This is the README file for the Helma build files as part of the Helma Object Publisher. The build directory consists of the following files: ant.jar build.bat build.xml crimson.jar jaxp.jar README PREREQUISITES ============= The Helma build script is using a software called Ant. Ant is a build system that was developed for the Jakarta Tomcat project. For more information about Ant, see . To run Ant, you also need JDK 1.3 or higher . For checking out the source files from Helma's CVS you also need a local installation of a CVS command-line client. More information about CVS at . STARTING BUILD ============== The build system is started by invoking the shell script appropriate to your platform, ie. for *nix (Linux, NetBSD etc.) and build.bat for Windows systems. You need to modify the script and set the JAVA_HOME to fit your system. The generic syntax is ./build target The parameter "target" specifies one of the build targets listed below. BUILD A SNAPSHOT ================ To build a helma.jar with the most up-to-date version of helma yourself you need to run ./build checkout and ./build snapshot BUILD TARGETS ============= compile Compiles the source files contained in the work/checkout/hop/ directory into the work/classes/ directory (which will be created if necessary). jar Creates a helma.jar file (snapshot) in the lib-directory. The file is named helma-yyyymmdd.jar. javadocs Creates the javadoc API documentation. package Creates the full helma distribution packages and places them in the dist directory. app [name] Gets an application from the cvs, zips/targzs it and places the files in the dist directory. module [name] Gets a module from the cvs, zips it and places the file in the dist directory. --