diff --git a/src/FESI/Interpreter/Interpret.java b/src/FESI/Interpreter/Interpret.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aa6584e..00000000
--- a/src/FESI/Interpreter/Interpret.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1530 +0,0 @@
-// Interpret.java
-// FESI Copyright (c) Jean-Marc Lugrin, 1999
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-package FESI.Interpreter;
-import FESI.Parser.*;
-import FESI.AST.*;
-import FESI.Extensions.Extension;
-import FESI.Extensions.BasicIOInterface;
-// no GUI needed for Hop
-// import FESI.gui.*;
-import FESI.Data.*;
-import FESI.Exceptions.*;
-import java.io.*;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
-import java.util.Properties;
- * A general purpose interpreter for basic command line and GUI interfaces.
- * Load common extensions and provide various useful if limited commands
- * to evaluate and test scripts.
- *
This class can be subclassed, however the interface for subclassing can
- * evolve over time. It may be preferable to write interpreters from scratchs
- * using this one as an example.
- */
-public class Interpret { // removed implements InterpreterCommands
- // Most of the data is protected to allow subclassing the
- // interpreter. They should NOT be used from other classses
- // of this package (at least in FESI), as FESI can be
- // build for other interpreter environments.
- protected static final InputStream originalIn = System.in;
- protected static final PrintStream originalOut = System.out;
- protected static final PrintStream originalErr = System.err;
- protected InputStream inputStream = System.in;
- protected PrintStream printStream = System.out;
- protected PrintStream errorStream = System.err;
- private boolean versionPrinted = false;
- protected boolean interactive = false;
- protected boolean windowOnly = false; // Use MessageBox for alert, and GUI if interactive
- protected boolean isAWT = true; // If false, use Swing (if windowOnly)
- protected boolean anyError = false; // Any error in a test file
- protected boolean anyMainTest = false; // any file processed by -T
- private static String eol = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n");
- protected ESObject document = null;
- protected Evaluator evaluator = new Evaluator();
- protected DataInputStream lineReader = null;
- protected GuiFactory guiFactory = null;
- protected Console console = null;
- // For interactive evaluation - protected for subclass use ONLY
- protected ESValue lastResult = null; // Means last command did not evaluate anything
- protected long timeOfEval= 0; // Valid only if lastResult is not null
- protected long startTime = 0;
- protected ESValue theValue = ESUndefined.theUndefined;
- protected String[] esArgs = new String[0]; // Arguments after -A
- /**
- * Create and initialize the interpreter
- */
- public Interpret() {
- super();
- setupCommands();
- }
- /**
- * Overridable error exit (can be changed by subclass)
- */
- protected void errorExit() {
- System.exit(1);
- }
- /**
- * Exit with a status of 0 if no error was detected and 1 otherwise
- */
- public void exit() {
- System.exit(anyError ? 1 : 0);
- }
- /**
- * Forget any last result of a previous evaluation.
- */
- void clearLastResult() {
- lastResult = null;
- }
- /**
- * Do any standard extension initialization. Can be overriden for
- * specific implementation.
- */
- protected void loadCommonExtensions() {
- try {
- evaluator.addMandatoryExtension("FESI.Extensions.JavaAccess");
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- errorStream.println("Cannot initialize JavaAccess - exiting: " + eol + e);
- e.printStackTrace();
- errorExit();
- }
- try {
- evaluator.addMandatoryExtension("FESI.Extensions.Database");
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- errorStream.println("Cannot initialize Database - exiting: " + eol + e);
- e.printStackTrace();
- errorExit();
- }
- // Note that we use OptinalRegExp, so it is not a problem of the ORO
- // stuff is notpresent.
- try {
- evaluator.addMandatoryExtension("FESI.Extensions.OptionalRegExp");
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- errorStream.println("Cannot initialize OptionalRegExp - exiting: " + eol + e);
- e.printStackTrace();
- errorExit();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Reset the system (including at initialization)
- */
- protected void reset() throws EcmaScriptException {
- if (windowOnly) {
- if (console != null) {
- // A reset from an existing console
- if (isAWT) {
- // reset stream while out of console.
