOP_HOME=c:\program files\helma :: Uncomment to set JAVA_HOME variable rem set JAVA_HOME=c:\program files\java :: Uncomment to pass options to the Java virtual machine rem set JAVA_OPTIONS=-server -Xmx128m ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: No user configuration needed below this line ::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Setting the script path set SCRIPT_DIR=%~d0%~p0 :: Using JAVA_HOME variable if defined. Otherwise, :: Java executable must be contained in PATH variable if "%JAVA_HOME%"=="" goto default set JAVACMD=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java goto end :default set JAVACMD=java :end :: Setting HOP_HOME to script path if undefined if "%HOP_HOME%"=="" ( set HOP_HOME=%SCRIPT_DIR% ) :: Setting the classpath set LIB=%SCRIPT_DIR%lib set JARS=%LIB%\helma.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\jetty.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\crimson.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\xmlrpc.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\village.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\servlet.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\regexp.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\netcomponents.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\jimi.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\apache-dom.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\jdom.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\mail.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\activation.jar set JARS=%JARS%;%LIB%\mysql.jar :: Setting Helma server options if not "%HTTP_PORT%"=="" ( echo Starting HTTP server on port %HTTP_PORT% set OPTIONSS=%OPTIONSS% -w %HTTP_PORT% ) if not "%XMLRPC_PORT%"=="" ( echo Starting XML-RPC server on port %XMLRPC_PORT% set OPTIONSS=%OPTIONSS% -x %XMLRPC_PORT% ) if not "%AJP13_PORT%"=="" ( echo Starting AJP13 listener on port %AJP13_PORT% set OPTIONSS=%OPTIONSS% -jk %AJP13_PORT% ) if not "%RMI_PORT%"=="" ( echo Starting RMI server on port %RMI_PORT% set OPTIONSS=%OPTIONSS% -p %RMI_PORT% ) if not "%HOP_HOME%"=="" ( echo Serving applications from %HOP_HOME% set OPTIONSS=%OPTIONSS% -h %HOP_HOME% ) :: Invoking the Java virtual machine %JAVACMD% %JAVA_OPTIONS% -classpath %JARS% helma.main.Server %OPTIONSS%