- System.setIn(originalIn);
- System.setOut(originalOut);
- System.setErr(originalErr);
- inputStream = originalIn;
- printStream = originalOut;
- errorStream = originalErr;
- // The AWT window tends to be badly behaved, we can
- // reset it as well
- console.dispose();
- console = null;
- } else {
- // assume Swing
- console.clear();
- }
- }
- }
- // Reset the main evaluator, forgetting all globals
- evaluator.reset();
- if (windowOnly && isAWT) {
- BasicIOInterface basicIOw = null;
- try {
- basicIOw = (BasicIOInterface) evaluator.addMandatoryExtension("FESI.Extensions.BasicIOw");
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- errorStream.println("Cannot initialize BasicIOw - exiting: " + eol + e);
- e.printStackTrace();
- errorExit();
- }
- document = basicIOw.getDocument();
- } else if (windowOnly && !isAWT) {
- BasicIOInterface basicIOs = null;
- try {
- basicIOs = (BasicIOInterface) evaluator.addMandatoryExtension("FESI.Extensions.BasicIOs");
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- errorStream.println("Cannot initialize BasicIOs - exiting: " + eol + e);
- e.printStackTrace();
- errorExit();
- }
- document = basicIOs.getDocument();
- } else {
- BasicIOInterface basicIO = null;
- try {
- basicIO = (BasicIOInterface) evaluator.addMandatoryExtension("FESI.Extensions.BasicIO");
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- errorStream.println("Cannot initialize BasicIO - exiting: " + eol + e);
- e.printStackTrace();
- errorExit();
- }
- document = basicIO.getDocument();
- }
- loadCommonExtensions();
- if (windowOnly && interactive) {
- if (console == null) {
- try {
- if (isAWT) {
- guiFactory = (GuiFactory) Class.forName("FESI.awtgui.AwtGuiFactory").newInstance();
- } else {
- guiFactory = (GuiFactory) Class.forName("FESI.swinggui.SwingGuiFactory").newInstance();
- }
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
- errorStream.println("Cannot load GUI - exiting: " + eol + ex);
- ex.printStackTrace();
- errorExit();
- } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
- errorStream.println("Cannot load GUI - exiting: " + eol + ex);
- ex.printStackTrace();
- errorExit();
- } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
- errorStream.println("Cannot load GUI - exiting: " + eol + ex);
- ex.printStackTrace();
- errorExit();
- }
- }
- console = guiFactory.makeConsole(this, getTitle() ,25,80);
- inputStream = console.getConsoleIn();
- printStream = console.getConsoleOut();
- errorStream = console.getConsoleOut();
- // lineReader = console.getConsoleIn();
- lineReader = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
- System.setIn(inputStream);
- System.setOut(printStream);
- System.setErr(errorStream);
- } else if (interactive) {
- // BufferedReader lineReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
- lineReader = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
- }
- // Wait until IO has been redirected
- try {
- evaluator.addMandatoryExtension("FESI.Extensions.FileIO");
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- errorStream.println("Cannot initialize FileIO - exiting: " + eol + e);
- e.printStackTrace();
- errorExit();
- }
- if (interactive) {
- printVersion();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Print standard version text
- */
- protected void printVersion() {
- printStream.println(Evaluator.getWelcomeText());
- versionPrinted = true;
- }
- /**
- * Display standard about text (for GUI)
- */
- public void displayAboutText() {
- printAbout();
- }
- /**
- * Define the title of the window (to help implementing subclasses)
- */
- protected String getTitle() {
- return "FESI - EcmaScript interpreter";
- }
- /**
- * Print standard ABOUT text
- */
- protected void printAbout() {
- printVersion();
- printStream.println();
- printStream.println("Provided 'as is', use at your own risk, no support available.");
- printStream.println("Can be freely used and redistributed as long as this notice is included.");
- printStream.println("Feedback may be sent to 'jmlugrin@worldcom.ch', but I may not");
- printStream.println("be able (or willing) to answer all mails.");
- }
- /**
- * Print a message waiting for a confirmation from the user
- */
- protected void finalMessage(String str) {
- if (windowOnly && guiFactory != null) {
- MessageBox mb = guiFactory.displayMessageBox("FESI Error", str);
- mb.waitOK();
- } else {
- errorStream.println(str);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Print a short usage guide
- */
- protected void usage() {
- errorStream.println("usage: fesi [-waivD] [-e ext] [-T file] [-h file] [-f file] [-m module] [-o outfile] file -A ...");
- errorStream.println(" -w Use message box for alert and AWT GUI if interactive");
- errorStream.println(" -s As -w, but use Swing instead of AWT");
- errorStream.println(" -i Start interactive read-eval-print loop");
- errorStream.println(" -v display version even if not interactive");
- errorStream.println(" -e ext Load the extension class ext");
- errorStream.println(" -T file Process an estest file, exit 1 if any failure");
- errorStream.println(" -h file Expand the script in an html file");
- errorStream.println(" -D turnon all debug flags");
- errorStream.println(" -f file Load and execute the specified file");
- errorStream.println(" -m module Load and execute the specified module from FESI.path");
- errorStream.println(" -o file Redirect standard output to that file");
- errorStream.println(" file Load file in editor or interpret it");
- errorStream.println(" -- Standard input to load (loaded last if not present)");
- errorStream.println(" -A... Remaining arguments are for EcmaScript args[]");
- errorStream.println(" By default silently interprets stdin");
- errorStream.println();
- }
- /**
- * Process arguments and interpret what is required
- * This is not called by any other routine in FESI.
- * @param args the argument String array
- */
- public void doWork(String args[]) {
- boolean someFileLoaded = false;
- // first pass to handle -i, -w, -s options
- // Selecting the interactive mode and GUI
- for (int i=0; i=args.length) {
- if (! windowOnly) usage();
- finalMessage("-e requires a file parameter");
- if (interactive) errorExit();
- return;
- }
- i++; // Skip file name
- continue OUTTWO;
- } else if (c=='T') {
- if (j=args.length) {
- if (! windowOnly) usage();
- finalMessage("-T requires a file parameter");
- if (interactive) errorExit();
- return;
- }
- i++; // Skip file name
- continue OUTTWO;
- } else if (c=='f') {
- if (j=args.length) {
- if (! windowOnly) usage();
- finalMessage("-f requires a file parameter");
- if (interactive) errorExit();
- return;
- }
- i++; // Skip file name
- continue OUTTWO;
- } else if (c=='m') {
- if (j=args.length) {
- if (! windowOnly) usage();
- finalMessage("-m requires a file parameter");
- if (interactive) errorExit();
- return;
- }
- i++; // Skip file name
- continue OUTTWO;
- } else if (c=='h') {
- if (j=args.length) {
- if (! windowOnly) usage();
- finalMessage("-h requires a file parameter");
- if (interactive) errorExit();
- return;
- }
- i++; // Skip file name
- continue OUTTWO;
- } else if (c=='A') {
- if (j", null),false);
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- finalMessage(e.getMessage() + eol +
- "[[Error loading file '" + fileName + "']]");
- if (interactive) errorExit();
- return;
- }
- }
- // Else a file name to edit
- } else {
- if (interactive && console.supportsEditing()) {
- console.createEditor(fileName);
- } else {
- doLoad(fileName); // If not interactive just load the file
- }
- }
- } // for OUTTHREE
- if (interactive) {
- printStream.println("Interactive read eval print loop - type @help for a list of commands");
- try {
- printStream.print("> "); printStream.flush();
- String line = lineReader.readLine();
- while(line!= null) {
- if (line.startsWith("@")) {
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line);
- String command = null;
- String parameter = null;
- command=st.nextToken().toLowerCase().trim();
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
- parameter = st.nextToken().trim();
- }
- // printStream.println("command '" + command +"'");
- if (Command.executeCommand(this, printStream, command, parameter)) break;
- } else if (!line.equals("")){ // Real evaluation
- while (true) {
- lastResult = null;
- try {
- startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- theValue = evaluator.evaluate(line);
- timeOfEval = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
- lastResult = theValue;
- if (theValue != null) printStream.println("@@ Result: " + theValue.toString());
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- if (e.isIncomplete()) {
- printStream.print("More> "); printStream.flush();
- String moreLine = lineReader.readLine();
- if (moreLine != null) {
- if (moreLine.startsWith("@end")) {
- printStream.println("[[Error: " + e.getMessage() + "]]");
- break; // Terminate with current error
- } else if (moreLine.startsWith("@")) {
- printStream.println("[[Only command @end allowed when reading script end]]");
- printStream.println("[[Command and script ignored]]");
- break;
- }
- line = line + eol + moreLine;
- // printStream.println();
- continue;
- }
- }
- printStream.println("[[Error: " + e.getMessage() + "]]");
- // e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- printStream.println("[[**Uncatched error: " + e + "]]");
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- printStream.print("> "); printStream.flush();
- line = lineReader.readLine();
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- errorStream.println("[[IO error reading line: " + e + "]]");
- errorExit();
- }
- } else { // if !interactive
- if (!someFileLoaded) { // No file on command line, load standard input in batch
- try {
- evaluator.evaluate(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)),
- null, new FileEvaluationSource("", null),false);
- someFileLoaded = true;
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- finalMessage(e.getMessage() +
- eol + "[[Error interpreting standard input]]");
- if (interactive) errorExit();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- // Normal exit - force exit in case other thread where started (awt)
- if (interactive || anyMainTest) exit();
- }
- /**
- * Display the current user directoy
- */
- protected void doPwd() {
- String ud = System.getProperty("user.dir", "");
- printStream.println("[[User directory: " + ud + "]]");
- }
- /**
- * Display the current load path
- */
- protected void doPath() {
- String pathSource = "FESI.path";
- String path = System.getProperty(pathSource, null);
- pathSource = "java.class.path";
- if (path == null) path = System.getProperty("java.class.path",null);
- if (path == null) {
- pathSource = "DEFAULT";
- path = ".";
- }
- printStream.println("[[Load path (" + pathSource + "): " + path + "]]");
- }
- /**
- * Do the command load, loading from a module (via a path)
- * @param moduleName module to load
- */
- protected void doLoad(String moduleName) {
- if (moduleName==null || moduleName.equals("")) {
- printStream.println("[[Module name missing for @load.]]");
- return;
- }
- try {
- try {
- document.putHiddenProperty("URL",
- new ESString("module://" + moduleName));
- } catch (EcmaScriptException ignore) {
- }
- printStream.println("@@ Loading module '" + moduleName + "' . . .");
- startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- theValue = evaluator.evaluateLoadModule(moduleName); // EVALUATION
- timeOfEval = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
- lastResult = theValue;
- if (theValue != null) printStream.println("@@ Resulting in: " + theValue);
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- printStream.println("[[Error loading the module '" + moduleName + "']]");
- printStream.println("[[Error: " + e.getMessage() + "]]");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- printStream.println("[[**Uncatched error: " + e + "]]");
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- try {
- document.putHiddenProperty("URL",
- new ESString("module://"));
- } catch (EcmaScriptException ignore) {
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Load a file from a specified directory and file name.
- * Called by the GUI to load a file found by the file chooser.
- * @param directoryName The name of the directory
- * @param fileName the name of the file
- */
- public void loadFile(String directoryName, String fileName) {
- File directory = new File(directoryName);
- File file = new File(directory, fileName);
- if (file.exists()) {
- try {
- try {
- document.putHiddenProperty("URL",
- new ESString("file://" + file.getCanonicalPath()));
- } catch (EcmaScriptException ignore) {
- } catch (IOException ignore) {
- }
- printStream.println("@@ Loading file '" + file.getPath() + "' . . .");
- theValue = evaluator.evaluateLoadFile(file); // EVALUATION
- if (interactive && theValue != null) {
- printStream.println("@@ Resulting in: " + theValue);
- }
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- errorStream.println(e.getMessage() +
- eol + "[[Error loading file' " + file.getPath() + "']]");
- return;
- } finally {
- try {
- document.putHiddenProperty("URL",
- new ESString("file://"));
- } catch (EcmaScriptException ignore) {
- }
- }
- } else {
- errorStream.println("[[File " + file.getPath() + " not found]]");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Execute a string - return the line number of any error or 0
- * Called by the GUI to load a buffer content.
- * @param text The text to execute
- * @param source The identification of the source
- * @return the line number of any error if possible or 0
- */
- public int executeString(String text, String source) {
- try {
- try {
- document.putHiddenProperty("URL",
- new ESString("source://" + source));
- } catch (EcmaScriptException ignore) {
- }
- printStream.println("@@ Executing '" + source + "' . . .");
- theValue = evaluator.evaluate(text, source); // EVALUATION
- if (interactive && theValue != null) {
- printStream.println("@@ Resulting in: " + theValue);
- }
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- errorStream.println(e.getMessage() +
- eol + "[[Error executing '" + source + "']]");
- return e.getLineNumber();
- } finally {
- try {
- document.putHiddenProperty("URL",
- new ESString("file://"));
- } catch (EcmaScriptException ignore) {
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Load a file given as a parameter
- * @param fileName the name of the file
- */
- protected void doLoadFile(String fileName) {
- // Maybe we have an absolute file name given by the interactive shell
- File file = new File(fileName);
- if (!file.exists()) {
- file = new File(fileName + ".es");
- }
- if (!file.exists()) {
- file = new File(fileName + ".esw");
- }
- if (!file.exists()) {
- file = new File(fileName + ".js");
- }
- if (file.exists()) {
- try {
- try {
- document.putHiddenProperty("URL",
- new ESString("file://" + file.getCanonicalPath()));
- } catch (EcmaScriptException ignore) {
- } catch (IOException ignore) {
- }
- if (interactive)
- printStream.println("@@ Loading file '" + file.getPath() + "' . . .");
- theValue = evaluator.evaluateLoadFile(file); // EVALUATION
- if (interactive && theValue != null) {
- printStream.println("@@ Resulting in: " + theValue);
- }
- } catch (EcmaScriptException e) {
- finalMessage(e.getMessage() +
- eol + "[[Error loading file' " + file.getPath() + "']]");
- if (!interactive) errorExit();
- return;
- } finally {
- try {
- document.putHiddenProperty("URL",
- new ESString("file://"));
- } catch (EcmaScriptException ignore) {
- }
- }
- } else {
- finalMessage("File " + file.getPath() + " not found");
- if (interactive) errorExit();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Expand an html source file containing ")!=-1) {
- inScript = false;
- evaluator.evaluate(script.toString());
- } else if (inScript) {
- script.append(src+eol);
- } else if (srclc.indexOf(" in an .html file") {
- boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter) {
- interpreter.clearLastResult();
- interpreter.doExpand(parameter);
- return false;
- }
- };
- new Command("extensions", "Display the list of loaded extensions") {
- boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter) {
- interpreter.listExtensions();
- return false;
- }
- };
- new Command("help", "Display the list of commands") {
- boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter) {
- interpreter.printHelp();
- return false;
- }
- };
- new Command("list", "List the enumerated properties of the object") {
- boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter) {
- interpreter.listProperties(parameter);
- return false;
- }
- };
- new Command("listAll", "List all properties of the object") {
- boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter) {
- interpreter.listAllProperties(parameter);
- return false;
- }
- };
- new Command("load", "Load a .js, .es or .esw file") {
- boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter) {
- interpreter.clearLastResult();
- interpreter.doLoad(parameter);
- return false;
- }
- };
- new Command("memory", "Give information on available memory") {
- boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter) {
- interpreter.listMemory();
- return false;
- }
- };
- new Command("path", "Display the current load path") {
- boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter) {
- interpreter.doPath();
- return false;
- }
- };
- new Command("pwd", "Display the current user directory") {
- boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter) {
- interpreter.doPwd();
- return false;
- }
- };
- new Command("reset", "Restore the interpreter to the initial state") {
- boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter) {
- interpreter.clearLastResult();
- interpreter.resetEvaluator();
- return false;
- }
- };
- new Command("test", "Execute a test file (.estest)") {
- boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter) {
- interpreter.clearLastResult();
- interpreter.doTest(parameter);
- return false;
- }
- };
- new Command("version", "Display the version of the interpreter") {
- boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter) {
- interpreter.printVersion();
- return false;
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Main interpreter
- * @param args String parameter array
- */
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- Interpret i = new Interpret();
- i.doWork(args);
- }
- * Common code for all commands
- */
-abstract class Command {
- /**
- * Keep track of all commands
- */
- static private Vector allCommands = new Vector();
- protected String name;
- protected String lowerCaseName; // For case insensitive search
- protected String help;
- /**
- * Print the help text of a command
- */
- static void printHelp(PrintStream printStream) {
- for (Enumeration e = allCommands.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
- Command cmd = (Command) e.nextElement();
- printStream.println(" @"+cmd.name+ " - " + cmd.help);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Execute a command
- * @param interpreter The interpreter context
- * @param printStream The output stream to use
- * @param command the command name (as typed)
- * @param parameter the command parameter string
- */
- static boolean executeCommand(Interpret interpreter,
- PrintStream printStream,
- String command,
- String parameter) {
- Vector foundCmds = new Vector();
- String lcCommand = command.toLowerCase();
- for (Enumeration e = allCommands.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
- Command cmd = (Command) e.nextElement();
- if (cmd.lowerCaseName.equals(command)) {
- // Exact same name, execute
- return cmd.doCommand(interpreter, parameter);
- } else if (cmd.lowerCaseName.startsWith(command)) {
- // Prefix, add to list of candidates
- foundCmds.addElement(cmd);
- }
- }
- if (foundCmds.size()==0) {
- printStream.println("@@ Command '" + command + "' not recognized");
- interpreter.printHelp();
- } else if (foundCmds.size()==1) {
- Command cmd = (Command) foundCmds.elementAt(0);
- return cmd.doCommand(interpreter, parameter);
- } else {
- printStream.println("@@ Command More than one command starting with '" +
- command + "'");
- for (Enumeration e = foundCmds.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
- Command cmd = (Command) e.nextElement();
- printStream.println(" @"+cmd.name+ " - " + cmd.help);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Define a new command by name with a specified help string
- */
- Command(String name, String help) {
- this.name = name;
- this.lowerCaseName = "@" + name.toLowerCase();
- this.help = help;
- allCommands.addElement(this);
- }
- /**
- * Execute a command with the specified parameter
- * @param interpreter the interpreter context
- * @param parameter The string parameter
- * @return true if the interpreter must exit
- */
- abstract boolean doCommand(Interpret interpreter, String parameter);